Monday, January 17, 2011

Social Responsibility and why are some of the weirdest and funniest looking animals in Australia? I'll give some examples.

Well here we are a new week and how better to start it off a holiday and a new Blog. Yes, once again I allow a glimpse into my inner self, the essence of me, what a person might call my psyche or mind.
Well over the weekend I have pondered many things and I have found myself wondering about God’s sense of humor. Yes he has one. How else to you explain the platypus? Why I was contemplating this? I noticed that besides the Platypus God had placed many other interesting animals in Australia. Yes the land down under seems to have a menagerie of comical looking beasts. Below I will list a few.

Platypus          I know I mentioned it already but come on? Tell me this animal was not put together with left over parts. It’s a mammal, has a duck like bill, a beaver tail, and lays eggs, and so it can be taken serious the mail has poisonous spurs on its hind legs.

Kangaroo        First off it hops has a big tail and a pouch to raise its young. Plus the real meaning of Kangaroo according to myth is “I don’t understand you” supposedly this is what the aboriginal peoples said when asked what the animal’s name was.

Koala               Natures true teddy bear that eats eucalyptus leaves. I wonder if they ever need cough drops?

Emus               The big ugly bird that is sometimes raised for meat. Keep KFC away from this bird. They would need a deep fat fryer the size of a hot tub.

Echidna           Related to the platypus, this is another animal that lays eggs. Kind of a porcupine anteater.

Australian Funnel-web Spider            Had to isolate this bad boy. A nasty Arachnid.

There are many others these are only a few. But think about they are all weird, except the spider
Look where these guys live, Australia.

Now on to my look at Social Reponsibility.

Our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, a wonderful instrument that is key to playing the song of freedom, gives us rights and power. This is good and when used responsibly there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. The problem is people seem to think that since they have rights they cannot be held responsible for what happens when they exercise these rights. They can care less as long as they can do what they want, when, and where they want.
We have our free speech, our freedom of religion, our right to assemble, free press, the right to petition these are our first amendment rights the ones we can actively use every day. These should be called our active rights. (Not getting into Right to bear arms) These are powerful weapons that can be used to bring about justice, to point out wrongs and make them right, to let the people be heard, to help shape our government. There is a problem these are all too frequently used with out regard to how they may negatively affect others. The turmoil it might cause in our society for no other reason than to spread hate.
We need to think before we exercise our rights, consider others, and consider what we are trying to say. We need to be responsible to society, to each other and use our rights in a responsible way. Maybe the Bill of Rights should have contained a responsibility clause but who would determine what responsible use is? The individual, each one of us.

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