Wednesday, March 30, 2016

So Trumpers out there, how do you feel that your candidate used the child comeback "he started it"? Remind you of what your kids say when you get onto them about fighting in the backseat on a long car trip?
Or how about the other childish action regarding taking back his promise not to run as an independent if he doesn't get the GOP nomination? Kind of like, "do what I say or I will take my ball and go home!"
Now imagine if Trump gets mad because his buddy "Putin" calls him a name or does not want to play nice. "He hurt my feelings! Where is the nuclear football? I will show him who's boss!"
I would address his paranoid reaction to his campaign manager getting busted for assault except it is just to stupid to address.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Trump Façade: image building by misinformation

We are suppose to me in the Information Age. The Internet was originally designed to share information between Universities, the military, and other institutions, and in that it was a brilliant idea. Today Universities, the military and other institutions do use the Internet for its original purpose. The thing is the Internet has failed when it comes to society as a whole, it has been corrupted to such a point we should call this the misinformation age. Here is why.
To me information is data that is useful, verifiable, and factual. This information could be scientific data, economic data, sports scores, even an email with a picture or party invite; all useful. Now as long as it is factual, verifiable, and useful it is information. Now the moment it is not factual, verifiable, or useful to someone for a productive purpose it is misinformation and damaging. Example from sports: If someone reports a game score that says a certain team won by a particular margin when they lost or the score was wrong then that is misinformation and somewhere some sucker will dodge his bookie when he actually won $1000.00.
Science: if a scientists were to claim he could create gold from lead but not describe how so his method could be verified then it is not valid data or information.
Personal : If a person sends a pic of themselves in uniform with the metal of honor when they never served. Misinformation and a bold face lie.
When a politician says they can do something for the country without talking about the plan, pretty much misinformation in the disguise of a tap dance.
The problem here is that there is a person running for president who is taking advantage of people believing everything they see on the Internet and his name is Trump.
He gives misinformation of his finances, his business dealings, his racist and sexist views. He dodged the draft but shows pictures of him in a private military school's uniform and passes it off to people like he served in the armed forces. He says Trump University had a A rating by the BBB when it was pretty much way below that. Hell, I wish I could have passed bad grades in school as A's I'd have had a 4.0 GPA. He has had 4 bankruptcies. If a service member filed for bankruptcy they pretty much get kicked out or at least be in serious trouble. His books could have been written by a used car salesman ( I have read a view, they suck. Why did I read them? Comedy relief)
I'd bring up his divorces but that can happen to anyone and it should be attributed to stuff happens.
Let is just say Trump's image is a façade of misinformation used to build him up into the statue of the perfect president/ God and many people are falling for it because they either don't verify the facts, don't care, or are the type that believe if you post a message in your status on Facebook Bill Gates or Mike Zuckerburg is going to give you money. ( let me say if you feel for that you should just uses your computer to play solitaire and stay off the internet because you will fall for anything and likely get run over by the information superhighway. No offense but if you did fall for that you may need to consider not voting as you obviously cannot make good decisions.) now if this upsets you, well tough. Removing me from your friends list is simple. I may not like your political choices but I won't remove you. I may think your political choice is stupid but it does not mean I think you are stupid as a person. My internet joke about the status thing was a joke as I find the thing nonsense but if it were true to get money that easy, cool. All I ask is you look past the facade, verify the data, check your values, admit the facts, consider the dangers of a candidate whose platform IS based on fear and hate, weigh how much you are willing to sacrifice for that candidate and if that candidate would do the same for you. I don't think any of the candidates would sacrifice much of anything but I believe Trump would not, most egomaniacs and so called "privileged people " would not.

My writing and Christian experience.: I wish I could vote for Jesus for president but......

My writing and Christian experience.: I wish I could vote for Jesus for president but......: On this Presidential election year: One, I think this is the worst field of candidates we have ever had. I support no candidate but will vot...

Saturday, March 26, 2016

I wish I could vote for Jesus for president but......

On this Presidential election year: One, I think this is the worst field of candidates we have ever had. I support no candidate but will vote my conscience and for the best candidate possible. That being said, I will not vote Trump as I know way to much about him and helping elect the next Hitler is not something I want to be on my conscience when I go to meet my maker.
Personally, if I could and he would accept the job, I would vote for Jesus. The only problem being that Trump would sue because he was not born in the U.S. and / or ask for a birth certificate proving Christ is the Son of God even if he saw him descend from heaven and walk on water.
The democrats would say he couldn't be president because separation of church and state plus figure he would overturn abortion laws.
The special interest groups would complain his walking on water endangers some little minnow.
Big business would complain that his ability to provide plenty for everyone cuts into their profits and call him a socialist
Airlines would complain about everyone having wings could put them out of business and try to add a surcharge per wing if you fly using your own wings.
Cable companies would argue that everyone being able to see him descend from heaven without a tv cuts into their advertising revenue and try to get a court order for a blackout.
Ticketmaster would try to sell tickets for $300 dollars a piece when you can witness Jesus second coming for free.
And finally, somebody somewhere will try to make money by selling, at least trying to, bottled water to people in hell.
This is how I feel about politics today.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

My writing and Christian experience.: Do not vote Trump if you love your country!

My writing and Christian experience.: Do not vote Trump if you love your country!: Did the Donald get his butt ripped or what? If you Trump supporters think Trump University is no big deal then I suggest you dig into it a r...

Do not vote Trump if you love your country!

Did the Donald get his butt ripped or what? If you Trump supporters think Trump University is no big deal then I suggest you dig into it a read up on it. Now put yourself in the position of the people who lost their money. If you tell yourself "it serves them right", or "I would not fall for that" and still support Trump then you are falling for it.
I served in the armed forces of this country like my father, family members, and friends. I believe in maintaining a strong military that is headed by a Commander-in-Chief that knows when and when not to use military force. To me that means a president who listens to his advisors, especially those in Uniform. Now when a person says he does not care what the military thinks but wants to implement his own will contrary to sound strategy and orders "just do it" you have someone who does not care about the service members or families but just sees them as cannon fodder. Giving ones life for ones fellow man is most noble, but sacrificing lives for one's ego is pure idiocity.
I am not asking you to support Hillary but I will let you know supporting Trump will put her in the White House. Though Trump has Republican numbers right now they do not reflect reality. Trump's numbers are because of a severely fractured Republican Party. If the party was not in such chaos another candidate would probably be leading. From reading news from all over the net I can tell you come election time many will cross party lines to vote for Hillary, even well known Republicans. I know many hate Hillary Clinton, but don't let that hate lead you to vote Trump. I am not a Hillary fan because of her handling of confidential material and other sensitive matters during her time as Secretary of State. I saw guys busted down for miss handling less classified material in the military.
You want to keep Hillary out of the White House and put in a Republican? Then can Trump and come together behind one candidate, show how to overcome adversity and unite, only then will you have a chance.
One last thing. You want to know why Donald Trump has not be charged for fraud and racketeering by this administration (Democrat) for Trump University or other dealings? Why should they? Trump as the Republican nominee is as good as giving Hillary the Whitehouse and control of congress in the future.
Who am I voting for President? The best candidate for the job. It is not, and never will be, Donald Trump!