Friday, November 18, 2016

Christians should save not condemn

I have witnessed many Christians condemn all Muslims no matter if they are radical or not. Christians who believe it is their duty to destroy Islam by the sword. We have Christians calling themselves crusaders, soldiers for Christ yet they have strayed from what a true soldier in Christ should do, and that is spread the Gospel, to show through love, as Christ himself did, that he is the only chance for eternal life.
Christ was sent first to the chosen people of God, the Jewish people. He spread his teaching to guide people back to the ways of his father, through the True teaching. After Jesus was crucified he sent out his disciples, with the power of the Spirit, to call all his children, including gentiles, to salvation. Two of Christ’s chosen, Peter the disciple and Paul the apostle, had the most impact in spreading Christianity to the World, mainly Rome and the rest of the World. The people were the gentiles, or those not of Jewish ancestry. Today we would say gentiles of that time were pagans. Now if Islam existed at the time then Muslims would be considered Gentiles, just like the people Christ sent his chosen teacher to and bring to him. Christ did not say take a sword and force these people to come to me. He did equip his followers with a sword and that sword was his word, his teaching that the Jewish leaders of the time would resist. It was his teachings that would put one against another because some would choose to hold on to the old ways that strayed from God’s word. The war would be between Christ words, his will, and those teachings of man. Somehow, over the years, various people have used Christ’s words as an excuse to take up arms against non-believers. Today, in parts of the world, people believe that taking up the sword against anyone not sharing their faith is doing the will of God. Is it? How is killing someone spreading the Gospel and giving the person a chance to accept Christ as their savior? It does not, it denies that opportunity. Who are we to deny another of Christ’s salvation?
I am not defending Islam or saying that I agree with their interpretation of the path to God. I am not saying we should let Muslim extremists kill innocent people. What I am saying that all children of God deserve the chance of true salvation. We cannot force Christ on anyone because by trying to do so we actually seal off that person’s heart blocking out truth. We will have people calling themselves Christian for fear of the sword not from accepting Christ as their savior, the one true condition for salvation.
If we try to spread Christ’s word by the sword, we do the opposite, we spread hate and our own damnation. Christ’s word is spread by love for of all things that is what opens the heart to acceptance and change.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

If you want to know why I am concerned about a president-elect having such close ties to Russia let me tell you why.

I know many law enforcement people who were upset with Hillary Clinton and her close ties to groups such as Black Lives matter. LEOs were concerned Clinton's policies would make it harder for them to do their jobs and put them at great risk. If I were a police officer I would be worried about any candidate who would put my brother and sister LEOs at risk. I know there is a strain on the relationship of the black community and law enforcement because of recent events, but I am not here to take sides on that issue only to say there needs to more dialogue and training.

 As many of you know I am a submarine veteran and I still have a love for that community even though I was medically discharged in 1997 after 11 years of service. I consider those who have served and those who currently serve as my shipmates, brethren of the silent service (add sisters too, since they now allow women to serve on submarines) just like LEOs do. The submarine force is pretty close because we have to rely on each other to keep each other alive. On a submarine we are are own fire department, medical first responders, and security force. We have to learn every system on the boat to earn the submarine warfare designation, our Dolphins. This is not just something you do for a shinny medal, you do it to show you can be counted on in an emergency to operate and save your shipmates if things go bad. You are there for each other, you have each other's back.
The greatest threat to a submarine besides fire and flooding is another submarine, especially and adversary who would love nothing more than to takeout a strategic asset like a Trident Submarine. Trident Submarines are the mainstay of America's  Nuclear Triad. A ballistic missile submarine hides below the surface and is hard to detect. Bombers are easy to track, and missile silos can be easily targeted.
Russia does not like our submarines because they are hard to detect and Trident Submarines can launch a retaliatory second strike. It is this fear that deters Russia from using a first strike.
During the Cold War Russia did everything they possibly could to detect our subs, their schedules, and patrol areas. They would have ships designed to look like trawlers but loaded with intelligence gathering equipment loiter in international waters of Submarine ports waiting to track submarines leaving port. They would use spies such as Johnny Walker to learn about submarine communications. Anytime they could they would have one of their own fast attack submarines tail one of ours, and if they thought they could get away with sinking one of our subs without getting caught, they would.
The worst thing that could happen to our Trident Submarines is for their patrol areas and schedules to fall into the hands of Russia. If this were to happen then Russia would stake out those areas and hound our Trident subs. Soon as that takes place then each of those Submarines and their 140+ crews would become targets just waiting for Putin to give the word.
A deep ocean is a good place to hide, and a even better place to cover up a crime or act of war. Every one knows about how hard it was to find the Titanic and how difficult it is to work with ROVs at that depth. Imagine a submarine minding its own business on patrol when suddenly it detects a torpedo but it is too late to avoid.
The torpedo explodes cracking the hull allowing large quantities of water to flood the boat. The Submarine loses power and starts to sink. Those still alive in unflooded compartments are desperately working in the dark trying to regain power, stop the flooding, putting out numerous fires, while at the same time trying to get the stricken sub to the surface. The damage is too great, despite hitting the "chicken switches" which are actually levers used to blow air into the ballast tanks in case of an emergency, the depth gauges show the sub going deeper. Soon everyone realizes they are doomed but they stick to their jobs all the while praying for a miracle. The external pressure on the hull increases squeezing it until and a certain depth, crush depth, the hull can take no more and is crushed like a giant beer can. All onboard are lost, debris is scattered at depth across the ocean floor. An emergency buoy fails to deploy because it was severely damaged in the initial attack. No one will know about the loss until the Trident Submarine fails to report in after its time on alert has passed. The sound of the initial torpedo explosion and the eventual collapse of the Subs hull are captured by hydrophones deployed around the oceans but no one will know they are connected to the loss of the Trident Submarine until it is declared missing and presumed loss. The Navy would then use all of the data they can find to narrow down a search area. Eventually a ROV or ship using sides scan sonar will locate the debris field at great depth. An investigation will take place. The US military will blame the Russians the Russians will say one of our own torpedoes exploded sinking the sub knowing the difficulty of the US Navy proving their argument because of the ocean depth. In the meantime families will be planning memorial services and widows and widowers will try to explain to their Children while the other parent will never return home. 140 or so submariners on eternal patrol.
This is why I am concerned about the possibility of a president-elect being compromised by a foreign power who would love nothing more than to cripple our strategic deterent force. I don't want my shipmates, members of the Silent Service, to go to sea being sitting ducks because their patrol areas were compromised. Lives are on the line.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Is America really falling apart or is it suffering from media overload?

"Killers, robbers, drug dealers, rapists are running rampant in our streets and our country is falling apart," is pretty much the claim of one presidential candidate and his supporters this year. I and many others tend to question this position because statistics provided by the FBI show the Opposite of Donald J. Trump's claim. The question is that if the crime data gathered by the FBI shows a decrease in crime over the years then why do so many people not only believe Mr. Trump, but insist he is correct based on what they have seen in real life? That is a perplexing question but one that may have a simple explanation, at least to me it is simple.
It is true that the overall murder rate has decreased nation wide there are a few places where there has been a spike in murders such as Chicago. But still, the overall rate for murders and other crimes have been dropping and yet people believe it is increasing. Why? What if I tell you that there aren't more crimes you are just hearing more about crime? Sound counter intuitive? Not really. It is that your world has increased, or rather your "information world" has increased thanks to the Internet and 24/7 365 news.
I was born in the late 1960's when the sources of news was TV, Radio, and Newspapers. When I was very young it seemed I had a strange fascination with the evening news. I mean how many toddlers would be entertained by watching David Brinkley and John Chancellor at the news desk with Tom Brokaw reporting from the field?  I was probably the only 2 year old in America to have Vietnam flashbacks all from just watching the news. Anyway, with TV, radio, and print as your only sources of news you were limited to what crime reporting was deemed worthy of making national or world news. Most crimes you would hear about were local crimes and then only the major crimes. Now unless you lived in a large city there were few major crimes to report so you would not think much about crime. When the national news would come on you would hear about a murder in a big city or some place only if it involved someone famous or was extraordinarily gruesome, then you would think "I would hate to live there!" You see your information world was limited to your local area with the occasional intrusion from the outside by network news.
During the 1970's and 80's cable and satellite TV began to expand into more and more homes. (My family never had satellite but I had friends who did. The dishes were huge! I am talking contact ET huge!). Now with these new technologies you had access to more channels and soon you had 24 hour news channels like CNN and Headline News popping up (Thank you Ted Turner). Almost over night your information world expanded to cover much, much more so you would hear more reporting on major crimes but it was still weighed to determine how news worthy it would be. Now instead of hearing about a couple murders from around the country and the odd one locally you doubled and tripled those numbers. This also applied to the other major crimes.
So as the years past and more technologies were created our information world increased but with the rise of the Internet it exploded. Our information world encompasses our whole world now. It is not just the size of the new information world it is also its "never off" availability that changes our perception of major crimes and how often they take place. Years ago you may never have heard about a robbery that happened in a small town clear across the country or a murder of some non-famous person in a major city unless you lived there or close by, now it is part of news feeds and the stories are shared via social media so your information world is ridden with crime, but is your real world? Would you be exposed to the same amount of crime stories if you shrank your information world back to your local area? Most likely you would not. You would watch your local news hear about the occasional violent crime or theft and after awhile you would change your view on the frequency of major crimes. You may even overhear someone speaking about all the crime that is going on in the world and wonder what they are talking about, especially if you live in the same area. You see, in today's world people hear of crimes that occurred in other areas of the country and mentally group them all together and then lay that across the board so they see major crime everywhere and all the time. It is like this. A murder reported in one town, the first in decades, is lumped together with murders in other places, maybe the only ones in a long time, but suddenly these murders combined imply the murder rate of the first has increased corresponding to all the murders. Why? Because of nothing more than change in perception do to the increase of one's information world. Yes the first city had a murder, but the statistics would show there would not be a considerable increase in the murder rate, if there is any at all. If there was only one murder in the previous twenty years the odds are there may not be more than one murder in the next twenty years, all things being equal. Now with an significant increase in population you will see more crimes committed but if you factor in the increased population you will see the crime rate should stay the same. If you have one robbery per 100 people over a year (1%) and over the next year you increase the population to 500 and 5 robberies take place it will still be 1%. Of course there are other factors that way in but the overall premise is the same.
I wish I had the FBI numbers that show the national decrease in crime over the years but I am writing this in bed on a tablet but you can still go to the FBI's website or search on the web to find the statistics. You will see that nationally there has been a steady decrease in crime over the last 19 years or so. What makes it seem like crime is increasing? Just the amount of reporting on the Internet that we incorporate into our information world regardless of where the crimes took place.  

Sunday, August 28, 2016

America built by immigration

Written on a bronze plaque attached to the pedestal of The Statue of Liberty is a poem called "The New Colossus" written by Emma Lazarus. The poem is about immigration. It reflects that this country is made up of immigrants from all over the globe and all have one thing in common, the desire of freedom.
The poem was originally written to raise money for construction of the statues pedestal in 1883. When Emma Lazarus was first approached to write a poem to raise money for the pedestal she refused but changed her mind when told of how the Statue would be a beacon to newly arriving immigrants, and it has done exactly that through the years. The bronze plaque with Lazarus's poem was not added to the pedestal until 1901.
Everyone knows the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of our country and one of freedom. The world knows it as a symbol of America's prosperity because of the immigrants that make up the country. It is also one of the most patriotic icons of the United States and no one can deny this.
Now, in this election year, the very nature of what the Statue of Liberty represents is under attack by those who call themselves patriots. These people, the Alt-Right, have beliefs that are diametrically opposite of the calling of Lady Liberty. Yet, this is only one problem of the Alt-right, they also devalue our country by dividing it along racial and ethnic lines. It is sad to say that Emma Lazarus who wrote such beautiful moving words would be attacked because she was a Jew.
People say they want to Make America Great Again yet they speak words and take actions that only serve to undermine what does make America great among nations. If you truly want to make America great again then read these words and take them to heart for without the immigrant this country would not exist.

"The Colossus"
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A former submariner on why Trump's take on military comms is wrong.

A day or so a go Donald Trump suggested using curriers or messengers for military communications believing to be more secure, safer. Total wrong.

I was not a ground pounder, I was a submariner. What I know of the battlefield is from studying history and talking to veterans. What I learned is stuff happens quick and the big picture changes rapidly requiring fast and accurate communications in order to adapt to a changing battlefield.

Though I am not a battlefield soldier As as Submarine sailor I did learn the importance of fast accurate communications in a fight. What battle did I fight? No military engagement because if the Subs I served on used their weapons you nor I would be hear. Our main weapon was the Trident missile whose use would mean everyone was going to have a bad day. No, the battles we trained for the most were what we referred to as casualties: fire, flooding, nuclear reactor problems, or something involving the missiles or torpedoes. These and some other incidence can be deadly on a submarine.
Take a fire for example. Of all the casualties that can happen on a submarine this is probably the most terrifying. There really is nowhere to run on a submarine and there is no fire department. The crew is the fire department, we have to fight the fire. Imagine being in your home not being able to leave with your only option to fight the fire or die trapped inside. Yes, on a submarine you can seal compartments to limit the spread of a fire, we do that, but every compartment has equipment vital to the subs operation and survival. The forward compartment is normally where control of the submarine takes place, officers quarters, galley and for Trident submarines, torpedoes. Can't just seal that off and let it burn out because we would lose control of the sub, ability to surface, ventilate the ship on the surface, our back up power and Torpedoes don't like fire.
The missile compartment can't be just sealed to let the fire to burn out because, well, missiles hate fire too not to mention we lose atmospheric processing equipment.
The engineering compartment or the reactor compartments. The names pretty much tells you why you can't just let fire burn there.

Part of the communications on a submarine is called sound powered phones. They use crystals to change sound waves into electricity then back to sound on the other end without using external power. This system is simple and reliable but can break , though it rarely does. Without the system we would have to use messengers, sometimes we still do if it is too loud. Now damage control direction takes place in control unless that is where the casualty is. So if the fire is in engineering the messenger has to go from the aft end of the ship to the forward part. Sounds simple? No because the engineering compartment would probably be filled with smoke, you will be wearing an emergency breathing apparatus you will keep having to plug into the EAB air header, get a big breath, disconnect, head forward far as you can, find an EAB connection plug in take a breath all this when visibility is zero. Luckily there are non skid pads you can feel under your feet that indicate a EAB connection is overhead or nearby. Finally you reach control, make your report, and are sent back with the reply repeating the same process all the way back. Now in that time the situation can change. The fire could be extinguished, which is good, or the fire has spread and you need more men to fight the bigger fire.
If you have sound powered phones working the person in charge at the scene will tell the phone talker the situation and what other resources maybe be required, the phone guy then uses the phones to relay the message to control who takes the information and acts accordingly the replies over the phones. Fast, more and accurate information that helps in fighting the fire and saving the ship.
Yes, messengers work but when time and accurate information is of the essence good comm systems are the way to go.
Trump wants to set us back 100 years behind our adversaries. Hell no!

Trump purposely endangering Clinton by calling her the devil

You know by Donald J Trump calling Hillary Clinton the devil he really put her life in danger. Look at a lot of his followers on Twitter, right wing extremists who think Trump is their savior. Some of his supporters will actually believe she is the devil and it is their Christian duty to destroy the devil. These nut jobs are armed with some serious fire power, we're talking about .50 cal sniper rifles like some militaries use. That has a good range and plenty of power. I hope the secret service extends the range of their protection around her.
Trump knows his true hardcore base he knows if he uses the right words he can cause one of his nut jobs to act then claim innocent saying he didn't tell anyone to take out Hillary. Right now there are probably a few hundred crazies around the country praying for an opportunity to take out the "Devil".
Calling her the devil is not just being irresponsible, no he knows what his followers are capable of and he uses them. Donald Trump gets his supporters angry at Hillary then calls her the devil. He is insane. The sad thing is this should be the plot of a very bad B movie but with Trump it could happen.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The real reason the GOP hasn't pulled their support of Trump

Ask yourself why the GOP heavies have only chastised Trump and have not pulled their support of Trump, why?
These GOP leaders are getting barraged by their supporters to pull their endorsement of Donald Trump but they aren't going to do it. No, they would like Trump to win the Presidency then they will sacrifice him to put Pence in as president with their policies. It is obvious they will use Trump then impeach him. No wall, no Muslim ban, and all other of Trump's ideas the Trump Train want are gone bye-bye. The GOP could careless about the Trump supporters and Tea Party types; the will use and dump them. It will be a way to purge the party of the radicals that would have cost them control of both houses. Yep, Trump Train the GOP has sabotaged the tracks and you're about to be derailed.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The GOP is planning to betray Trump if he is elected.

I hope you Trump supporters know that the GOP plans on impeaching Trump shortly after he takes office if he wins. The Republican's rather have Mike Pence as President and bump Ryan up to VP. After Trump gets elected and sworn in some real damaging material will pop up and they will act the hero by impeaching Trump. They know all the Republicans or most in the house will vote for impeachment and all democrats will. They know the control the senate and with the democrats they will have the two thirds majority to find him guilty and remove him from office. It will be easy.
Why do you think most of his GOP enemies have joined the Trump Train? They don't like him but they know he has a chance to win and they will use him to get Pence as President then take revenge on Trump for all the stuff he did to them. Heck who knows how far they will go to destroy him. Maybe they will have criminal charges filed seize the assets of The Trump Organization saying they are ill gotten gains.
Yep, they have it planned and are biding their time. You thought the leaked DNC emails were bad I bet the RNC emails on their servers show a real plot to get the presidency. I would not call for anyone to hack the RNC or anyone for that matter. It is breaking the law and the ends don't justify the means. No it will be clear when it happens.
All the Trump supporters who don't even like the normal republicans will be upset and so will the Tea Party but the he GOP knows it is better off and stronger without them.
Yes, your "deal maker" has made a bad deal this time. He is about to have his political career shredded by the real political wolves. People claim that Trump GOP supporters sold their soul to him when in all actuality it is the other way around.
Do you know what makes this really funny? His running mate , Pence, already knows this or has a feeling this is what is going to happen. Gullible Trump!

Friday, July 29, 2016

An appeal to common sense so we don't help Trump

If I by mistake post something that is false or made up news please let me know. If you do so please provide a link I can use. I will not be offended and if your information proves that I did indeed post something bogus I will immediately remove the post.
I know I can be very passionate about keeping Donald Trump out of office and it may annoy many but I feel strongly the man is unfit to run out country. I believe the best way to counter the lies put forth by Trump and his supporters is with facts that expose the lies. The use of lies or hoaxes can only undermine the effort to stop Donald Trump.
I believe we should not fall for fake news put out and use such news for any argument or to chastise anyone except for the person from whom the hoax originated.
In this age when information can travel around the world in an instant, we must keep in mind that misinformation, lies, travel just as fast. We live in a time now where the world seems to be in turmoil made worse by people who create turmoil on their computers by manipulating factual information until it becomes a lie then disseminates that lie to the world via the Internet. We live in a world that is fast pace and as such many of us do not check the information from the Internet we depend so much upon. In doing so we run the risk of spreading news, rumor, or facts that are not true thereby influencing others in a negative way that the originator was hoping for; we in fact do the job of the enemy of truth.
We also run the risk of bringing anger and hate onto an innocent group by reacting to the lie by chastising a person or group who never committed the act the hoax claims they did. The best thing is to not comment on a news item you see posted by any organization you do not recognize, such as major newspapers or broadcasters, without first verifying its authenticity. If you find such a news post or video do not comment on any of the content but to say it is a lie or a hoax and explain how you know this providing resources if you can. To comment on its contact, even to condemn a type of action it supposedly shows, will lead some to believe it is true or you would not have complained of the action it shows.
This is an election not being fought with campaign ads where one side uses facts to discredit their opponent like we have seen in the past, but one where a campaign is using propaganda based on actual lies, denial of facts to play on the fears of voters and try and discredit a campaign that uses factual data. Trump's campaign is counting on people being to busy or just not caring to check his information. His campaign is being run by a spin doctor who has worked for dictators around the world. He worked for the former president of the Ukraine who is an ally of Putin and is now in exile in Russia. In doing so Paul Manafort learned new propaganda techniques from his Russian counterparts and he is putting them to use for this campaign. The major tactics is to so derision among the population, convince large portions of the population that things are worse than they are and only one person can save them. These are the tactics used to put dictators in office.
I ask you to consider this before you believe anything on the Internet and ask your friends and loved ones to do the same.
God Bless

Thursday, July 28, 2016

No American with honor call for foreign intervention into our politics

Our Founding Fathers didn't like our ally, France, who helped us win our independence from Britain meddling in our politics so why should we accept Russian meddling now? If a person like Trump tried what he did the other day back then he would have been arrested and tried for treason.

I guess the closest we have ever come to having a political figure doing what Trump did was Aaron Burr, our 3rd Vice President and the man who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. Burr, along with others, conspired with foreign powers, Britain and Spain, to take the newly purchased Louisiana Territory away from the United States. There was discussion of turning this area into a separate nation with people like Burr as the ruler. The exact nature and plan is not known because Burr was sold out by one of his co-conspirators. Burr was tried for treason but because evidence was limited and some political behind the scenes wiggling Burr was acquitted of treason. Historical scholars have examined the case and have concluded he was more than likely guilty of conspiracy to commit treason but how deep he was involved is not known.
See there are those around who will try to interfere in our politics and fail because the design of our system but with modern technology and how fast information can spread it is easy for countries like Russia to pull off hacks and then release stuff to influence people opinions. We cannot allow such intervention and it should be in the best interest of both parties to strongly condemn such acts no matter which party is the victim. And we should accept no one who calls for hacking any organization, person, or entity in our country. This is not a joke. Today it is emails from a political party, tomorrow it could be your bank account, your company, your family, or the military. Allowing this hacking in any form allows them to perfect their techniques and makes them more dangerous.
No, the message that should have been sent by Trump, if he were a true leader worth his salt, should have been a condemnation and a call for Wikileaks to be shut down as being dangerous to all. And to vow to fight such actions. Not to mention that if he believes he is good enough then to say I don't need outside help. I will win on my own merit. But Trump has no merit, no honor, he is a coward afraid to lose so he cheats just like he does contractors.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Alzheimer's and prions

I read another article about Alzheimer's and how sense of smell changes could help diagnose the disease. Very interesting.
Now it is time for one of Chuck's whacked out theories.

Recently there has been an increase in brain eating amoeba cases. Many of those cases were people who swum in waters during warm weather. The amoeba enters the nose migrates to the brain using olfactory nerves. It does this rather quickly since it is not a large separation relatively speaking.
Now what if there is another organism / agent that gains access to the brain in much the same way? A prion, a misshapen (misfolded ) protein. Prions have been proven to Mad Cow disease (BSE- bovine spongiform encephalopathy) and its human variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD).  Could a prion gain entry through the olfactory center propagate by misfolding of other alike proteins at a slow rate until it reached the brain? Upon reaching the brain could the prion be the cause the plaques and tangles found in the brain during postmortem studies of Alzheimer's patients? I know Alzheimer's has been identified as a protein misfolding disease so that part is not new. What if the source of entry is through the nose? Could it be a prion inhaled when cooking a certain meat or cooking it a certain way? Think about all the animal proteins we cook and all the different methods to do so? We know CJD is acquired from eating beef contaminated by the CJD prion. We also know that certain cattle feeding methods like supplementing the protein of beef cattle diet with beef meat byproducts (the parts of cattle they won't even use to make into hotdogs). Maybe there is another animal protein we use that has a prion that works slower either because of the way it is misfolded or because of its entry route. Maybe as we age changes allow this prion to reproduce faster.
I am not saying not to eat meat and become a vegetarian (I'm not giving up my carnivore ways) just maybe we should check this out to see if it is the cause, find the prion and where it originates. Find how it gains access to the brain and what makes some more susceptible.

This has been a way out there theory brought to you by the mind of Chuck.

Trump Putin World plan Scenario

My brain likes to take and process many scenarios to troubleshoot problems and electronics, it made me a great electronics technician.
Sometimes those scenarios seem unlikely and you are tempted to throw them aside but you keep them in case all others prove wrong. You would be surprised how many time the most unlikely problem turned out to be cause of the actual equipment failure.
One of those silly scenarios that my brain has come up with would make a great espionage book but it could become true. (I tend to fall into troubleshooting mode to figure out stupid stuff going on in the world.)
Trump and his BS is one thing I have been processing. Here is a scenario scares me.

Donald Trump has run on an antiterrorist platform and one that favors Russia at the expense of our NATO allies. No what if Trump were to win? What if part of his Terrorism plan was to take control over the countries of the Arabian Peninsula ( Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, etc) You say who would allow this? Russia for one. If Russia could get a free hand in Eastern Europe and to other countries that were ounce part of the Soviet Union Putin would not care about the Arabian Peninsula. Heck he would endorse it saying it needed to be done to stop radical Islam and terrorism. Trump would probably throw Turkey into the mix to boot. This would not be the first time two countries made such unwritten agreements or written agreements. The AXIS did so before WWII. Germany and Russia divided Poland with the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty (do I need to add the Von- before Ribbentrop to please the sticklers?) As we know , Germany ended up betraying Russia.
So in this scenario Russia would gain control of most of Europe and Asia. The US would control Saudi Arabia and maybe the whole of the Americas. If you think that sounds ok I got news for you , it isn't. Anytime you invade a country you will deal with its population that will have groups that will support and others that will not. If the country really does not want you there they will fight you tooth and nail resorting to gorilla tactics. During the days of the Soviet Union the communist government suppressed uprisings with terror and violation of human rights. Will we stoop to that level? I pray not. Trump would declare anyone against an occupation as terrorist supporters. Anyone speaking out would be silenced by thug means. All being sold as the only way to fight terrorism and all Muslims as terrorists.
I know this is far fetched and sounds crazy. Remember Trump is crazy and an egomaniac who is deluded enough to believe this would work. Since Trump says he has a plan to fight terrorism but offers no details just says he will be tough on terrorism or "radical Islam " . How do we know this far fetched scenario is not his plan?
He is a fan of Putin not to mention other tyrannical dictators.
He has said he would not come to the aid of certain NATO countries unless certain conditions are met. Those countries were under the influence or part of the former Soviet Union.
Trump blames almost every Muslim Arabian country for "radical Islam" True there are groups who are radicalized in those countries but it is not the majority of those countries population.
Trump loves his fossil fuels and denies climate change.
Trump loves money and he and his cronies would love to be in charge of the Arabian Peninsula oil reserves.
I admit this is one of those out there scenarios that my mind normally sets aside but I figure if Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists can throw their crap out there then why can't I? The difference between them and I is I don't pass it off as true then make fake stuff to make it sound believable like they did trying to say Black Lives Matter was planned by the Obama administration as a way to declare martial law and call off elections. What is funny is my scenario is more plausible. lol

If Trump is connected to Russian hacks

So by some off chance Trump is elected and there is shown a link between him and Russia leaking DNC data what would happen? Can you say impeachment? He would probably be impeached for treason and removed from office. Pence would become President because he most likely had nothing to do with it. The Republicans would not come to his defense and would be leading the impeachment to save face and their seats in the next election. As for criminal charges? Most likely if the connection is proven. I doubt The Trump Organization would exist too long after Trump is convicted. His assets would probably be seized since they could be considered as ill gotten gains.
I think he probably would be sentenced to life, sent to a super max, and forced to watch The Rosie O'Donald show on DVD.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Don't sellout to Trump, he will cost more than you can afford to lose

If anyone thinks I am not a Christian just because I don't like Trump you got another thing coming. If anyone wants to attack me and say I am not a Christian then you have a whole lot of another thing coming.  
If you try to get between me and my Savior, you better turn around because "He is Coming!"

I do not vote for people who say " they never asked forgiveness from God" because they think they are perfect and have an ego.

I do not to vote for people who claim to be Christian yet speak with a tongue sharper than satan.

I do not vote for a person who claims to be a Christian yet speaks with hate towards his fellow man.

I do not vote for a person who says the are a child of God yet speaks lies like his true father.

I do not vote for a man who knows not The Word let alone a passage from the Word.

I do not vote for a man who loves his own light more than The Light.

I do not vote for a man who comes claiming to be "the savior of the world" for The Word has warned me of this man and his kind.

I do not vote for people who spread hate and fear because the foundation of that house is rotten while the Foundation of My Father's House is on solid ground and strong! My Father's House is without flaws!

I do not vote for people who turn away God's children.

I do not vote for people who turn away the refugee looking for comfort for they too are children of God.

I do not vote for a man promising riches yet steals from the poor.

Condemn me if you will for my vote but your condemnation will not be heard on the last day.

Condemn me for not bowing to hate, but hate will not judge me on the last day!

Condemn me for not bowing to fear, but fear will not judge me on the last day.

Condemn if you want, but while you do you condemn yourself.

Lies, hate, and fear shelter in the dark where they hide from truth growing and feeding on a fallen crop that took seed not in the Soil in the Light.

A man can promise the world but it will cost your soul.

Christ promise eternal Life for the Soul.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Newt Gingrich rediculous religious test

Today was a day of tragedy for France, it was a tragedy for the world. Today many are afraid that a similar tragedy could again come to the United States; this is a sad possibility. What would be an even worse tragedy would be to let fear destroy the fabric of our society, our liberty. We cannot have a knee-jerk reaction that leads to policies that our contrary to the beliefs of our founding fathers, our beliefs.
What many would consider to be our greatest beliefs, so much so they were made the first amendment, are the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, a free press, and the right of peaceful assembly. These are the rights that are most responsible for keeping us free more so than any other right, including the right to bear arms. These are the rights that should never be infringed for they define us. We can worship as we choose and this nourishes our soul, and though some choose not to worship and believe in God they too take comfort in this choose. We can speak out freely on things that matter without fear of reprisals from our government. Are voices can call for change if we feel there is something wrong. We can chose what we say. We can choose when to speak. We can write and share news without worry that our government will manipulate or filter the message. Our press lets us know what are government is doing so we the people know what is going on so there is no abuse of power that will go unchallenged. We have the right of assembly to protest, to ask for change, or just to celebrate. These are the most valuable rights that need to be guarded fiercely for if we lose these, any one of them, we lose our freedom and all other rights need not matter.
Newt Gingrich has called for a test to be given to all persons of Muslim descent asking if they believe in Sharia law. If a person says they do then they are to be deported. This question is of a religious one and to ask the question and to penalize someone who answers yes is a violation of the 1st amendment. You see the first amendment guarantees religious freedom by preventing the government from passing laws that could be seen as establishing a religion, giving one religion preference over others, or penalizing a religion. I am not defending shariah law, no, I consider most of it barbaric. I do know that just because someone believes in religious laws or the philosophy behind it, it does not mean they want it instituted in the United States. Or maybe someone believes in the moral code behind the law and not the prescribed penalties. Remember Christians and Jews have the commandments (Islam does too)  and if they were enforced today as they were in the past it would be considered barbaric but we still believe in them as a moral code of conduct.
If we start giving religious tests for citizenship and deport those who don't pass where to we stop? What if there were a Christian sect, Jewish sect, Hindu sect, Buddhist sect, or other group that commits an act of terror in the name of their religion do we test all Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists and deport those whom we think failed? If an atheist commits an act of terror do we just get rid of them for lack of believing in God? No. When we start testing people on their religious beliefs we start eating away at our own religious freedom. We run the risk of being told by whomever is in power on just what God and how to worship. This is not good in my book.
We cannot let a plan like the one purposed by Mr. Gingrich be made law for if it were law it would not only erode away are freedom of religion but all other 1st amendment rights and we would no be free but captive to fear, tyranny, and oppression.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

God comfort France!

another attack against France, an attack on democracy, and peace loving people everywhere. God Bless France!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

News Flash: man finds out Trump is Presidential candidate relapsed back into coma

whatchaknow, Red State

Doctors at Nobama Care Hospital are at a loss to explain why a man who has been in a coma since the last presidential election suddenly awoke. Doctors and family called it a miracle. The miracle did not last long; as soon as the man received the news Donald Trump was the GOP candidate for president the man said "Oh hell" and lapsed back into a coma.
Doctors and family are hopeful that the man will wake again in 2020 for the next election but are afraid they may have to pull the plug by then as the family has no insurance coverage. A tough break for a diehard republican.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Trump why won't you speak at the NAACP convention in Cincinnati?

Sometimes you want go where everybody know your name and there always glad you came....Unless you're Donald Trump invited to address the NAACP. Can't spare a couple of hours for your fellow men and women there Mr. Trump? No, your ego won't let you take time out from your coronation.
It is sad you have your own plane.
Cleveland and Cincinnati are both in Ohio.
Pretty much a hop skip and a jump away.
Maybe you are too worried that the GOP might wise up while your gone and Dump Trump.
Or you want to keep up your hate speech to stir your supporters in order to keep any chance at common sense in prevailing at the GOP convention.
Personally I think it is because you are a racist coward.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Trumps propaganda and why I am a sheep!

So a judge struck down a Virginia law binding delegates. Basically saying the state cannot punish a person if they don't vote according to the primary. This case was brought because a GOP delegate from Virginia felt he could not in good conscience vote for Trump. Now this does not effect the RNC rule because that is an internal matter and that rule is to be addressed by the RNC before the convention. It was a clear loss for the Trump campaign concerning state election laws but he had his people write an article saying he won. At no time in the article his guys wrote does he mention the judge ruling against the state law. He got his ass handed to him in his hat. So for all y'all saying the media doesn't tell the truth I ask you , are you serious? Trump just took a page from the "Joseph Goebbels big book of propaganda".
In case you don't know who that is he was the Nazi propaganda guy.
Anyway "we sheep" will read the real news and you can go on believing the news pulled from some paranoid, tin foil hat wearing, afraid of an skin color other than white, lives in his mom's basement nut job's butt.
Oh I am a sheep and I have a Shepard and with him I shall not want for things. You should no his name so I should not have to tell you. I will give you a clue, he speaks of love and compassion, he speaks of forgiveness, he speaks truth, and he never killed someone because of their beliefs but died so even those whom took his life have the chance for forgiveness and eternal life. Yes, I am a sheep.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

I am tired of racists trying to justify themselves

Hey those out there that are taking "data" to discredit a movement by people who show concern their people are more likely to be killed by police because of the the color of their skin. Hey y'all who want to show figures that show blacks commit more crimes and should be profiled. Notice the website. Notice the numbers and percentages. This is just for 2012 but the trend holds. Come on keep posting crap to make it look like blacks are the problem. Come on do it! What is the saying that the guilty cry out the loudest they are innocent? Come on say your not racist? Protest how much you are not because you have black friends, then post more figures pointing to how blacks kill more whites! Hey when you do post your source! The verified source common do it!
Let everyone know what you really think! Let your black friends know, come on! Put that closet racism out there!
Say that I don't support police do it! I support police I value them more than most and I believe that no one should raise a gun to an officer! Can y'all say the same you constitutionally misinformed who think the second amendment gives you the right to take up arms against the government if they make a law you don't like or elect a leader you don't like? No, because when you say that you are saying you will take arms up against the police officers who are sworn to uphold the law, meaning our constitution. Tell me you support constitutional rights and then call for an uprising if something doesn't go your way. You have no clue!
Just bring the real reason you think black people are against cops into the open. Most of these people protesting just want changes to rid police forces of people who do have racial bias and act with that bias. Don't say there are no racially bias cops cause that is a crock of crap. There is! How do I know? Because it is endemic to our society we have racial biased people in various walks of life. Heck it is in our military a few individuals are racist an try to covertly act on their beliefs. How do I know? Because I have seen it. On my second submarine I got death threats and notes telling me to commit suicide because I called out a group of guys in my division who circulated white supremacist literature and conspired to prevent a person qualifying because they were Filipino. How did I find out? Let say I was so skinny I was the one sent into small places no one else could go to clean and I overheard the bastards. You want to know why I have social anxiety that led to me getting medically discharged along with a bad back? That there! You don't forget that crap and no amount of drinking erases that. I'm glad I don't drink anymore it made me depressed more.
See I hate racist bullshit and if you don't like what I said fine unfriend me. I will tell you I won't let any racist crap go, I'll bring it into the light when I can so if you are racist lock your racist closet up tight or learn to change because I will bring it into the light.

Addressing the BS theory of Obama wanting to declare martial law.

There is no conspiracy to deflect media attention from Hillary Clinton or for the president to declare martial law to stop the upcoming election to take over the world.
Let us look at things logically

To orchestrate a shooting to ignite racial tensions you would of course need a shooter or a willing victim to provoke a shooting.

Shooter- the conspirators would need to find a person willing to risk being a sacrificial goat. You would need to look around for a willing shooter it is not like they advertise "Police Officer willing to shoot black people to facilitate starting a race war in order to declare martial law." And I don't think you could just call around looking for a cop that would do it. And you can't plant a person in a department to do it.

The victim- not going to get too many volunteers for this side. Can't advertise for "black man willing to provoke cop to shoot you dead without making it look like you did." The victims history shows this to be highly unlikely.

The numbers- to orchestrate such a plan would require many people and it has been proven the more people privy to secret the more likely that secret is revealed. As people are added to the secret the chances of exposure goes up and the chance of success go down. You increase chance of failure because you add more parts that can fail. It is that simple.

The President is bound by law and though he can suspend certain things because of emergency the Constitution cannot be suspended in itself. The right to a Writ of Habeas Corpus has been suspended by presidents during Wartime for security reasons but not much more than this. President Lincoln did so during the civil war and I think Franklin D. Roosevelt did so for WWII. The Civil War was the most divided this country has ever been yet the presidential election still went on because it says so in the constitution and even presidential authority cannot supersede that. During WWII the presidential election still took place.
The key here is what gives the president his authority and that is the constitution. The president cannot suspend the instrument that gives him power. If he were to try he would fail because it is against the law and he cannot order the military to impose martial law that keeps him president and suspends the constitution because that is an unlawful order. While the military is required to obey those officers appointed over them the do not have to obey an unlawful order even from the president.

Our system is set up in such a way that no one person or person can circumvent the constitution. Checks and balances limit the power of each branch of government. If President tries to take total control and suspend the constitution it would be considered unlawful and congress would impeach them. If congress tried to pass laws to suspend constitutional rights the president can veto the law or the Supreme Court can overturn the law. The Supreme Court can decide the constitution legality of laws but they cannot make laws. The Supreme Court can, and has done so in the past, determine if the president has exceeded his constitutional authority. All these ensure no person can become a dictator in the U.S. The movies tend to exaggerate what the president can and cannot do.

Unlike other countries our elections are fixed by law and cannot be changed nor suspended.

The sad truth is this conspiracy theory is spread by a think that was designed to facilitate the spread of knowledge. The theory holds no water when compared to "true facts" and logic. It is a ploy by people who want to pray on fear to get people to come to their side which is based on ignorance.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A scary story for Sarah Palin! Spoiler Alert it has hyphens!

Sarah Palin is afraid of hyphens. Doesn't know our country is made of diverse cultures, ethnic, and racial groups who are proud of their heritage. E Pluribus Unum
I want to write a scary story for her.
I am Anglo-American
I am Franco-American (French not the food thing)
I am Belgian-American
I am Irish-American
I am Scottish-American
The is a chance I am Native-American and African-American
I am a Christian-American
I am all these things that make me an American-American
And to confuse her tiny little mind I am a homo sapien sapien-American (no the sapien x 2 is not a typo)
To change things up:
I am an American-veteran
A disabled-American-veteran
An American-Navy-Veteran
An American-Submarine-Veteran
Here is a long one for you :
I am an American-whose-family-has -lived-in-America-since-the-1600's-and-whose-ancestors-fought-in-the-American-Revolutionary-War-plus-loaned-Washington-money-to-fight-the-war-American
(By the way government saying you don't have to repay because the records were burnt in the War of 1812 is as bad of an excuse as the dog ate my homework. But it's all good)

I am a happy-diverse-hyphenated-American


Friday, July 8, 2016

Bill O'Reilly grasping at straws!

This is a non-issue being used to stoke hate and mistrust. It is common for people of one culture to dress in attire of another culture when attending such events as weddings. This is a fact and happens a lot. People honor other cultures yet still remain true to their own faith. Christ went into the homes of sinners. The apostles into the homes of Gentiles. If I were asked to a Jewish wedding and asked to wear a yamaka I would, it does not make me Jewish. If I were to go to Japan, India, or other country and wear traditional clothes I would still be Christian.
What if I were to tell you that Thomas Jefferson owned a Quran? Did that make him Muslim? No, he was a deist though.
This is a weak argument from a person with issues grasping for straws.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Open letter to Donald J. Trump and Racist everywhere in the open or closeted

Mr. Trump

Today, tonight actually, I had planned on editing a book I have been working on but the news of today preempted that. You see, today was a bad news day for race relations in our great country. One thing was worse than the other in terms of lives lost today, but the other runs the risk of thousands and thousands of lives being lost in our future (in our world's past it ranks in the millions).
The first event was that of a young black man being killed by police in a disturbing manner. Alton Sterling was shot while pinned on the ground by 2 white police officers. The video of the event shows what can only be called very questionable behavior on the actions of the officers involved. It is said that Alton Sterling was armed but from the video and the statements of witnesses there was no way for him to reach the gun. The whole thing ended tragically and further damaged already strained relationship between the black community and police.
The second part of this letter is related to the first in regard to race relations. It has to do with how your treatment of others and your careless treatment of racial and ethnic issues is feeding racial tensions across the board. You have made derogatory remarks about people of Mexican descent, Muslims, and belittled someone for their Native American heritage. Your businesses have discriminated against black people by refusing to rent to them, you have removed black people from working in your casinos if certain people were present. These issues alone are troubling but there is more that is outright horrifying.
You find yourself as the Republican Party's presidential candidate and for anyone that would be considered an accomplishment to be lauded, but I nor many others cannot find it in our hearts to do so. We cannot get behind your slogan "Make America Great Again" because what you represent is totally opposite of what makes America great. You sir, are a predator who prays on fears and hate. Your supporters like what you say because you appeal to their ignorance. Yes, ignorance for it is that more than anything that is the cause of the fear you use to your advantage. It is ignorance that lets racism thrive. It is ignorance that says someone cannot do a particular job because of their color, their religion, or sex. It is ignorance that says all Muslims are terrorists, it is ignorance that says all Mexicans are thieves, rapists, or murders. It is ignorance that makes a person think it is ok to make fun of a person's heritage or disabilities. It is ignorance to use a symbol of religion, any religion, to strike out at another. All these add up to make one big ball of fear that you feed on and fuel. 
Yet there is something worse than ignorance and that is no better but choosing to not just ignore it but to use it, to spread it. In the bible it talks how faith that is built with a solid foundation will not falter. I will tell you what does falter, a foundation built on hate. It festers, it eats away all that it touches unless it is removed. How do you remove hate? The best way is to remove ignorance, to educate. With faith and knowledge fear is powerless. 
The thing here is that at no time have you really tried to remove fear, you fed it, you fed ignorance.
It is said that there are some good people who support you because you fed their fear. You have done it across the political spectrum from economics to relations of all types. If you cannot get at a person one way you try another. Never have you shown any plan of progress. You go for fear and say you are the only one to stop it. The sad thing is that the people you have conned do not recognize you are the real boogeyman. But as I said before fear is ignorance and your main supporters are filled with both. Is there any redemption for you? I would say no, for if there were you would have distanced yourself from the groups based on hate that support you. An common, you cannot say that star was not a Star of David but a sheriff's star. The darn pic was found on a hate group site.
To the supporters of Donald J. Trump
To ignore or turn a blind eye to the racist actions and talk of your candidate because you feel he may benefit you in someway does not absolve you from the repercussions of what will happen it Trump is elected president. To say, "I didn't know" or "what could I do" is not a defense; it was not a defense for the people of Germany after WWII and will never be. There is no excuse for putting a person,who has time and time again shown he has racist leanings, in office. "Well, I would rather vote Trump than that murderer Hillary " is not an excuse. If you think Hillary was responsible for Bengazi, then you are really ignorant of how government agencies work. CIA, State Department, and the Military involved Clinton was in charge of one and between her and the people on the ground there are how many others in that chain of command? The only thing she really did wrong was not rolling some underlings heads for dropping the ball. What about the CIA? The Department of Defense? What, none of them were democrats running for office?
Back on the issue Trump supporters. Many of you also go after Obama and I will tell you why. You are racist or closet racists. Please don't use the "But I have black friends " defense. You have black aquiantences or coworkers. In truth you would resent them if they were your supervisor or you will use the "n" word if they are not around. I know how it goes I was raised in the south. Closeted racism maybe worst of all. It is easier to face ignorance and hate head on but harder when it is coming at your back. 
In closing I want to say to those who fight racism and discrimination, call it out wherever and whenever you see it. Bring the hate into the light don't let it grow like a fungus that will eat away at our society. I recently read a letter by Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzz on Twitter) that inspired me to write this open letter to Trump and his supporters. She bravely pointed out to her boss how the use of star in Trump's tweet calling Clinton a crook was wrong. Why is she brave? Her boss is Trump's son-in-law. We can all be brave and call out this hate before it destroys us.
Charles Parmele 

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Thunderhead Rebellion Chapter 1

The Thunderhead Rebellion

Chapter One

The carriage pulled up to the front of Bellingham Palace, the Residence of the King of the planet Anglia, A place servant opened the rear door, and a tall man with short grey hair stepped out.

The servant was quick to hold the umbrella over the man.

“Quite a downpour we are having, Lord Blackstock, not fit for man nor beast.” The guard commented as he escorted the man up the steps leading to the main palace entrance.

“Neither is the hour Mr. Hill.”  Lord Cyril Blackstock replied with disgust. He was upset at the time as much as the weather, 3 AM Lowidon time. The only advantage of traveling through the Capitol streets surrounded by its massive skyscrapers was there was no traffic, but this was not an equitable trade-off regarding Sleep.

The large and ornately carved doors of the main entrance were guarded by Two Royal Sentries, dressed in the old style dress uniform of centuries past; a Bright red woolen coat with gold buttons, Dark blue pants with a red stripe up each pant leg, black boots shined to a mirrored finish and to top it off each guard wore a bear fur hat. At their side was the only current item to their uniform, if a weapon could be considered part of the uniform, a plasma musket.

The guards did not move they stood motionless as the heavy oak doors opened of their own accord allowing Mr. Hill and Lord Blackstock to step inside to the main Hall, a large room full of white marble columns, black and white marbled floor, fine hand woven rugs, painting from the masters of old and brass statues depicting heroes of the kingdom to creatures of mythology. Curved staircases descended from the second story on each side of the main hall. These stairs led to the quarters of the Royal Family.

Lord Blackstock stepped toward the left-hand stairs.

“His Majesty is in his Quarters I take it.” Lord Blackstock said.

He was corrected by Hill, “No your Lordship, he is in the study.” Hill said and motioned to a door under the staircase.

“Do you know what is so important he would have summoned me at this hour?”

“No Lord Blackstock. His Majesty was in an excellent mood after he arrived home from his holiday this .. or I should say yesterday afternoon.  He went to his study to review his communiqué’s and has been locked in his study ever since. He even missed dinner. He has been raving the whole time your Lordship, he only stepped out long enough to have me summoned here your Lordship.”

I another matter of minor proportions, Sir Blackstock thought. Every time he returns from holiday it is the same old thing, he reviews his paperwork and flies into a huff.  In the past, Lord Blackstock was summoned during the day, not in the middle of the night.

Well, I better see what has his majesty’s feathers ruffled. Can you announce me Mr. Hill?”

“Yes, Prime Minister.”

The door opened Mr. Hill stepped inside the study stood straight  and announced, “The Prime Minister Lord Cyril Blackstock.”

Lord Blackstock entered the office bowed slightly to the King, who was sitting behind a large dark wooden desk the size of the average married couple’s bed. The desk was centered in the middle of the back wall which was not a wall, but a large bookcase like the other walls in the room only the forward wall was bare of shelves and books. This wall a shiny red mahogany glad wall was decorated with pictures of the current royal family.

“Will you need anything else, sire?”

“No Henry, you may retire. Lord Blackstock can show himself out when we are done.”  King Lawrence said without looking up from his desk and the file that lay sprawled upon it.

“Yes, Sire” Mr. Hill withdrew backwards from the room.

Lord Blackstock waited for the King to address him so he could speak but the custom was he could not address the sovereign unless spoken to first. He waited in silence no sound since the door closed after Hill left. Finally, after terminally long time His Majesty rose from his chair.

“We have a problem Cyril.”

No beating about pleasantries just straight out with the bad.

“This proposal from The Minister of Colonial Affairs is unacceptable, it is an outrage, an insult to the crown.” The King exclaimed picking up the file briefly displaying it to Lord Blackstock then slammed it down on the desk, papers flying.

Blackstock took this as a signal for him to approach the desk of the sovereign. He looked at the mess of papers, but he did not have to read them he had read the proposal the day before. Blackstock knew it would outrage the King, but he did not count on being summoned during the early morning hours. He hoped that the Sovereign would be angered but only enough to sack Sir Gordon Ramsey the Minister for Colonial Affairs, an appointment forced upon him by the opposition to solidify the current government controlled by his Tory Party.

The Tories had not the majority to completely control the cabinet so through backroom deal-making and promises they won the majority on the condition that one member of the opposition, The Whigs, would be appointed to a cabinet post. After meetings and discussions with his party and the king, it was decided that the office of Minister of Colonial Affairs would be given to Sir Gordon Ramsey, the Whig’s secretary. It was felt the position was important enough to be accepted, but not so necessary to cause problems for the Tories or His Majesty. This was a miss calculation.

Ramsey was a trouble maker from the start and everyone in the Cabinet wanted him removed, but the King’s political adviser’s recommended he be kept to appease the Whig and to some point the Colonists. The only way out was to let Ramsey commit an act so the King would be forced to withdraw his support from Sir Ramsey.

“I read the proposal your Highness and determined that it had no chance of passing parliament. I do not think this will harm the government Sire.”

The 6 foot 4 balding sovereign slammed his hands down on his desk.

I do not give a damn about the government! I am concerned with the Crown!”

“Yes Sire, but surely this is a matter for His Majesties Government.”

The king took a deep breath fumbled through papers and picked up one and handed to Blackstock.

“Take it! Do you know what it says?”

Lord Blackstock took the paper skim over it; he did not need to read it he knew it what it was already. As he was doing the King started to pace spouting out all the while.

“That is why it is a problem Prime Minister. It makes me a laughing Stock to all other Nations. It takes away my right to decide to whom colonial lands are given and how they are to be used. It limits the tax that can be imposed on the colonies. It gives the colonists the right publish anything they like even if it slanders the crown without repercussion.” The King took a breath before he continued.

“They want colonial representation in Parliament! A bunch of backwoodsmen deciding Policy? I think not. The right to have a fully armed militia. Ridiculous! What for we provide their protection they have no need for such a force. Free Trade with other nations! Ha! Plus they want to usurp the power of the Church of Anglia by allowing freedom of religion.

All unacceptable Lord Blackstock.”

“Sire, it is just a preliminary agreement. It has no merit. I am sure it will not get past committee.”

Blackstock replied.

Blackstock watched The King pace beside his desk wearing the weave out of the carpet.

“It does not matter if it gets past committee; the fact is it is out there Lord Blackstock. The Representatives, the traitors, from the colonies, might as well dictating policy! No, It is we who determine policy!”  Lord Blackstock nodded in agreement as the King continued to rant.

“And This Sir Gordon Ramsey, I knighted him, and this is how I am to be repaid. He might as well poisoned me with some concoction cooked up in a hellish kitchen!”

This is what Lord Blackstock was waiting for, the chance to rid himself of Ramsey and gain control over the whole of the cabinet.

“Sire I take it as your wish to have Sir Gordon removed from office.”

The King stopped his pacing returned to his chair and plopped down. He sighed and shook his head.

“I am afraid it is not as simple as that Lord Blackstock. Two things pose a problem now.

If we sack Ramsey, he will talk to the press and create a stir. And then there is the matter of the colonial representatives, once they arrive back in the colonies news of the proposal will spread and when word comes that the plan has been scrapped there will be outrage they could turn to Gaul for help if there were and uprising. I take it Richard Brothers paid a visit to Gaul while he was here?”

Lord Blackstock was amazed that the King was aware of Brothers’ visit to Gaul. The king has his own intelligence sources, Lord Blackstock thought.

Yes, Your Majesty. He made the Trip to purchase antique books for a colleague of his back in the colonies; this was confirmed by our intelligence assets on Gaul.”

“He still could have had a secret meeting with the Gaulian government?”

“Highly doubtful, sire.”  Lord Blackstock answered.

“He is a man of the media, isn’t he? Has his own publishing house. And what of this John Braintree? He is a Lawyer? I recall hearing of him not too long ago,” the king continued his rundown of the Colonial representatives.

“He represented our soldiers involved in the Beacon Massac’…Incident,” Lord Blackstock caught himself before he used the term massacre, a word the King despised.

“Mr. Baintree was able to win an acquittal for the men. A real service to the crown.”

The king scoffed, “Yes service the crown one moment then knock it off my head the next.”

Not knowing what to do next Lord Blackstock was left one option.

“Sire what would you like me to do?”

“Have a seat Cyril and I will show you,” The King said as he operated a few button on the right of his desk. A holographic projection appeared just above the desk showing a star chart one planetary system, the home system, and a large nebula, the Thunderhead nebula, a few light years distant.

The Thunderhead Nebula, the most massive object in the Anglia sky, was named because the Ancients thought it resemble a Thunderstorm head. The nebula was special because it held 3 large planetary systems in a void inside the bubble. Two of the systems contained the colonies of Anglia the last system were Iberian colonies.

Lord Blackstock sat down and examined the chart as the King explained his plan using a light pointer to indicate points of interest.

We must do two things; first, we must silence Ramsey move him to the ministry of education and use the States Secrets Act to keep him silent about the Proposal, This I leave to you.”

“Yes, sire, but wouldn’t it be best to sack him and let it be done with?”

The king smiled. “No, sacking him would only infuriate him and the Whigs. No, It is best we keep him where we can keep and eye on him. I think the Ministry of Education would do, I doubt he could cause much trouble there.”

Lord Blackstock forced a smile despite himself. He would get his wish of removing Sir Gordon Ramsey from the Ministry of Colonial affair, but Ramsey would still be part of his administration. He would be Blackstock’s thorn in his side.

Yes, your majesty. And the second option?”

“The colonial representation departed for the colonies a week ago?” The King asked.

“Five days sire.”

“They are using a converted merchant calling it a frigate? Since it is not a real frigate it still has its original faster-than-light engine?”

What the King was leading to started to become apparent in Blackstock’s mind.

Yes, sire. They have a long haul merchant FTL drive. It is limited by duty cycle and ability to fold space.”

The King smile when he heard Lord Blackstock’s confirmation.

“From what data this computer has and the calculations then their ship will have to drop out of FTL about two-thirds the distance to the Corridor. If we sent one of our frigates, it could intercept them while they slowed for the cooling cycle?”

It was evident now the King meant to catch the ship and prevent news of the proposal from reaching the colonies. He was forming his plan around the duty cycle of the FTL drive. The folding of Space required power and with power there was heat. To prevent the FTL from overheating and possibly destroying the ship, ships would drop out of FTL to cool the engines for the next fold cycle. At slower than light speeds the ships would fully extend their solar sails and use the spars and sails to radiate head into the void of space. Once the FTL cooled, they would fold space again to travel faster than light.

“Our Frigates can make the run to the corridor without the need of a cooling cycle. There is a risk that the FTL fold pod will need to be replaced after the run sire,” Blackstock said and thought of the next question one he did not wait to ask.

“What do you want to do with Mr. Brothers and Mr. Braintree when they are…uh.. apprehended?”

“What we normally do with traitors, execute them!”

“But sire that would inevitably draw outrage in the colonies and here soon as the news gets out!”

The Kings smile became a sinister grin. “There will be no news, there will be no witnesses. Once the ship is caught it will be boarded, the representatives will then be brought to the frigate and executed, the colonial ship will be destroyed. When it fails to arrive at its destination, there will be a search, and we will assist. In the end, it will be determined that the vessel met some misfortune crossing the void, and all will be forgotten. It is an old ship after all.”

“Yes, sire, there is just one problem we will have to be particular when we choose the Frigate we will send. We cannot pick any ship, especially one with talkative officers,” said Lord Blackstock.

The king rose from his chair Lord Blackstock did. Also, this was a signal that a decision had been made, and the meeting would soon end.

“That is another thing you can help with Cyril. Your Nephew, Edward Cochrane, is in command of The Hammer?”

Edward Cochrane was Blackstock’s sister’s son. He was a newly appointed captain of the RSV Hammer a newly constructed Royal Space Fleet Frigate currently patrolling the edge of the Home System.  Edward was a young captain but capable who rose to his current position without the help of his uncle, this made Lord Blackstock proud.

Yes, he is Sire. He is patrolling the Thunderhead Nebulae side of the outer home system.”

“Good, I have arranged with the Admiralty be detached for special duty to the crowd. I want you to send a communiqué with royal orders as to what needs to be done. Please, emphasize the need for absolute discretion. No one but he should know the details. On the completion, he is to report to the Halifax shipyard in the Northern system to refit and report. He shall communicate via packet with either the message, “ a safe crossing” if successful or “A foul crossing” if things do not work out. Do you understand?”

Yes, sire.”

“You may Leave Lord Blackstock.”

Blackstock bowed and left the office and palace to face the rain as he waited for his carriage to be brought around. Things were going to change, but he did not know how much. The decision made that rainy night would bring forth a storm that no one expected.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

A break from politics and pointing out how rediculous Trump is. Back to writing!

It seems I need to make a change and take a break from reading all the negative political crap that has been going on this election year. I need to get back to what I like to do. I mean, what can I accomplish blogging about how bad trump is besides giving myself an ulcer.
So what will I be doing? Writing and making custom knives plus a gold prospecting trip now and again. Tomorrow, July 4th, I intend to start posting a novel that combines my love of history and science fiction. No, it will not have historical figures killing vampires or traveling through time.
A few years ago I started writing a story about a rebellion that takes place in space. It is not Star Wars, there are no mystical beings with magical powers. It will be much like our war of independence but with a civilization with advanced technology but with traditions and beliefs like that of the colonial error. And like that era a key factor will be great distance between the colonies and the powers that control them. There will be no instant communication through sub-space. Travel between systems will take weeks and months. The weapons will not be lasers or phasers that have an endless power supply but they will be more advanced than firearms of today. The tactics will be similar to the line warfare of the 18th century. Spaceships will fight broadside to broadside like the age of fighting sail. To board a ship during battle will require spacesuits since there will be so transporter.
I plan on posting a new chapter every week or two until the completed novel is on the blog. I will leave the novel online for a few months afterward then remove it from my blog. I intend to sell the novel as an ebook and follow it up with other novels that deal with the fight for independence.
The name of the first novel "The Thunderhead Rebellion ".
If you read it please comment because everything helps.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Resistance is futile? Stopping the spread of false information.

As many of you know, those of you that have read my blogs that is, I have a pet peeve about the spread of false information on the Internet. Specifically, I hate when a person, trying to further their own cause, makes up a fact or statement that is totally untrue. It irks me to no end because I value the Internet for its intended purpose, the spread of knowledge. Knowledge to me is based on fact.
Recently I found a post on Facebook that makes the claim that Dianne Fienstein said "that when the gunman realizes no one else is armed then he will turn himself in, that is human nature." First she never made such a statement and the source of this was a now defunct satirical website. The problem is people believe she actually said this and spread it around. People use it to justify the 2nd amendment by using this to support their argument against gun control. People call Senator Fienstein stupid for saying this. Well let us examine the first part.
When you are debating an issue you want to do it in such a way that is logical and persuasive. The best way to make sure you stay logical and persuasive is to have a good foundation to your argument based on facts. "Facts" are true not made up. If during your argument someone sees your "facts" are false they will chip away your foundation and your whole argument will collapse. Even if only one part of your facts is false you damage your foundation. If you catch a person in a lie you find it hard to believe anything else they say; it's human nature. Why risk discrediting yourself with falsehoods if the issue is important to you. If somethings is important to you the treat it with care and respect. Verify your facts!
The second part. So you believe Senator Fienstein made the statement and she is stupid and you know better. First she did not make the statement so you cannot use it to say she is stupid. Second, you cannot justify knowing better because the statement wasn't made. How can you know better than she does? You don't know what she knows because she didn't say it. There is something to be said. Between the truth and a lie there is commonsense. Commonsense favors the truth, foolishness favors the lie.
Our society has become dependent on the Internet yet the Internet is fool of falsehoods and more are being generated everyday. Our we to base our society on lies? Do we base our lives on lies?
If we do then our foundation is weak and the coming collapse will be inevitable. Resist falsehood resist the lies. It would be sad indeed if something designed to better mankind by the sharing of knowledge instead brought about its destruction with ignorance.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

My writing and Christian experience.: No "absolutists" for gun control or responsibility...

My writing and Christian experience.: No "absolutists" for gun control or responsibility...: A main problem with America today is our society has become absolutist. We are individuals that identify with certain groups. On both the in...

No "absolutists" for gun control or responsibility

A main problem with America today is our society has become absolutist. We are individuals that identify with certain groups. On both the individual and group level we feel that things have to be our way and no other way.
Democrats want it their way on issues and so do republicans.
Liberals say it has to be this way and no other way. Conservatives say the same thing.
Environmentalist say you cannot do anything that impacts the environment in anyway. Industrialist say progress before all else in nature.
One religion says you have to worship this way, another says that. Atheists say no religion at all.
Somewhere in all this tangled mess is reason which has been overshadowed by the "all or nothing " mentality our society has seemed to adopt. The few groups, yes there a few reasonable groups left, are ignored or drowned out by the squabbling of our selfish self obsessed society. Our priorities trump (lower case trump with no pun intended) our responsibilities to our society, to our fellow men and women.
We use our rights to take what we feel is ours and damned the rest. We feel the right to bear arms is a right to buy an arsenal to defend ourselves from our own government (that was not the intent of the second amendment. Only an idiot would establish a government that let its citizens rise up anytime they think the government did something wrong. Our Founding Fathers were not idiots.You don't like something then use your right to vote.) using the right to bear arms to defend family and loved ones is great. Do you need an assault rifle? If you do you probably need to move. For hunting? If you do you need to learn to shoot better. Kind of takes the Sportsmanship out of it. Give me a .12 gauge or a 30-30 and I'd bag as much as anyone else and in a more Sportsman like way.
I think most gun owners respect the law and in truth I think an AR-15 would be cool to have for sport shooting, I just don't think everyone needs one. Definitely not mentally unstable or someone who pops up on a terror watch list. But what about due process? Simple, guy goes to buy gun, guy is told he can't buy gun because he is on a watch list, guy is told to call the "why the heck am I on a terrorist watch list" hotline. Guy calls hotline complains straightens things out buys guns. Now if guy was a terrorist I don't think he'll want to call the hotline. A little inconvenience is better than nut job with AK blazing away.
Now for Hollywood. Oh place of great hypocrites. The stars that pop up acting holier than thou calling for gun control when something goes down. Time to admit fault. How can you complain about gun culture when you make movies and stuff that glorify it? Freedom of Speech you say? Another deadly right if miss used. If I need to explain how media impacts culture then I guess...well actually how do you remember your lines? It is an influence that needs to be tempered. You complain about the gun industry making money on death but do you not do the same by making movies that glorify violence? (Remember the good old days when an action movie just had a nice car chase?)
Ok Hollywood I was not going to explain the impact on gun culture but I lied. You make people believe a gun is the "end all answer" when things don't go your way. There it is out in the open. A big elephant no one can ignore but it will be. Why? Just like the NRA you know guns mean big bucks.
In this time we can not be "absolutists" we need to work together. We need to wield our rights in a responsible way. Remember a gun is nothing unless someone with an idea picks it up. It is the idea that determines its use.