Recently, I posted an article about Sarah Palin criticizing Bill Nye the science guy on global warming and not being a scientist. This article gives me two things to address, Bill Nye as a scientist and Global Warming. I would address three things, The third being Sarah Palin is dumber than paint but she does well to prove that every time she opens her mouth.
First I cannot believe I am defending Bill Nye because he is an Atheist, a view I do not share. The thing is, he is a scientist. He employs the the scientific method to test or explain various things, such as natural or man made phenomena. Some may say that they need to be payed while working in their field to qualify but this is not true. Albert Einstein was working as a patent clerk when he came up with his famous theories. Many scientists are professors who teach, are they scientists? Indeed so, they use the scientific method as they teach others doing lab experiments. Bill Nye, who originated in Seattle area, taught and used the scientific method to teach kids about science. He was a professor at Cornell, he worked at Boeing as a mechanical engineer, lot of science to learn for that. He studies the subjects he writes on and has others in the academic arena to consult with. Saying he is not a scientist is beyond ignorant.
As for global warming I will use an item you find as part of most modern Homes and has been proven to work time and time again. Windows are what I am talking about the double paned ones that are filled with argon gas. You see argon tends to block certain wavelength of light, infrared, so heat is not radiated out in the winter or in during summer. Now let's apply this principle to CO2 and global warming.
The heat we get from the sun is indirect really. Sun light passes through the atmosphere where it heats the air as it passes but most of the heat is when the direct sun rays strike an object imparting energy to that object which is in the form of heat. The object radiates that heat energy off in the form of infrared rays. Now CO2 in our atmosphere acts like the argon gas in your window and blocks some of the infrared energy from radiating out into space causing the atmosphere to retain more energy. The more CO2 the less infrared energy is trapped. This has another effect of causing water to heat up putting water vapor in the atmosphere to increase. All this energy in the atmosphere causes an increase in severe weather systems even winter storms believe it or not. This warming is called the greenhouse effect and if you want to see a place with runaway greenhouse effect just look at Venus, global warming to the extreme, not because of its closeness to the sun but because of its atmosphere which is high in co2.
Why does Sarah Palin slam Bill Nye on Global warming? Her family is connected to the oil industry in Alaska. Oh and she is a moron. John McCain still has nightmares about ever picking her as a running mate. Never bet your campaign on the flavor of the month.
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