Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Kardashians, socially irresponsible and It is time to stop.

Now I normally like to talk about being a Christian in my blog and as a post on my Facebook page and I like to think that I do so with guidance of the Holy Spirit. Well today I am talking about society and specifically about a particular family I feel has done more damage to society than any good they try to portray they do. Yes, everybody's favorite family the Kardashians.
There is something I believe in and something I think Hollywood tends to lack, social responsibility. I feel the Kardashians are the epitome of social irresponsibility in their life they chose and show on TV. Despite how their public relations people try to spin it and they charities they donate to for show, they are nothing more than spoiled rich party girls who set a bad example in almost all aspects of their lives. Life is not one big party and should not be treated as such, this is why many celebrities end up washed up or dead at an early age, it is irresponsible. Now you may think "Oh they don't do drugs," or whatever but I tell you they and their camp followers spend a lot of time with people that do so their is a good chance they do too. Go through the Internet bounce some names associated with the Kardashians and see how many have died or have been in trouble with the law. You might be surprised or maybe you just don't care.
Here is another and I have a real problem with it, the Kardashians prey on people for their money, especially young adult girls and teens. Their stuff is marketed to them. They have a game that lets you live a virtual life like they do. Here is the catch, you have to pay for things in the game to do anything, so some person hard earned money goes to a family who pretty much get paid for scratching their asses (I am sure they pay someone to do that for them). Now if that is not bad enough part of the game description talks about dating celebrities, getting a boyfriend, and then dumping him. Way to show how relationships should be Kardashians. (Sarcasm there if your reading it or having someone read it for you. I am sure the big words like "the" trip you up.)
Now if you have been a victim and purchased the game and I am sorry but you are two things. One you are a victim. Two you are stupid. Now while you are sweating money for your rent, next meal, or how to tell your parents about the hundreds of dollars on their iTunes account do you know what the Kardashians are doing? first they are not thinking of you or what you are going through; they do not care one bit. Second they are having a good time partying drinking maybe doing drugs or paying for one of their friends, who knows. And you know what else? There have their people looking around for other ways to market their name to get your money.
"Oh but they do so much for people," you say? Do they? No, their charities and donations are for two things. One Tax write-offs for the money they took from you. Heck they probably keep there money in offshore accounts so they do not have to pay their fair share of taxes while you or your parents, maybe both, pay more. Second they do it for publicity to get you to think better of them because they know it is easier to get your money if you think "They are the greatest people".
You see I have no use for these people. In my opinion they do more damage to society doing what they do than any good. Look at it like this; one life is priceless more precious than all the gold in the world. It is a simple fact. Now if you, me, or anyone were to do anything that causes even one life to be lost do to our actions then any good we have done is gone; erased by our bad choice. You cannot bring them back. You can never repay enough for their life. Now if someone sets their self to be idolized so they may profit, and in doing so causes a person to be harmed for following them or killed, they erase any good they may have done or can do. Check internet and see if this has not been the case already. It is better to find out for yourself by searching than me tell you.
You may say that this can't happen because they are just celebrities no one copies them. You wrong. If media could not influence behavior we would not have advertising. It is that simple.
What needs to happen to prevent further spread of social irresponsibility by the Kardashians and others of their ilk is to stop watching them, stop buying their stuff, stop playing their games. You will probably appreciate the real world and people around you more and you definitely will have more money. Put yourself before fake celebrities who care nothing for you. If they did it would not cost an arm and a leg to play their game.

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