Sunday, August 23, 2015

Forgiveness means not rehashing the bad stuff, because Jesus doesn't like old cold hash, no one does.

You know forgiveness is one of Christ's main message. He covers that in His Word. Even his sacrifice is forgiveness; our sins forgiven if we believe in Him as our Savior. We are washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb so we may enter into the Gates of Heaven. God does not want feet dirty from sin walking on his clean floors so we are washed clean through Christ.
Now here is the problem with us hear on Earth. You see many times we tell someone they are forgiven but we sometimes through their past back in their face. I admit I have been guilty of this myself and it is wrong.
When we dredge up the dirt of the past on someone who asks forgiveness and we grant are we really forgiving? Not really. What we are doing is taking that dirt we bring up and splash the mud on ourselves. You see we are hurting someone and lying which means we are sinning.
But what if the person who asks for forgiveness keeps sinning against us? You forgive them. You also pray for them too. You may point out there is a pattern but don't beat them up about it. When you dwell on a bitter past you make the present and future taste bitter. Not Good.
Now to those who keep sinning against you this is not a license to keep doing it. No, if they keep harming you asking for forgiveness each time then they are not truly penitent and will have to suffer the consequences of their actions. Take the high road no matter how hard because it leads you in the right direction. Leave the low road to those who do not change. The road may seem easier to them but is going to a place that no one wants to go so why follow.
Also, by setting an example for forgiveness you show others to the Way of the Lord, this is good.
Now to anyone that I may have used their past against I am sorry and as forgiveness from you and the Lord. Most important, I ask the Lord to help me from doing it again.

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