Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Taking small break
I need to catch up on writing so I am taking this week off. I have to finish a book or two that I am writing and a few short stories or I will never get published.
Monday, January 24, 2011
My love of Naval History. and Rabbits, why are they associated with Easter they don’t lay eggs?
So rabbits and Easter? Ok first let me start by saying I am not talking about a rodent as a Rabbit is a Lagomorphs. (Sounds like a B movie “The attack of the Lagomorphs).
Rabbits and Easter, the only thing I can think of is that rabbits hide in bushes leaving round little presents. Not Easter Eggs and you wouldn’t want to eat them even though they look like cocoa puffs. That is all I got on that subject.
Well now where do I start? Why do I like Naval History? Can I get by with the simple answer that I find it interesting? Probably not, so let’s start with some background.
Well I am the youngest son of a 20 year retired Air Force veteran; that would make you think I would be interested in the Air Force and enlist in that branch but I did not. I joined the Navy, one reason is because I am afraid of heights, and the other is because I wanted to serve in the submarine force. I love submarines, it is the closest you can come to being on a spaceship without leaving the earth, at least that is what I thought as a kid.
My love of Naval history did not start when I joined the Navy, but later after I reported to my first boat (that is what we call subs, boats) the USS Daniel Boone SSBN 629 as a third class electronics technician. At the time I was thinking about applying to the Naval Academy or ROTC and I figured it would not hurt to learn a little naval history. I was lucky that Capt Edward L. Beach USN (retired) published a book called ‘A 200 year History of the United States Navy’ an excellent book which I purchased and read front to back numerous times. (I bought this book in the late 80’s and I still have it)
I eventually lost my interest in becoming a Naval Officer (for various reasons. A shout out to my Friend Jose Rivera he is currently serving as one of those guys) but I did not lose interest in the History of the Navy.
I read biographies on John Paul Jones, David Farragut, Halsey, Nimitz, and many other Naval figures. I found I loved the early history the best, with heroes like Stephen Decatur, James Lawrence, William Bainbridge, Isaac Hull, and many others from the war of 1812. These officers and men were tough and they manned some fine ships like the USS Constitution, USS President, USS Congress, USS Constellation, and the USS Chesapeake. These ships showed the British navy, the most powerful navy at the time, that the US Navy was a force to be reckoned with and so did the Barbary States .
Our Navy was also one of the main reasons the Union came out on top in the Civil War. The Union Navy set up a marvelous blockade that strangled the south, nothing could be shipped in or out. (A few blockade runners managed to succeed in running the blockade, but not enough made it to be of significant help.)
I found the Spanish American war quite interesting. I know many people think of Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders charge up San Juan hill when they talk of the Spanish American War, but I think of two Naval Action: The Battle of Manila bay, and the Battle of Santiago, battles where the US navy demolished the Spanish Navy.
World War I, was mainly a British and German Naval war since the United States entered late but when we did it was our Destroyers that kept the German submarines from strangling the British isles .
World War II saw the United States Navy become the largest and greatest Navy the world has ever scene. Today we still have the Largest and Greatest navy. I find it interesting how a small Navy, brand new, built of wood with a inherited naval tradition (from Britain ) would become the technologically advanced force it is today. That is 200 years of people fighting for change, people fighting against it, and events that forced change. I love it, it is something worth learning, it is something worth teaching.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Kids growing up too fast. And When should you take your dogs drivers license away?
A question that occurs to all of us who have dogs: “When do should you take your dog’s drivers license away?” The answer is right away. Come on it’s counterfeit. Who in their right mind would issue a dog a license? Now you have to consider something else. What type of dog would have a fake license? Probably a bad dog running around with a bad pack, but don’t give your dog away. I figure if your dog can pull off getting a fake license then it must be able to talk and a talking dog is worth money.
The other day I was watching a movie about the revolutionary war and I noticed the main character was a 15 year old boy. This boy was considered a man; well almost he was just shy of his sixteenth birthday. I started thinking about in the past kids grew up faster because they had to in order to survive. The kids would do more and more chores and gain more responsibility as they grew older. This declined as technology developed there was less of a need for the children to pitch in and help. Some parents still have there children do chores to help teach responsibility but not to the point as they did in the past.
Now our children have no need to worry about pitching in to survive and now they have plenty of free time. Kids today, at a very early age, want to be treated like adults, they want to grow up fast but most lack a sense of responsibility. This should be instilled by there parents but more and more often it is not. Now with technology and lack of Parental Responsibility our kids think they can do anything a grown up can do and more with out being responsible. If their actions cause a problem, harming others or breaking the law, they feel that all they need to do to make things right is say “I am sorry”. They do not think they should be held accountable for their actions but still feel they should be treated like an adult. Well as an adult you know “I am sorry” does not absolve you from being held accountable. You do something wrong you pay the price. This is something we as parents should teach our children from birth till their 18th birthday and sometimes beyond. I am not suggesting any method of correction, but I am suggesting instilling a sense of accountability, responsibility, in our children.
Tomorrow: My love of Naval history and Rabbits, why are they associated with Easter they don’t lay eggs?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Why a Health Care Bill is constitutional according to the Constitution according to the Preamble. And Why life doesn’t have a sound track?
Ok we all have watched situation comedies and we have all heard that prerecorded laugh track. You know the one that is supposed to clue the viewer into what is funny. I understand the logic, laughter is infectious and hearing a group of people laughing can make you want to join in on the fun. Now imagine if life had a laugh track. Not good. There are sometimes when laughter might just do more harm than good, like those intimate moments with a significant other, Showering after Gym, anytime in a public restroom when bodily functions are accompanied by bodily noises. Imagine those time. How embarrassing and what an abuse of the laugh track. (Only the Disney Channel abuses the laugh track that bad.) So if someone decides to offer you a laugh track for life, just say no.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
These words are the preamble to the constitution; the greatest legal document. If you notice the words there are two that standout, General Welfare. This means by definition to provide for the general well being of the citizens of our country. One thing that helps with the General Welfare is to provide access to affordable healthcare for everyone. Healthy and happy citizens help make a healthy nation.
My question how can a healthcare plan for the citizens of our country be unconstitutional when it provides for the General Welfare? By the preamble it cannot be unconstitutional.
As usual forgive my Typos.
Tomorrow: Kids growing up too fast. And When should you take your dogs drivers license away?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A look at my sanity
Well today I thought it might be a good thing to explain some of my Blog. You will notice that I start off with something weird then finish with something more serious. Well I do this for a couple of reason, one to exercise my sense of humor (what little there may be, two I think it is good to relax and open your mind before you get into something serious like The Constitution.
I always found that when I was in school I learned more from teachers that were relaxed and easing going, you know the ones with a sense of humor. I figure this should work for most people and try to incorporate this into my writing.
So no I do not have a weird obsession with rodents, hamsters are my favorite animals, well next to penguins. So no I am not into small rodents. I’ll leave that to certain actors (or where the rodents into them. Never mind I don’t want to know).
Besides liking to have a good laugh now and again I love to learn and even teach others what I have learned or tell people how I see things in the hopes it might be of some help. I may joke around even when I am writing about history or other subject I love but when it comes down to it I value these subjects and take them serious for these are the building blocks of our future.
I am blowing off proof reading this as I am running out of time till bed time. So Catch you all tomorrow. The topics: Why a Health Care Bill is constitutional according to the Constitution according to the Preamble. And Why life doesn’t have a sound track?
Monday, January 17, 2011
Social Responsibility and why are some of the weirdest and funniest looking animals in Australia? I'll give some examples.
Well here we are a new week and how better to start it off a holiday and a new Blog. Yes, once again I allow a glimpse into my inner self, the essence of me, what a person might call my psyche or mind.
Well over the weekend I have pondered many things and I have found myself wondering about God’s sense of humor. Yes he has one. How else to you explain the platypus? Why I was contemplating this? I noticed that besides the Platypus God had placed many other interesting animals in Australia . Yes the land down under seems to have a menagerie of comical looking beasts. Below I will list a few.
Platypus I know I mentioned it already but come on? Tell me this animal was not put together with left over parts. It’s a mammal, has a duck like bill, a beaver tail, and lays eggs, and so it can be taken serious the mail has poisonous spurs on its hind legs.
Kangaroo First off it hops has a big tail and a pouch to raise its young. Plus the real meaning of Kangaroo according to myth is “I don’t understand you” supposedly this is what the aboriginal peoples said when asked what the animal’s name was.
Koala Natures true teddy bear that eats eucalyptus leaves. I wonder if they ever need cough drops?
Emus The big ugly bird that is sometimes raised for meat. Keep KFC away from this bird. They would need a deep fat fryer the size of a hot tub.
Echidna Related to the platypus, this is another animal that lays eggs. Kind of a porcupine anteater.
Australian Funnel-web Spider Had to isolate this bad boy. A nasty Arachnid.
There are many others these are only a few. But think about they are all weird, except the spider
Look where these guys live, Australia .
Now on to my look at Social Reponsibility.
Our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, a wonderful instrument that is key to playing the song of freedom, gives us rights and power. This is good and when used responsibly there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. The problem is people seem to think that since they have rights they cannot be held responsible for what happens when they exercise these rights. They can care less as long as they can do what they want, when, and where they want.
We have our free speech, our freedom of religion, our right to assemble, free press, the right to petition these are our first amendment rights the ones we can actively use every day. These should be called our active rights. (Not getting into Right to bear arms) These are powerful weapons that can be used to bring about justice, to point out wrongs and make them right, to let the people be heard, to help shape our government. There is a problem these are all too frequently used with out regard to how they may negatively affect others. The turmoil it might cause in our society for no other reason than to spread hate.
We need to think before we exercise our rights, consider others, and consider what we are trying to say. We need to be responsible to society, to each other and use our rights in a responsible way. Maybe the Bill of Rights should have contained a responsibility clause but who would determine what responsible use is? The individual, each one of us.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Responsibility in politics and the media, plus why daytime talk shows are our best defense against space aliens.
First I still have the sinus thing so typos and grammatical errors, well I am sorry.
Ok let us start out with what concerns everybody, something that keeps us up at nights; Space Aliens. Come on how many times have you lay awake at night worrying about those little green or grey men from Zeta Reticuli, where ever that is. Well I am here to put those fears to rest. We have a defense shield, unintentional and manmade.
First off understand that what protects us is also what let them little guys no where we are. A guy from Italy named Marconi invented this thing called the radio and man in his great wisdom used this contraption to transmit all kinds of stuff, like music, news and other entertainment. Well our far off neighbors were cruising around their little space turf and wham, they start picking up this weird signal from a little blue planet far away. Well they paid little attention until around the 1920’s they started picking up TV signals and they said “Hey let’s check this out.” About 20 or so light years away from earth they hit what I call the Springer, Maury, Montel barrier.
This is a protective shield of crappy TV that scares the hell out of highly intelligent beings. This barrier currently extends about 20 Light years from Earth and expands at the rate of 1 year per year. The aliens hit this area, see the shows and say’s “We were wrong these beings cannot be intelligent and actually seem to moving backwards in development. Do we contact these people and risk contaminating our culture? No let’s turn around now before it is too late.” I mean think about the shows and subject matter? Need I say more?
The second part of the blog. We teach our children not to call people names because it is not nice. We teach them so think before they speak. Can someone teach politicians and certain news outlets the same lessons? Just because some one or group thinks different than you, is it necessary to call them pinheads? I mean you are trying to show why your way is a better way and you are trying to sound intelligent; why act like a child and name call? Why?
Facts, Facts, not names.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
My take on the 2nd amendment and Why Sci-Fi is bad for traffic jams.
It was a sad weekend for our Nation and especially the people of Arizona . I want to send my sympathies and Prayers to those affected by this tragedy.
Okay let us look at why Sci-Fi is bad for Traffic Jams. Check out the scenario below:
A super sci-fi fan is heading home from his job as a programmer for some big software company.
He is driving an all-electric car one of the few futuristic things he owns and something he should have recharged the night before. He is driving along, hmmm, let us say I-5, 405, I-90, or 520, or any other high traffic roadways in the Seattle area. (Yes Seattle , come on he is a sci-fi nerd where else would he be?) He is put-putting along then wham, traffic just comes to a complete stop. He is in a hurry and wants to get home before his favorite show comes on. (He forgot to set up his cable box to record it.) He looks to his GPS the one with the pleasant female voice and the only female voice he’ll here all day besides the one gothic co-worker who works down the hall.
He tries desperately to find an alternate route to no use; he is stuck. He starts to stew.
To take his mind off things he thinks of different sci-fi shows and some of the fancy gadgets that will exist in the future, like flying cars. He thinks about how when he was younger he thought the flying car would exist by now and he feels let down, he stews a little more.
An hour or so goes by and he wishes there was a transporter to instantly, well transport him from one place to another. He realizes this will probably never happen and again he stews.
His anger is stewed enough where he dreams of phasers and photon torpedoes to blast away the vehicles in front of him to clear his way. This bit puts a smile on his face for a moment.
Hours later, the sun long set, his show half way over, and his car battery about dead the traffic lets up and he is free. Still stewing he hurries as fast as the Energizer Bunny can carry him but 5 minutes his home his car dies. He wishes his darn car ran on something more futuristic some endless supply of power and he reaches the boiling point. Behind him he sees head lights approach right up to his bumper, angry he flips the bird to the newcomer. Blue lights flash and he really wants that transporter. Traffic and Sci-Fi bad combo.
The 2nd Amendment another highly debated part of the Bill of Rights. There are different interpretations as there are stars in the sky it seems. Some people see it as the right to posses a gun and use it how ever they want. Others believe it is to keep the government in check, still others see it a basic right for defense of family and property.
Intent is the key here. What was the intent of our founding fathers? To understand that, we need to understand the situation at the time the constitution was written. In the beginning of our country we did not have a real standing army to protect the country and its citizens from the external dangers (other nations)
And most towns did not have law enforcement. Seeing the writers of the constitution wrote the amendment so our nation would be protected. The intent was not for the citizens to raise arms against the government if they were to become dissatisfied. The constitution is written to take the dissatisfied citizens, the freedom of speech, the right to assembly, and change our representation (our lawmakers and therefore laws).
In our modern times with our Armed forces (including the National Guard our states’ militia) we do not have to rely on a militia to protect our Nation and way of life. Some may use this argument as reason to repeal (I don’t think it can done) the second amendment, I do not agree. Why I believe that there is virtually no need for citizens to form a militia to protect us today, I do believe in the right to bear arms to protect ones self and family. I also believe there our individuals who should not have access to firearms because they are either criminal elements, unstable, or both. There is the rub. How do you determine who should not posses a gun? Hard to do.
I do not own a firearm, nor do I want to ever, but I will not limit some ones write to as longs as they are competent and do not intend to use it for criminal purposes.
Never should violence be used in our country to change our lawmakers, use the constitution not abuse it.
Any errors are because I am watching the BCS Championship.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Why the ends don’t justify the means and why is cheese the last meal a mouse eats.
First I will apologize for this being late, sorry. Now on to main event; the crap I put on here that some might find entertaining.
First, why is cheese the last meal a mouse eats? Fairly simple, it’s what the trap was baited with. Do you think a mouse would want cheese for a last meal? I would want prime rib, baked potato with the works, Broccoli (yes the vegetable some consider evil), Corn on the cob, a big slab of chocolate cake, and an ice cold Coke to wash it down. But I am not a mouse so what do I know?
Why the ends do not always justify the means? Well if the means, the way you go about doing things, steps on toes of the innocent then the end result is not enough to justify it. Unfortunately this happens all over, from the individual person all the way to the corporation and even nations.
Dictators rule by fear then flaunt their own low crime statistics (not that the statistics are accurate, they are not) while the innocent are tortured and punished.
The company that mistreats its workers to offer low prices and big profits.
The government worker who kills the funding for poor to save money and receive a bonus.
The drug dealer who sells drugs to buy whatever they want.
These examples have victims that are not considered only the end result is and there are many more that I have not listed. We all have seen it, and some of us have, probably everyone, used the “Ends justifies the means” philosophy. No matter how you look at it if there is an innocent victim it is not right.
Well a weekend break and I’ll be back next week spouting off more of this stuff and boring the readers to heaven. Pardon any errors just a little tired.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A little of my history and why hamsters are short.
As per usual I will start with the simple stuff first. Why hamsters are short? Because they are rodents and if they were 6 feet tall how would they fit in a hamster wheel? Imagine filling the 50 gallon water bottle, kids won’t fill a normal size one as it is. What about when the inevitable when the darn thing passes away? How ya going to keep the kids from noticing that 300 lb Mr. Fluffy is not just taking a long nap before he goes to live on a farm in the country. How do you explain the big hole dug in the back yard? Kind of hard to explain the Glad body bag.
Ok enough of the hamster talk let us talk about me or at least a little of my History.
I was born in 1968 in Ohio , Wright-Patterson AFB to be exact. I was mainly raised in Carrabelle , Florida a small fishing town on the Northern Gulf coast. Carrabelle is a nice quite town but said to say it did not have much to offer me, but that is just me. I joined the Navy right after High School and volunteered for Submarines, I always loved them.
I was stationed on 3 subs on of them twice. My first sub, and where I qualified and received my Dolphins, was the USS Daniel Boone SSBN 629 homeported out of Charleston , S.C. but refitted out of Kingsbay , Georgia . I was on that boat from 87 to 89 then I transferred to Bangor , Washington near Seattle .
The boat I was assigned to was the USS Florida SSBN 728, an Ohio class Trident submarine. I stayed on that boat till 1991 then it was off to shore duty as an Instructor for a couple years.
After instructor duty I was sent to the USS Michigan SSBN 727 for a few years then back to the USS Florida my last submarine. I was medically discharged in 1997 but that is another story.
I liked the sub service it had its ups and down, laugh it’s a pun, met some great and not so great people. I received some great schooling in Electronics and navigation systems. I loved being a technician, I loved troubleshooting finding out what went wrong and fixing it. If I had my way that is all I would have done in the navy, be a technician, but the needs of the navy said otherwise.
Now I am basically retired, I still consider myself a submariner and always will just like I consider myself a technician, it is in my nature. If something goes wrong, I want to know what, why, when, and if it can be repaired. Sometimes, when a family member or friend’s computer or other electronic device fails, I am asked to take a look at it. I act like it is a bother but I really enjoy it. I like finding the answer, probably why I like watching “House”, now there is a troubleshooter, a little too much of an Easter Egger for my taste though.
Well due to a pain in the neck, a real one not a person, I will cut this short and post it.
Tomorrow: Why the ends don’t justify the means and Why is cheese the last meal a mouse eats.
I really have to get away from these rodent topics.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Why we need to know our History, and Gift Certificates that might not be a good idea.
Ok let’s tackle the easiest on first. Gift Certificates great things for when you don’t now what to give or for those who have a habit of returning gifts. They are offered by many businesses for products or services; but there are a few that might not be a good idea to give or receive. I will list a few below:
Gift Certificate for Psychological Services –imagine the message this sends.
Gift Certificate for Dental Work –It might be a good thing but someone might be offended.
Gift Certificate for Plastic Surgery –See above
Now let us look at a scenario. You are pressed for time, an important day is approaching and you do not know what to get for your significant other. By chance you are looking through some newspaper or magazine and “Pow” it hits you; there on a page is an advertisement for plastic surgery specifically a gift certificate. You remember your significant other complaining about a certain part of their body they wish could be better. After a moment, a very brief moment, you said why not. You bounce the idea off a friend or co-worker; they smile and say you might as well get one for Therapy and dental too. You think it is a great idea and charge out the door before the person explains that they were joking.
You arrive home with card and certificates in hand on the important day proud of yourself.
Here is why you should not be proud and why you will be the one using the certificate.
Upon opening the card (at first there is a smile) your significant looks at each certificate and the smile vanishes, or that is the last thing you remember.
You wake up in the hospital wondering why you are there. You want to ask a question but find your jaw is wired shut and your nose hurts like hell. Still not clear on what happened you check out but when you checkout you are told the stay was covered by your Dental and Plastic surgery gift certificates. As you go to leave you are handed an appointment card for a therapist and told the sessions were covered by the Psychology Certificate. Lucky you right?
The lesson here is never by a gift that insinuates your significant other has a problem it might come back to bite you or at least keep you from biting. No one likes being told about their flaws especially on those important dates.
Ok now that I got that crap out of my system let’s get on to history.
When I was in the Navy I had a shipmate who was complaining about his son’s report card, specifically the grade in history. It was not because his son did bad that his son had to take history in the first place. According to my shipmate history is useless. I was taken aback. I am a history buff and find history very useful; in fact I think it is the most important subject.
I think we learn from our past, mistakes and successes, and these lessons are what we should use to shape our future. When I see memorial with the inscription “Lest we forget” I take it onboard I try to understand the event, the people, and what I would do in the situation.
I believe if we forget our past, we limit our future.
I believe if we forget our past, we are bound to make the same mistakes over and over again.
I believe if we forget our past, we forget our successes and how to succeed.
I believe if we forget our past, we lose our understanding of our fellow man.
I believe if we forget our past, we forget ourselves.
History it is the stuff futures are made of!
Tomorrow a little of my history and why hamsters are short.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
“The Constitution and Freedom of Religion” or “Why is it so cold?”
Yesterday, I said I would write on one of two subjects. If you read my blog or the title of todays, you know which ones. Well I decided to cover the simple one: Why is it so cold?
After considerable thought and research I have determined it is cold because, it is winter.
Ok that was short and sweet, maybe too short. So I guess I have to cover Freedom of Religion, probably the most controversial and debated Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution. Well it is part of the 1st amendment which includes freedom of speech, right to petition, and assembly; so one can only expect to have controversy here, not as bad as that third amendment, that quartering thing, that is abused all the time. (Actually it isn’t but I could not resist.)
Most people think of prayer in school and “In God We Trust” on our currency, some are for some are against. The pledge of allegiance is another one, people get stuck on the “One nation under God”; I think that is a minor thing but others do not.
The main argument for people wanting prayer in School, “In God We Trust”, or the Pledge of Allegiance is that our founding fathers were men of God. Well yes and no, while most were, there were significant differences in there beliefs. Some of our Founding Fathers were Quakers, Catholics, Anglican, and an Atheist or two. Thomas Jefferson was thought to be a deist while John Adams was a Unitarian. The Point here is that they had different views on religion but understood it would not be right for them to use the government to force their beliefs on the populace. They knew this because they had experienced what government sanctioned religion could do; it could limit freedom and opportunities.
At the time of the American Revolution and quite a few years before, the British (United Kingdom , depends on what year you are talking about) had a policy to limit who could hold office: such as government, Military, even Royal. Using laws such as the Test Act (not a written test. don’t you hate those?) that required an oath to renounce the Pope before one could hold office. Others that were excluded from office were Jews, Muslims, and pretty much anyone who was not part of a sanctioned government religion. (I.E the Church of England) Talk about being limited in what you could do. Lucky for us we have the 1st Amendment; the law in the UK was changed in the mid 1800’s (It was the UK then all that Act of Union stuff had taken place by then.)
It is not just because of limiting of public office stuff that the Freedom of Religion was added to the Constitution (yes added to as part of The Bill Of Rights not written into the main part, but that is another story for another day), most people just don’t like being told what and when you can worship or even that you have to believe in God. Oh if you are thinking I am an atheist for arguing for the separation of Church and State your wrong I am a Christian and believe the only way to keep my freedom to worship is if the Government keeps their nose out.
I do think we would have had fewer problems if the founding fathers would have used a more modern and politically correct term like “belief system” this would have been a catch and would have included atheists so we would not have their beliefs jammed down our throats. Imagine debating politically correct language during the Constitutional Convention, we’d still be governed under the Articles of Confederation (no not the Southern Confederates).
So you can take away organized prayer in school, you can take away “In god we trust” from my money, and you can take “One nation under God” from the pledge of Allegiance, Just don’t take away my Freedom of Religion.
Monday, January 3, 2011
A New Year, A New Blog.
Well here we are just a few days into the New Year and I have finally started one of my New Year’s Resolutions, a daily blog, at least on the weekdays.
For all of you who do not know who I am, I am Charles Parmele but go by Chuck. If you want to know more just check this blog out and you will get a better picture of me, well my thoughts and how I perceive things. Keep in mind that the key word is perceive as in how I see things, how my mind process this based on past experience to come up with a final product, an idea.
I know that some of my ideas might not match up to other people’s, but that is ok I am an individual just as you are, and this is good. Also if you don’t like it I will not say “tough luck” like some people out there; if you can provide a logical argument I’ll take it onboard and who knows it might help me see things differently. Now if your input is something along the lines of “That is stupid” or “you suck” well guess what I’ll most likely do? You got it, I will ignore you. I will leave the post so others can enjoy your awesome literary abilities. I think it will be positive here though.
Now leaving on a positive note I’ll give you a hint of what I may write about tomorrow.
“The Constitution and Freedom of Religion” or “Why is it so cold?”
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