Monday, November 16, 2015

Please take more action Mr. President!

Mr. President, if because of your inaction there is another attack on our NATO allies who we are obligated to come to their aid if attacked, or an attack on US citizens I would ask that you resign your office and if you do not I implore all congressmen  to seek your impeachment be they Republican or Democrat.
It is criminal that by inaction or insufficient action you allow others come to harm.
I am a service veteran and student of history. I think your argument against deploying troops to Iraq and Syria to avoid getting bogged down in a middle-east war is extremely flawed. We our bogged down in a war on terrorism and to go on with a belief that terrorist attacks will be status quo is wrong, it betrays the people who elected you, the people who serve under you, and the memories of the victims of terror and those that died in the fight against terrorism.
Your plan for change in regimes in the middle-east was noble and may have worked if there had been a proper end game but there was not and we, the world, face an evil enemy that filled a void left by the lack of a proper exit strategy. I am not talking about the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq, but Arab Spring ant its aftermath. There is a Bible verse that discusses what can happen to one who does not fill himself with the Good of Christ after they've been swept clean, that more evil worse than the original will take its place and that person would be worse than before. This can be said of what is happening in Syria and Iraq.
Do not let pride blind you to what needs to be done. Do not be afraid to admit to a change of middle-Easter n policy because of concern about how your presidency will be defined. There is a high chance that failure to do more to fight ISIS could define your presidency as a failure. I ask you to take action for World safety.

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