Thursday, June 16, 2016

No "absolutists" for gun control or responsibility

A main problem with America today is our society has become absolutist. We are individuals that identify with certain groups. On both the individual and group level we feel that things have to be our way and no other way.
Democrats want it their way on issues and so do republicans.
Liberals say it has to be this way and no other way. Conservatives say the same thing.
Environmentalist say you cannot do anything that impacts the environment in anyway. Industrialist say progress before all else in nature.
One religion says you have to worship this way, another says that. Atheists say no religion at all.
Somewhere in all this tangled mess is reason which has been overshadowed by the "all or nothing " mentality our society has seemed to adopt. The few groups, yes there a few reasonable groups left, are ignored or drowned out by the squabbling of our selfish self obsessed society. Our priorities trump (lower case trump with no pun intended) our responsibilities to our society, to our fellow men and women.
We use our rights to take what we feel is ours and damned the rest. We feel the right to bear arms is a right to buy an arsenal to defend ourselves from our own government (that was not the intent of the second amendment. Only an idiot would establish a government that let its citizens rise up anytime they think the government did something wrong. Our Founding Fathers were not idiots.You don't like something then use your right to vote.) using the right to bear arms to defend family and loved ones is great. Do you need an assault rifle? If you do you probably need to move. For hunting? If you do you need to learn to shoot better. Kind of takes the Sportsmanship out of it. Give me a .12 gauge or a 30-30 and I'd bag as much as anyone else and in a more Sportsman like way.
I think most gun owners respect the law and in truth I think an AR-15 would be cool to have for sport shooting, I just don't think everyone needs one. Definitely not mentally unstable or someone who pops up on a terror watch list. But what about due process? Simple, guy goes to buy gun, guy is told he can't buy gun because he is on a watch list, guy is told to call the "why the heck am I on a terrorist watch list" hotline. Guy calls hotline complains straightens things out buys guns. Now if guy was a terrorist I don't think he'll want to call the hotline. A little inconvenience is better than nut job with AK blazing away.
Now for Hollywood. Oh place of great hypocrites. The stars that pop up acting holier than thou calling for gun control when something goes down. Time to admit fault. How can you complain about gun culture when you make movies and stuff that glorify it? Freedom of Speech you say? Another deadly right if miss used. If I need to explain how media impacts culture then I guess...well actually how do you remember your lines? It is an influence that needs to be tempered. You complain about the gun industry making money on death but do you not do the same by making movies that glorify violence? (Remember the good old days when an action movie just had a nice car chase?)
Ok Hollywood I was not going to explain the impact on gun culture but I lied. You make people believe a gun is the "end all answer" when things don't go your way. There it is out in the open. A big elephant no one can ignore but it will be. Why? Just like the NRA you know guns mean big bucks.
In this time we can not be "absolutists" we need to work together. We need to wield our rights in a responsible way. Remember a gun is nothing unless someone with an idea picks it up. It is the idea that determines its use.

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