Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The problem of misinformation

Is it me or has our society become more fractured than it has been in a long time. I blame two main things media stoking the fire for more sensational headlines and politicians for pandering to special interests groups to get headlines and votes.
It seems like our system is being held hostage by the modern Information Age and it is out of control. False claims reported online spread like wildfire, no verification of sources or stories, no accountability for false information. This is probably one of, if not the biggest, problems we face today and if it is not fixed will be our downfall. It will be "like a firebell in the night!" That quote was from Thomas Jefferson when he was thinking of about the slavery question; he knew that if it were not addressed it would cause a problem and it did. I do not compare slavery with the problem we face with information , the are not comparable but in one way they are the same as they can divide a nation. We need a responsible press to take charge and give unbiased fact based reporting before someone stokes a fire so hot if explodes and can only be extinguished by blood of the just!

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