Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
I'm not famous so I am nothing. God does not think so why should you?
First I want to apologize for the delay in posting. Had a little tummy trouble. Now onto the heart.
So, have you ever watched TV, a sporting event, concert or the news and said "Wow, it would be cool to be like that."? Have you saw someone you know and envied them about their success? I admit I have.
Have you ever lay in bed at night thinking I have done nothing notable in my life? I admit I have. Now, consider this: have you really done nothing meaningful? You probably have and God knows it.
While meany of us today envy those famous actors, sports figures, singers, artists, and rich people we really do not have to, no need to envy them at all. We have God to turn to and he is the one who will judge your worthy life and in the end you will be blessed with all the riches of heaven and those famous people will probably envy you! Why? Because your worthy life will be the ultimate trophy of life. I am not saying that all those "famous" people will not make it to heaven, I am sure some will but that is the Lord's call to make.
Now what is a worthy life? To believe in Jesus, The son of God, is our savior and to live a life according to his Word, to Love one another. It is best to bestow on others kindness and love in order to build up heavenly treasures. What is it for a man to gain the world if he loses his soul? Not Good.
And remember that God thinks so much of you that he gave his Son so you may have eternal life and gain the treasures of heaven. So next time consider this when thinking your life is not worth that of another. Be kind, believe in Christ, and love one another as Jesus does.
God Bless.
Monday, March 23, 2015
My next blog topic
I am thinking about writing about fame and how not being famous does not mean your life is meaningless. No life is meaningless in the Eyes of the Lord. I will elaborate on this later.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
My writing and Christian experience.: When in dark seek the Light, Jesus
My writing and Christian experience.: When in dark seek the Light, Jesus: As I write this I am sitting in the dark, the only light is from my IPad and the Alarm clock on the dresser. Outside it is raining, cold, an...
When in dark seek the Light, Jesus
As I write this I am sitting in the dark, the only light is from my IPad and the Alarm clock on the dresser. Outside it is raining, cold, and just as dark as it is here in my bedroom. At this moment I am not concerned about the darkness like I use to be for I have Light that guides and comforts me. This has not always been the case; in years past I was in darkness even in the light of day, I was in spiritual darkness, the worst kind.
This period of darkness lasted years until just recently when I chose to turn back to the Lord. Notice I said "turn back to the Lord" for I was lucky enough to hear about Jesus at a young age. I believe that it was that exposure to the Word of God and his Love that kept me going and protected me when I was drowning in darkness, a darkness I chose to bring on myself. You see when I left home I gained freedom that I had not known before and though my parents taught me well I still let that freedom go to my head. Yes, I joined the Navy out of high school and learned military discipline but I still had freedom to do things I could not do before. I guess many faced this before and like myself lost sight of the future and Christ and fell for the pursuit of "having a good time". I started drinking, picking up women, and just partying when I could. (No drugs)
One thing I did not do was pay attention to the Lord and in so doing I let my life get Dark, terribly dark to the point I could not see the future even if I wanted to see it. All this took a toll on me mentally and physically, it also cost me my first marriage not to mention time with my children. An ugly time, but the Lord and fate brought me to another going through a dark period, my wife Diana. Now the Light did not click on immediately after meeting Diana, we both walked awhile in the dark together and eventually helped each other get back to the Light a little at a time.
Now I am no longer in the dark for I have looked back to the Light, and If I start to lose sight of Christ again I have a beacon next to me to guide me back.
Now this is not an in depth Testement or anything else, it is just a brief word about what the Word of God can do and how the Light of the Lord can lift the darkness and spare you from eternal night no matter who you are. So if you need to overcome the cold lonely darkness I suggest you look to Jesus As he is the Light, go to his word and read the Gospel or have someone explain it to you. The darkness might not lift at once but you will see the Light even if it seems to be the light of a distant candle, follow that light to God's eternal day.
Here is why Jesus is the Light and Life, it is summed up in my favorite verse "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life " John 3:16
God Bless
Thursday, March 19, 2015
My writing and Christian experience.: The End Times Are here! Uh, you know God's schedul...
My writing and Christian experience.: The End Times Are here! Uh, you know God's schedul...: First, I want to say that I am a tad bit sleepy so I hope I can finish this post. Second, I have discussed this issue sometime before, but h...
The End Times Are here! Uh, you know God's schedule? I think not, so stop trying to scare people.
First, I want to say that I am a tad bit sleepy so I hope I can finish this post. Second, I have discussed this issue sometime before, but here is a little more.
One thing I do not like is intimidation. In my opinion it does not belong in a Christian Life and it is not a good way to spread the message of God and bring people to Christ. I know that people talk about "God Fearing" but I choose to say "God Respecting", like how one should respect their parents and God is the ultimate parent. I believe the Lord wants us to come to him as Children; that is through love.
There is a problem I see in the world that seems to conflict with this view of mine, it is the belief that people should turn to God because the end of the world is near. I do not know about you but when most people hear of the end of the world they think of death and that is a scary thing, they think of suffering and that is scary too, but what many people speaking of The End Times they are hammering on God's vengeance and that is pure terrifying. Now how off-putting is it that some people's first exposure to Christianity is to hear about the ultimate judgement and punishment? It does not shed a good light in my book. This kind of "preaching " totally skips over the Gospel and the Lord's forgiveness through Jesus.
To me the message that needs to be spread is God's Love and forgiveness. I think the word to spread is the Word of our Lord Jesus the Christ. Love, forgiveness, and guidance from the Holy Spirit that is what we all should talk about. Bring people to God through the best pitch there is the Word of Christ. If you can get people into the Word then they can receive the Lord's Forginess, the gift of the Holy Spirit as a guide through this sinful world. Use the Gospel to save, that is what it is there for!
Now to those people saying they know it is the End Times; no, you don't! From the mouth of Jesus, only the Father knows of the chosen time. What about people who can prophecy about the End? People have been doing that since after Christ ascended to Heaven and none have come true. If they had I would be writing this blog. In my belief I sincerely doubt there is anyone on this earth today worthy of the gift of prophecy. I know one day Jesus will come from Heaven in all his Glory. Do I know when? No. Will I be alive to see it in person? I do not know, no one knows.
What can we do until Jesus returns? Be Good Christians and spread the Gospel. Remember, the Gospel needs to be heard in every corner of the Earth first and there are certain countries that prevent that.
And remember to love each other!
God Bless.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...
My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...: As you know from reading this blog I love the show Gold Rush on Discovery. It is a great show. Today, with little to do as my back is healin...
My writing and Christian experience.: Why I pulled 2 of my e-book titles and what I am d...
My writing and Christian experience.: Why I pulled 2 of my e-book titles and what I am d...: The reason I pulled my works The Last Run and This, That, and the Kitchen sink is very simple, quality control. I do not think they are up ...
Why I pulled 2 of my e-book titles and what I am doing to get them back out there.
The reason I pulled my works The Last Run and This, That, and the Kitchen sink is very simple, quality control. I do not think they are up to standard for a quality book at this time. The editing of both books was sub-par, the cover art is of poor quality, and the ending to The Last Run does not do justice to the characters or the story. I can make up excuses for why these books were published electronically in such a state but the simple reason was I was in a hurry to get my work out their and in doing so damaged my work.
Now I intend to edit and rewrite parts of both books, definitely add more to The Last Run to give it a better ending, rework the cover art to give both works a more professional look, and republish both books though The Last Run will be re-titled The Last Run of the Dawn Marie. It is my hope to have this completed by the end of the year.
In the future I will no publish my works before they are up to professional standards a reader expects.
God Bless
Thursday, March 12, 2015
My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...
My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...: As you know from reading this blog I love the show Gold Rush on Discovery. It is a great show. Today, with little to do as my back is healin...
A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an oversize Boulder in the hopper without the grizzlies.
As you know from reading this blog I love the show Gold Rush on Discovery. It is a great show. Today, with little to do as my back is healing and having nothing to do, I decided to blog about something that has troubled me for a few weeks now, the mystery of the oversized boulder clogging the chute. Now if you watch the show you will know about Grizzlies bars; they are parallel bars that scree out large boulders that are too big to pass through the wash plant without causing damage. The Grizzlies are on top off the feed hopper and our operated hydraulically to tilt up to one side and let the large boulders slide off.
Well during one episode, when Jack Hoffman was loading pay dirt, a large boulder somehow made it passed the Grizzlies and blocked the chute to the conveyor, not good. Well some members of the Hoffman crew suggested that Jack dropped the large rock into the hopper when the Grizzlies were raised. Jack emphatically denies this though no one believed him. Well after a bit of prying the blockage was cleared and the large rock plopped on to the conveyor to be discharged with the other tailings. I noticed something weird about that big rock, it was essentially a large slab but with one end having a large mass to one side giving it the look of a strange "L" on its side.
Now many would look at this big rock and say "yeah, Jack dropped it in when the grizzlies were up". Not me, I think he dropped the rock on to the Grizzlies but do to its weird shape it made it into the hopper, not through the grizzlies but over the edge. Here is my theory how that happened. The rock was like a slab except on one side, now normally a slab of rock that is overhanging the non-hinged side of the grizzlies would just slide down the Grizzlies or fall off the edge when the grizzles are raised, but this one had extra mass on one side that acted as a counterweight to the hanging edge. When the grizzlies were raised the larger mass side not only acted as a counterbalance it also acted as a pivot point allowing the rock to stay in place on Grizzlies edge while rotating slightly as the bars were raised. Now at sometime this not so perfect balancing failed at a time when the rock was over the hopper and "shazam" the offending rock fell into the hopper, a one in a million chance.
This is my theory on "the Boulder through the grizzlies mystery" and it is why I believe Jack Hoffman is innocent of all charges!
God Bless
Telling people to "Go to hell" is a sure way to get you there faster. By "there" I don't mean heaven.
We all get angry sometimes. We all say things we do not mean in the heat of the moment. We say ugly things and use colorful language that if our mother was to hear would make them shake her head in disgust. This is not a good thing to say the least but many times we do something worse, we condemn a person for eternity. Well, we do not condemn, but by our words we try to do so. I have been guilty of this like many of you. What did I do? I told someone to "go to hell" in a moment of anger. Not a good thing to do. Why is it not good?
First when you tell someone to go to hell you are taking on the mantle of the final judge, a mantle no one is worthy to wear. We are bypassing the Lord's authority so to speak. (Lucky for us that we do not have the power to condemn others to hell or we all would be there already!)
Second we are saying we want the person we say it to to be separated from their loved ones and God for all eternity. Would you want that? I know I would not. Imagine eternal suffering in the pit without comfort, without love, an eternal thirst never to be quenched by the living water.
Third, we are saying, at least at that moment, that we do not offer mercy, we only offer hate. ( hate is baggage that cannot be brought into Heaven so leave it behind) Now how can we accept the Lord's forgiveness if we do not offer it to others?
I know it is just a saying to many but it reflects the bitterness within and shows where one's heart is at that moment, a dark pit. If you were to keep that feeling, that desire of condemnation you heart will remain there waiting for your soul to join it at the final judgement. Don't reserve a place in hell, don't tell people to go there. If someone angers you beyond yourself look to the Lord, wish that person a good day, and remove yourself from the situation as best you can.
Lastly, I want to apologize and ask forgiveness of anyone I may have told to "go to hell", I pray you forgive me, and when the time comes, that we all meet with peace in Heaven. God Bless.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
The difficulties of Social Anxiety and spreading the word of God.
I am here in bed at 2AM trying to get to sleep but not having any luck. I have been thinking of different things this whole time but what stands out the most is how having social anxiety and being a Christian wanting to spread the word of God seem to be in conflict. Nothing like a person who is afraid of a crowd trying to reach out to a crowd is there? Oh boy what a conundrum that can be.
Some who no me may not realize I have social anxiety, heck some may think I can be quite the life of the party at times. Ah the false front so many of us erect to hide the truth. The truth being social settings scare the crap out of me.
Now I am not an anti social person, I actually like people, I just get nervous when I am in situations requiring me to interact with people out an about. I have not always been this way, well maybe a little, when I was younger I could actually speak in front of crowds with just a slight case of nerves. I was even an Instructor in the Navy for a bit.
The problem start getting worse toward the tail end of my Navy career, I found it hard to go out and socialize, talk in a crowd, or be away from home. This, I can say, is not good for a person who has to work with others and leave home for months at a time. Needless to say the situation started to manifest itself into actual physical pain. You see I had injured my back earlier in my naval career when I fell about 4 feet into a pier access and landed on my can. That hurt like hell, and instead of being taken to a hospital for X-rays, I was quickly lowered below decks as the sub got underway. My back has never been the same since. Anyway, the stress I was going through was doing a number on my back with muscle spasms and sciatica, plus the depression of it all. Eventually I was discharged from the Navy for Medical reasons and at the same time went through a nasty divorce.
Not wanting to admit I had a problem with social anxiety and depression I found myself going out drinking to try and forget all the crap, this did not work at all and caused further problems and some straying from God's path. I really do not know why I would drink because I always hated the buzzed feeling, I hate anything that makes me feel out of sorts mentally; so much so I refuse to take painkillers for anything.
Anyway the social anxiety worsened taking its toll on my attemp to go to college or find a good job. I lost my dream job of working at Microsoft because I could not handle all the people their or on the commute. I always felt I had to escape back home or die of panic. The funny thing is I love Seattle, it is a great city, I just hate crowds. Social Anxiety made it hard to attend functions for my kids without feeling like I would die, that is tough to explain.
I have found some relief thanks to my wife, Diana, counseling through the VA, and Paxil I have found it easier to interact socially though I have not completely overcome my anxiety. It is funny I sometimes over compensate and talk people's ears off.
Now let us address the tough part about being a Christian and having social anxiety. I have felt and have been taught it is the duty of a Christian to spread the word of God, the gospel to others. I believe it is part of my duty to let others know about Jesus and what he means for all of us. He is our savior, the Son of God, a gift so we all may have eternal life. Now how can I spread the word is I am afraid of my own social shadow? Hard to do. Not really, I can do it through this blog and social media. I can do it through prayer by asking for strength from the Lord to spread the word and set an example. I only recently started doing this though a voice kept telling me to get online and spread the word for awhile now. It is funny that what got me motivated to get going and work on spreading the word is a TV show on the Discovery channel, not a show from a Christian network. The show is Gold Rush, namely Todd Hoffman and his crew and how they are not afraid to show their faith. I also like Duck Dynasty and how the Robertsons are not afraid to show there faith in the Lord. I figure if they can do it then I can try and reach people with my blog. I believe that if I just bring one soul to the Lord it is worth it.
Another reason I am doing this is for my own therapy so one day I will not have anxiety in any social situations. I would love to be the "life of the party". I would love to make people laugh too.
Well I have been rambling for a bit and my tired mind is starting to fade so I will say Goodnight, or rather good morning.
God Bless
My writing and Christian experience.: Why I like Gold Rush and what I have learned becau...
My writing and Christian experience.: Why I like Gold Rush and what I have learned becau...: First I would like to give you a little background on my interest in gold. I grew up in Florida after my dad retired from the Air Force and ...
Monday, March 9, 2015
Why I like Gold Rush and what I have learned because of it.
First I would like to give you a little background on my interest in gold. I grew up in Florida after my dad retired from the Air Force and after we lived in Missouri for a few years. One of my friends, Herman Jones, dad was a science teacher and a diver. Mr. Jones had a collection of artifacts he gathered from shipwrecks he dived on, it was a cool collection and sparked my imagination of treasure ships loaded with gold and buried pirate treasure chests. Needless to say I dug a few holes in the sandy soil of Florida only to discover that Florida's watertable is not very deep where we lived. After a few years we moved from St. Joe Beach to Carrabelle another small coastal Florida town.
I soon lost my interest in buried treasure but not in gold. What got me interested in gold prospecting / panning was watching western movies with dad. Well In some of them movies there were some old time '49s who would pan for gold. The imaginative child that I was seized on this so I found a aluminum pie pan and set out for the backyard. The only think I discovered in my panning was sand, sand, and more sand. It was my dad who told me there was no gold in Florida. After this my dreams of striking it rich went down the tubes.
I eventually grew out of my childhood dream of finding gold. I graduated High School joined the navy where I served as a Navigation Electronic Technician on Submarines. I spent 11 and a half years in the Navy before I was medically discharged; a back injury, depression, and Social Anxiety did me in but that is a story for another day. Well, after I was discharged I went through a divorce and a reall dificult time in my life. What got me back on my feet was meeting my wife, Diana, a golden treasure in her own rite. Diana gave me strength to do things that helped my family and get me on the right track.
Five years ago I came across a show that sparked my interest in gold prospecting once again, that was Gold Rush. That season was the first season when Todd Hoffman and his crew where mining up in Alaska. I like the story behind the show of how Todd and his dad gathered some of their friends who were down on their luck and take them to Alaska to make a living Gold mining. That season was not the best but they came back the next year and went at again. These guys had determination and they had faith in God they were not afraid to show on TV. I loved it.
I watched the show every season and watched the ups and down, people come and go, and watched them try different places to mine. I did not think Todd made the best decision to go to South America but I still rooted for team Hoffman. While the South America adventure turned into a big toilet flush, Todd and his dad kept the dream alive and with the help of the rest of their team bounced back up in the Klondike.
The Hoffman's aren't the only reason I like Gold Rush, I loved seeing the other crews. I was impressed by Parker Schnabbel and his drive to find gold though his management style needs to changed, he will learn, you can tell he has learned a little already.
Seeing the huge cleanouts with all the gold is exciting but seeing the people on the show interact with each other to overcome issues to reach their goal is uplifting. Heck, I even get a kick out of Tony Beets and his style of getting things done (his methods would not fly in the Navy due to safety issues). His cursing does not bother me that much as I was in the Navy and if Life had a sensor to bleep bad words all you would hear on a sub would be long bleeps with an occasional word getting through.
Now here is what I have learned about gold on my own; some of it might be boring. I will discuss ore genis first, not the creation of Gold from supernovae but how it forms veins and gets deposited.
The gold that is mind today originated from meteorites that struck the earth millions of years ago. The crust was molten at the time with some of the mantle so the Gold did not sink to the core like the gold that was present during Earths formation. (Here is a fun factoid: Most of the gold on the earth is located at the earth's core were it sank when the whole earth was still molten. So if you want to find the biggest gloryhole the Earth's core is it. That is a heck of a lot overburden to move plus you will have to seperate the Gold from the nickel and Iron that make up most of the core.)
How does the gold get from the mantle up into the crust where it is found as ore or in placer deposits? Will one of the ways I have learned, in theory, is that water gets superheated under pressure and rises up through cracks or makes its own cracks, in that superheated water are elements and compounds, some is silcon based and there is gold plus a few others. The silcon compounds form quartz and gold in the superheated water is deposited there too forming the veins of gold ore found in many mines.
This is just one way gold ore is formed. Now alluvial gold originates from veins or areas that gold is deposited by various methods and weathering of the exposed veins breaks this gold free and it is swept away by water, glaciers, or slides. Gold being 19 times heavier will settle out in a river where the speed of water and pressure is not strong enough to keep the gold moving. So it is only Logical that gold nuggets will drop out sooner while finer gold will go a little further. Remember this is dependent mainly on the speed of the water. Now many things determine the speed of water such as depth, width, volume of water, obstructions, and bends. I have learned that the inside bend is the best place to look for gold. Remember rivers shift their course over the years depending on geology, topology, and other things. When a river meanders shifting its course the bed it leaves behind contains sediments and some of that could be gold that is now buried high and dry. A good think to look for are oxbow lakes that were once bends in a river but were cutoff from the river when the river shifted its course. I bet that in gold country if you sample the area between the inner part of oxbow lake to the river it originated you probaly will find varying amounts of placer gold.
This is just a little of what I have learned coming just from memory. I also learned some geology of the various areas that have gold, especially placer deposits like the Yukon. I learned about the formation of many of the features, volcanic activity, geothermal activity, and glaciation during the last ice age. one thing that I discovered was the main glacier that covered part of the Klondike did not come from the north as one would think but the southwest. This could explain some of the big nuggets Freddy Dodge find near Carmacks, just a guess here.
With all this info and more I started doing a little comparative geography / Geology with Washington State and the Klondike so I can find areas to prospect in Washington. Logically youy would think that since Washington is close to a subduction area (the Juan Defuca plate under the North American Plate) it would have features conducive for ore genisis and therefore placer gold, but does it? Yes and no, there is probably ore genisis going on now and some in the past but there is a problem. The problem is large volcanos that we have. Our Cascade volcanos throw out a lot of ash that can bury older previously exposed gold deposits, now those deposits are under cement like material requiring more years of weathering to break out that gold. This is not to say there is no gold to befound in Washington, there is. I plan to look for areas that undergo cycles of freeze / thaw to fracture and weather the rock, areas of mountain runoff. I may not find the motherlode or hit it big but I will find something, even if it is relaxaton.
Enough of me rattling on. God Bless!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Posting delay
Will be back blogging Monday or Tuesday. Back went out and waiting for it to come back. I think it took a wrong turn at Albuquerque while looking for Pismo Beach. First blog will be why I like Gold Rush and things I have learned because the show piqued my curiosity!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
You are a Christian, you must be an uneducated moron. I think not, intellect does not kill The Word!
I want to say that I am a reasonably intelligent person. I am a very curious person who is very interested in science. I believe that The Big Bang theory is a pretty good explanation of creation of the universe. ( The original theory was put forth by a Belgian Jesuit priest by the name of Georges Lemaitre) I also believe in Evolution. Above all I believe there is one God who sent is one and only Son, Jesus so we may all have the opportunity for eternal life. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and to show us he has power over death. I believe he and the Father gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide the ones who choose to follow the way. Let's say I am Christian.
Now here is a catch, others of so called superior intellect will say I am a small minded person; that the only reason I believe in God as I am afraid of the truth that there is no God. Many will say to prove God exists since Science is based on proving things, facts. They are correct in science, or rather the scientific method requires proof of theory in order to be valid. First let me say it cuts both ways. I say to them "prove conclusively that God does not exist". They cannot, they can cite theory and reasoning but neither are concrete. A theory is not a Law, reasoning is in itself subjective.
While I can show examples in my life and in history for why I believe in Gravity it would not be considered as solid evidence by some and they would be correct. Does it matter, no because I have faith and it is all I need.
Another thing I do not like is the "scientific enlightened " attitude in some circle that to be considered a true man of intellect or science that you have to kill God. I hate to tell you, actually I love to tell you, you cannot kill God, you cannot make God not exist.
Now back to the beginning of this blog for today. I do believe in the theories I am talking about and I can still do so and be a Christian. How? It goes against the story of creation in the Bible. Not really. Look at the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, he taught in parables, story to get one to think and see the truth. Now how do you tell a newly sentient species (created humans) the exact nature of how they came to be? You sure can use modern physics it would blow their mind so you use a story that can be understood and let them grow in mind and spirit by generations until the day they are ready to find truth on their own and understand God's creation.
To some up, no one can prove God exists or not. Remember also that no one has seen the face of God but the one sent from God, Jesus, his son. And just like there are something's in science that cannot be observed directly but require and indirect method we must do the same as Christians. To see God we must first see Christ through his teachings and in are hearts.
God Bless.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
When confessing to the Lord inquiring minds do not need to know.
One of the things I have learned since I was a child was to ask the Lord for forgiveness for sins I have committed and strength to not repeat those sins. I confess my sins to the Lord and ask forgiveness of Christ Jesus to this day. Now, did you say to yourself "I wonder what sins he committed?" You probably did and that is a natural reaction but not exactly correct, and here is why. Unless what I did involved you then it pretty much does not concern you, it is between me and the Lord. I mean does you knowing what sin someone did have an effect on you? No. The why do you need to know? It is that darn curiousity thing and today's tabloid type culture. I am not saying you are a bad person just that it really does not concern you if your not involved. Here I am talking God's laws and not man's law though a few overlap like killing, stealing, and such. Now if you are a criminal some people would need to know what you did for employment and safety reasons.
I am not a Catholic and I will not address their procedure for confession, in that case the person hearing the confession is acting as a go between for God and the confessor and is bound not to repeat what they heard. I am talking confession to God, to the Lord and no one else to ask forgiveness. Confession need not be a tabloid affair, it should be a child asking forgiveness from their Father for a wrong committed. I do say when you confess and ask forgiveness from God be sincere and committed to mending your ways.
Lastly, I want to say that if you harm another then do confess it to that person or persons and ask forgiveness along with asking the Lord.
Remember also, that you need to be like the Lord in forgiving of others. Do not carry a grudge and do not retaliate by broadcasting the incident. If you have trouble with this then turn to the Lord and ask guidance.
God Bless.
If I win the lotto I am going to get.....But where is the help?
I, like many of you, have dreamed of hitting it big in the lottery or some other way. The first thing that most of us do is think of what we will buy; the new house, car, trips, boats or other things we desire, we even think of what we will do for family. Something most of us do not do is think of what we would do to help others not related to us that are going through tough times. It is sad and a little selfish I guess.
Maybe we should consider what we could do for others before we do for ourselves. Lifting up another is probably one of the noblest things we can do in the eyes of the Lord. The Word tells us a couple thing that should key us to help others. First we should use the treasures here on earth to help others so we, and they, may enjoy the treasures of heaven. We should also give freely without need of acknowledgement from man so the gift is seen as truly from the heart. We should give freely as the widow who gave from her poverty. Plus it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than a rich man to enter the gates of Heaven, so do not be greedy or give begrudgingly.
As a parent one of the things that has provided happiness is when I gave my children gifts, I can say you get the same feeling helping out others. Helping others makes this a better world and what better gift to give to your children and their's than a better world.
You do not have to win big to help other you just need to give what you can. It need not be money you give it can be anything that will help someone, food, advice, or even a smile.
Well I hope these blogs give a little to those in need, I pray they do.
P.S. I would still not mind a new car, house, or boat for fishing, but If I ever make it big I plan to will those to charity
God Bless.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Laughter is the best medicine! God is the best pharmacist to feel that prescription.
Sometimes when you are facing a really bad day you need something to turn you around, try laughter. I mean laughter will help you look up. Crack a joke, think of a funny story, or just think of God's sense of humor. He has a good one, just look at the Platypus. That animal has funny written all over it, well except those poisonous rear claws the males have. Either God had left over parts and through it together or in the middle of creation he said "You know all this work is serious and I need a break" the next thing you know "Bam!" The platypus. Actually I think he was kind of looking for a break when he got to Australia and figured he'd make the platypus, koala, and Kangaroo to offset the seriousness of those deadly spiders, snakes, and crocs he put there.
Anyway do not take things so serious or you will go crazy. Ask the Lord for a break and he may just send you a gust busting laugh.
God Bless.
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