Thursday, September 10, 2015

Check your baggage with the Lord!

There are times in life where you wonder if you are doing right in your everyday life or you feel like you have lost the spirit. I feel this way at times and worry if I maybe backsliding. After some thought I have determined that just because you may not feel like your are doing the Lord's will by performing some action one may associate with being a Christian like spreading the Gospel or helping other directly that you are doing God's Will if you are trying to lead a good life and resist temptation to sin. Just by living a simple life without sinning you set an example for others. Not only this but you ease your own burden by not taking on more sin. You sin when you do something wrong in the eyes of the Lord or man you have to live with consequences and the guilt that eats at you.
Now consider that by living a good uncomplicated life you put less of a burden on Christ who died for our sins. If you look at your sin as a weight to be carried by
another person the less you sin the less they have to carry. How great full would that person be if you kept that load light? Probably very great full and would be appreciative that you were thinking of them. Christ loves it when we do our utmost to keep his load light because it shows we are thinking of him and we know he is our savior. I am not saying to keep it light because Christ cannot carry the load, he can carry any and everything, I am saying keep the load light because it shows you have accepted him as your savior. Don't worry about coming to Jesus with a heavy load of sin luggage from your past, he will gladly accept it and take the burden from you. What does he want in return? Your love and you can show that by trying your best not to add more sin luggage to the load. Oh yeah, unlike airlines the Lord does not charge you for checked baggage.

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