Recently, I posted an article about Sarah Palin criticizing Bill Nye the science guy on global warming and not being a scientist. This article gives me two things to address, Bill Nye as a scientist and Global Warming. I would address three things, The third being Sarah Palin is dumber than paint but she does well to prove that every time she opens her mouth.
First I cannot believe I am defending Bill Nye because he is an Atheist, a view I do not share. The thing is, he is a scientist. He employs the the scientific method to test or explain various things, such as natural or man made phenomena. Some may say that they need to be payed while working in their field to qualify but this is not true. Albert Einstein was working as a patent clerk when he came up with his famous theories. Many scientists are professors who teach, are they scientists? Indeed so, they use the scientific method as they teach others doing lab experiments. Bill Nye, who originated in Seattle area, taught and used the scientific method to teach kids about science. He was a professor at Cornell, he worked at Boeing as a mechanical engineer, lot of science to learn for that. He studies the subjects he writes on and has others in the academic arena to consult with. Saying he is not a scientist is beyond ignorant.
As for global warming I will use an item you find as part of most modern Homes and has been proven to work time and time again. Windows are what I am talking about the double paned ones that are filled with argon gas. You see argon tends to block certain wavelength of light, infrared, so heat is not radiated out in the winter or in during summer. Now let's apply this principle to CO2 and global warming.
The heat we get from the sun is indirect really. Sun light passes through the atmosphere where it heats the air as it passes but most of the heat is when the direct sun rays strike an object imparting energy to that object which is in the form of heat. The object radiates that heat energy off in the form of infrared rays. Now CO2 in our atmosphere acts like the argon gas in your window and blocks some of the infrared energy from radiating out into space causing the atmosphere to retain more energy. The more CO2 the less infrared energy is trapped. This has another effect of causing water to heat up putting water vapor in the atmosphere to increase. All this energy in the atmosphere causes an increase in severe weather systems even winter storms believe it or not. This warming is called the greenhouse effect and if you want to see a place with runaway greenhouse effect just look at Venus, global warming to the extreme, not because of its closeness to the sun but because of its atmosphere which is high in co2.
Why does Sarah Palin slam Bill Nye on Global warming? Her family is connected to the oil industry in Alaska. Oh and she is a moron. John McCain still has nightmares about ever picking her as a running mate. Never bet your campaign on the flavor of the month.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Trump wrong on NATO
So Russian planes buzzed a US ship in the Baltic Sea and Trump wants out of NATO. Putin would like nothing more and Trump would oblige him. If you think Russia won't take advantage of US missing from NATO. Oh, Trump knows nothing of the value of the US being there for allies and our best interest. The value is worth more than money, it is in lives.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Allergy sufferers plea
Pollen is so small but when you get a lot of it together it can cause problems like allergies. Stop the madness and pass a ban limiting how much pollen can gather in one spot. Freedom of assembly does not apply to pollen. Sincerely allergy suffers and all cars everywhere!
Friday, April 8, 2016
Very sad what happened at Lackland AFB today. Being a veteran I know there are times you want to takeout your superiors; you think about it but you don't do it. I don't know all the details but will say all veterans, active duty and not, need better access to mental health care. Unless you have served you cannot know how stressful being in the service can be, in peace time or time of war. Congress and the President need to do more than just pay lip service to it. And I don't believe any candidates promises to help veterans; when they get in office that promise goes away just like VA services.
Clueless Trump and the future BOHICA.
Trump has no clue about the real value of NATO. He has no clue on many things. He says he wants to "Make America Great Again " yet he tries to keep his hotel and casino workers from getting better wages by unionizing. I'm not a big fan of some unions because they lose sight of what they are for and become businesses too, but asking for a better wage is ok. Let me translate what "Make America Great Again" actually means for Trump. Make it easy for big business to grow in profits while the little guy pays for it.
A warning for you "Trumpers " , Trump supporters, if he is elected get use to BOHICA. Don't know what it means? You will.
A warning for you "Trumpers " , Trump supporters, if he is elected get use to BOHICA. Don't know what it means? You will.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
My writing and Christian experience.: Goodbye Merle Haggard
My writing and Christian experience.: Goodbye Merle Haggard: So a living legend past into the world of great legends today. Merle Haggard left us on his 79th birthday leaving many in tears but he also ...
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Goodbye Merle Haggard
So a living legend past into the world of great legends today. Merle Haggard left us on his 79th birthday leaving many in tears but he also left us his music so the essence of his talent, his heart, his soul will carry on.
I learned to appreciate Merle Haggard at an early age because my dad listened to country music. I remember times when the radio was on and a Merle Haggard song would play how something in his voice just seemed to reach down deep and sooth my soul; it didn't matter if he was singing "Okie from Muskogee ", "Mama Tried", "Sing Me Back Home", "Working Man Blues", "The Fighting Side of Me", or any of those 60s or early 70s songs. As I grew older I started listening to things other than country music but I still loved listening to Merle, it seemed every song he had on the radio was great. One of my favorite songs of his is a mellow tune called "That's the way Love goes" call me a softy but that is one of the best songs ever made.
Another thing I liked about Merle Haggard is that as time past and things changed he stayed true to country music yet his songs really fit the times no matter the decade. Now he, like so many country legends, is gone and there does not seem anyone waiting in the wings to carry on the "TRUE " country tradition. To day I was listening to a George Jones song, another legend gone, called "Who's going to fill their Shoes" and could not help but feel how appropriate the song is for today. Merle left some pretty big shoes to fill and I don't think any of today's country singers are even worthy of tying the laces. Country music can use some advice: You can put a little rock in my Country but keep your pop out of it!
Rest in peace Mr. Haggard you will be missed but you will touch souls forever!
I learned to appreciate Merle Haggard at an early age because my dad listened to country music. I remember times when the radio was on and a Merle Haggard song would play how something in his voice just seemed to reach down deep and sooth my soul; it didn't matter if he was singing "Okie from Muskogee ", "Mama Tried", "Sing Me Back Home", "Working Man Blues", "The Fighting Side of Me", or any of those 60s or early 70s songs. As I grew older I started listening to things other than country music but I still loved listening to Merle, it seemed every song he had on the radio was great. One of my favorite songs of his is a mellow tune called "That's the way Love goes" call me a softy but that is one of the best songs ever made.
Another thing I liked about Merle Haggard is that as time past and things changed he stayed true to country music yet his songs really fit the times no matter the decade. Now he, like so many country legends, is gone and there does not seem anyone waiting in the wings to carry on the "TRUE " country tradition. To day I was listening to a George Jones song, another legend gone, called "Who's going to fill their Shoes" and could not help but feel how appropriate the song is for today. Merle left some pretty big shoes to fill and I don't think any of today's country singers are even worthy of tying the laces. Country music can use some advice: You can put a little rock in my Country but keep your pop out of it!
Rest in peace Mr. Haggard you will be missed but you will touch souls forever!
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Using lasers to hide the earth from aliens? Come on!
So I read an article about how scientists proposed using lasers to hide the earth from aliens. You see when a planet passes between an observer and its star the light from the star dims a tiny bit; this depends on the size of the planet, the size of the star, and orbital dynamics to name a few factors. This is called a transit and is one way scientists on earth go about finding planets orbiting other stars. Well these scientists have determined that using lasers they can mask the transit of the earth from being viewed from other star systems. Here is one problem I see that the article dead not address: every star has a spectral signature based on the chemical composition of the star which varies with size, age, etc. The light observed broken down into its spectrum will have absorption lines representing light wavelengths that corespondent to certain elements (read up on spectroscopy to learn more). To be effective the laser light would have to mimic the spectrograph of the sun exactly to be effective. This could be complicated due to the nature of laser light. So if during a transit an alien did not observe the dimming of the Suns light they would notice a change in spectrum and deduce there is probably a planet with a reasonably advanced society and something of interest. Better to let the transits be observed naturally so as not to show the earth is nothing but a planet orbiting a star and is of little interest. Let's call it "hiding in plain sight ."
Monday, April 4, 2016
Livable wage and veterans
Things to consider when discussing increasing the minimum wage to a livable wage:
1: The cost of living is not the same across the United States. The cost of living is higher on the west coast than it is on the east coast. Large metropolitan areas have a higher cost of living than rural areas.
2: Not everyone working for minimum wage is a fast food worker, if that were so it would be called the McD's minimum.
3: comparing servicemen to burger flippers to justify not increasing the minimum wage is not logical and is a disservice to veterans. Remember many veterans who get out of the service are trained in skills that transfer over to higher paying jobs. A lot of veterans will work to supplement their education benefits while they go to college or learn another vocation. Trust me, VA educational benefits are not enough to cover all costs, especially if they have a family.
4: How many of us have or had family members who worked for minimum wage? Is it wrong to want a livable wage for those not so fortunate?
5: Tell congress to pay our servicemen better and to quit making our veterans pay for the benefits they already paid for with their service. Ex: my dad served from 1953 to 1973 in the Air Force and part of enlistment said he would have free healthcare for life. Well during the 90's Congress decided to shift retirees over to TRICARE and have the veterans pay for it. The argument back then by congress was: "What other industry gives away free health care?" Here is my reply to congress: "Who keeps your butts free so you can have a cushy job with benefits? Who puts their butts' on the line? Veterans "
1: The cost of living is not the same across the United States. The cost of living is higher on the west coast than it is on the east coast. Large metropolitan areas have a higher cost of living than rural areas.
2: Not everyone working for minimum wage is a fast food worker, if that were so it would be called the McD's minimum.
3: comparing servicemen to burger flippers to justify not increasing the minimum wage is not logical and is a disservice to veterans. Remember many veterans who get out of the service are trained in skills that transfer over to higher paying jobs. A lot of veterans will work to supplement their education benefits while they go to college or learn another vocation. Trust me, VA educational benefits are not enough to cover all costs, especially if they have a family.
4: How many of us have or had family members who worked for minimum wage? Is it wrong to want a livable wage for those not so fortunate?
5: Tell congress to pay our servicemen better and to quit making our veterans pay for the benefits they already paid for with their service. Ex: my dad served from 1953 to 1973 in the Air Force and part of enlistment said he would have free healthcare for life. Well during the 90's Congress decided to shift retirees over to TRICARE and have the veterans pay for it. The argument back then by congress was: "What other industry gives away free health care?" Here is my reply to congress: "Who keeps your butts free so you can have a cushy job with benefits? Who puts their butts' on the line? Veterans "
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Livable wage
I have seen many posts slamming McDonalds or other fast food workers about raising the minimum wage to $15 /hr. I must point out that there are plenty of other industries that pay minimum wage too. Remember there are many working for this wage scale so is it wrong for them to want a wage increase? I've know veterans to take jobs at fast food and other places after they get out to make ends meet until they can find better employment; is it wrong for them to want $15 an hour. Many argue that service members don't get paid that well so why should a burger flipper get $15 an hour. I know many military spouses work fast food joints to earn money for their families so why shouldn't they be paid $15 an hour? So before you slam on workers wanting a livable wage consider ALL the people who work in ALL industries. Finally, is it not the Christian thing to want others to live well?
Saturday, April 2, 2016
The impossibility of Star Wars Star Killer
I finally get a chance to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens and I find I really have to turn off my "disbelief / scientifically impossible " button. Let me address the "Star Killer base". ( yes I know it is just a movie, but common!)
So this big weapon that makes the death stars look like ping pong balls in comparison gets its power by siphoning hot plasma from a star. Some big problems here.
First: Siphoning the plasma itself would require tremendous amounts of energy. You would need a device to pull the plasma from the star and contain it. The device would need so much power you might as well just use that power to power the weapon.
Second: If the weapon was just beams of plasma it could not travel at a speed fast enough to make it a very effective weapon; which would have to be the speed of light. I don't have to break out the old e=mc^2 thing here then manipulate it around to show how impossible this is do I? Let me sum it up like this very simple rudimentary: when you accelerate a mass close to the speed of light the said mass will gain energy hence more mass which requires more energy to keep accelerating so if you work it out you would find to hit the speed of light you would need infinite energy and of course the object would have infinite mass. Not happening.
Third: you would probably blow up the star powering the weapon before you could destroy a targeted planet. "How can that be Chuck? You are taking energy away from the star not putting energy in." Well here it is. You see stars like our sun are in a state of equilibrium where the radiation pressures that push outward are kept in check by the gravity of the star. Now if you take a large amount of plasma which has mass from the star the reduction in mass will mean a reduction in the gravity of that star. And even though you have taken plasma, which is energetic, the radiation pressures created by the star's internal fusion would be greater than the gravitational field and the star would expand and because it is not a natural phenomena it would probably nova.
Fourth: that much energy in the plasma would fry and melt everything on the planet so it would look worse to Darth Vader's mask!
So this big weapon that makes the death stars look like ping pong balls in comparison gets its power by siphoning hot plasma from a star. Some big problems here.
First: Siphoning the plasma itself would require tremendous amounts of energy. You would need a device to pull the plasma from the star and contain it. The device would need so much power you might as well just use that power to power the weapon.
Second: If the weapon was just beams of plasma it could not travel at a speed fast enough to make it a very effective weapon; which would have to be the speed of light. I don't have to break out the old e=mc^2 thing here then manipulate it around to show how impossible this is do I? Let me sum it up like this very simple rudimentary: when you accelerate a mass close to the speed of light the said mass will gain energy hence more mass which requires more energy to keep accelerating so if you work it out you would find to hit the speed of light you would need infinite energy and of course the object would have infinite mass. Not happening.
Third: you would probably blow up the star powering the weapon before you could destroy a targeted planet. "How can that be Chuck? You are taking energy away from the star not putting energy in." Well here it is. You see stars like our sun are in a state of equilibrium where the radiation pressures that push outward are kept in check by the gravity of the star. Now if you take a large amount of plasma which has mass from the star the reduction in mass will mean a reduction in the gravity of that star. And even though you have taken plasma, which is energetic, the radiation pressures created by the star's internal fusion would be greater than the gravitational field and the star would expand and because it is not a natural phenomena it would probably nova.
Fourth: that much energy in the plasma would fry and melt everything on the planet so it would look worse to Darth Vader's mask!
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