Today was a day of tragedy for France, it was a tragedy for the world. Today many are afraid that a similar tragedy could again come to the United States; this is a sad possibility. What would be an even worse tragedy would be to let fear destroy the fabric of our society, our liberty. We cannot have a knee-jerk reaction that leads to policies that our contrary to the beliefs of our founding fathers, our beliefs.
What many would consider to be our greatest beliefs, so much so they were made the first amendment, are the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, a free press, and the right of peaceful assembly. These are the rights that are most responsible for keeping us free more so than any other right, including the right to bear arms. These are the rights that should never be infringed for they define us. We can worship as we choose and this nourishes our soul, and though some choose not to worship and believe in God they too take comfort in this choose. We can speak out freely on things that matter without fear of reprisals from our government. Are voices can call for change if we feel there is something wrong. We can chose what we say. We can choose when to speak. We can write and share news without worry that our government will manipulate or filter the message. Our press lets us know what are government is doing so we the people know what is going on so there is no abuse of power that will go unchallenged. We have the right of assembly to protest, to ask for change, or just to celebrate. These are the most valuable rights that need to be guarded fiercely for if we lose these, any one of them, we lose our freedom and all other rights need not matter.
Newt Gingrich has called for a test to be given to all persons of Muslim descent asking if they believe in Sharia law. If a person says they do then they are to be deported. This question is of a religious one and to ask the question and to penalize someone who answers yes is a violation of the 1st amendment. You see the first amendment guarantees religious freedom by preventing the government from passing laws that could be seen as establishing a religion, giving one religion preference over others, or penalizing a religion. I am not defending shariah law, no, I consider most of it barbaric. I do know that just because someone believes in religious laws or the philosophy behind it, it does not mean they want it instituted in the United States. Or maybe someone believes in the moral code behind the law and not the prescribed penalties. Remember Christians and Jews have the commandments (Islam does too) and if they were enforced today as they were in the past it would be considered barbaric but we still believe in them as a moral code of conduct.
If we start giving religious tests for citizenship and deport those who don't pass where to we stop? What if there were a Christian sect, Jewish sect, Hindu sect, Buddhist sect, or other group that commits an act of terror in the name of their religion do we test all Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists and deport those whom we think failed? If an atheist commits an act of terror do we just get rid of them for lack of believing in God? No. When we start testing people on their religious beliefs we start eating away at our own religious freedom. We run the risk of being told by whomever is in power on just what God and how to worship. This is not good in my book.
We cannot let a plan like the one purposed by Mr. Gingrich be made law for if it were law it would not only erode away are freedom of religion but all other 1st amendment rights and we would no be free but captive to fear, tyranny, and oppression.
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