If you want to know why I am concerned about a president-elect having such close ties to Russia let me tell you why.
I know many law enforcement people who were upset with Hillary Clinton and her close ties to groups such as Black Lives matter. LEOs were concerned Clinton's policies would make it harder for them to do their jobs and put them at great risk. If I were a police officer I would be worried about any candidate who would put my brother and sister LEOs at risk. I know there is a strain on the relationship of the black community and law enforcement because of recent events, but I am not here to take sides on that issue only to say there needs to more dialogue and training.
As many of you know I am a submarine veteran and I still have a love for that community even though I was medically discharged in 1997 after 11 years of service. I consider those who have served and those who currently serve as my shipmates, brethren of the silent service (add sisters too, since they now allow women to serve on submarines) just like LEOs do. The submarine force is pretty close because we have to rely on each other to keep each other alive. On a submarine we are are own fire department, medical first responders, and security force. We have to learn every system on the boat to earn the submarine warfare designation, our Dolphins. This is not just something you do for a shinny medal, you do it to show you can be counted on in an emergency to operate and save your shipmates if things go bad. You are there for each other, you have each other's back.
The greatest threat to a submarine besides fire and flooding is another submarine, especially and adversary who would love nothing more than to takeout a strategic asset like a Trident Submarine. Trident Submarines are the mainstay of America's Nuclear Triad. A ballistic missile submarine hides below the surface and is hard to detect. Bombers are easy to track, and missile silos can be easily targeted.
Russia does not like our submarines because they are hard to detect and Trident Submarines can launch a retaliatory second strike. It is this fear that deters Russia from using a first strike.
During the Cold War Russia did everything they possibly could to detect our subs, their schedules, and patrol areas. They would have ships designed to look like trawlers but loaded with intelligence gathering equipment loiter in international waters of Submarine ports waiting to track submarines leaving port. They would use spies such as Johnny Walker to learn about submarine communications. Anytime they could they would have one of their own fast attack submarines tail one of ours, and if they thought they could get away with sinking one of our subs without getting caught, they would.
The worst thing that could happen to our Trident Submarines is for their patrol areas and schedules to fall into the hands of Russia. If this were to happen then Russia would stake out those areas and hound our Trident subs. Soon as that takes place then each of those Submarines and their 140+ crews would become targets just waiting for Putin to give the word.
A deep ocean is a good place to hide, and a even better place to cover up a crime or act of war. Every one knows about how hard it was to find the Titanic and how difficult it is to work with ROVs at that depth. Imagine a submarine minding its own business on patrol when suddenly it detects a torpedo but it is too late to avoid.
The torpedo explodes cracking the hull allowing large quantities of water to flood the boat. The Submarine loses power and starts to sink. Those still alive in unflooded compartments are desperately working in the dark trying to regain power, stop the flooding, putting out numerous fires, while at the same time trying to get the stricken sub to the surface. The damage is too great, despite hitting the "chicken switches" which are actually levers used to blow air into the ballast tanks in case of an emergency, the depth gauges show the sub going deeper. Soon everyone realizes they are doomed but they stick to their jobs all the while praying for a miracle. The external pressure on the hull increases squeezing it until and a certain depth, crush depth, the hull can take no more and is crushed like a giant beer can. All onboard are lost, debris is scattered at depth across the ocean floor. An emergency buoy fails to deploy because it was severely damaged in the initial attack. No one will know about the loss until the Trident Submarine fails to report in after its time on alert has passed. The sound of the initial torpedo explosion and the eventual collapse of the Subs hull are captured by hydrophones deployed around the oceans but no one will know they are connected to the loss of the Trident Submarine until it is declared missing and presumed loss. The Navy would then use all of the data they can find to narrow down a search area. Eventually a ROV or ship using sides scan sonar will locate the debris field at great depth. An investigation will take place. The US military will blame the Russians the Russians will say one of our own torpedoes exploded sinking the sub knowing the difficulty of the US Navy proving their argument because of the ocean depth. In the meantime families will be planning memorial services and widows and widowers will try to explain to their Children while the other parent will never return home. 140 or so submariners on eternal patrol.
This is why I am concerned about the possibility of a president-elect being compromised by a foreign power who would love nothing more than to cripple our strategic deterent force. I don't want my shipmates, members of the Silent Service, to go to sea being sitting ducks because their patrol areas were compromised. Lives are on the line.