Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Trump Putin World plan Scenario

My brain likes to take and process many scenarios to troubleshoot problems and electronics, it made me a great electronics technician.
Sometimes those scenarios seem unlikely and you are tempted to throw them aside but you keep them in case all others prove wrong. You would be surprised how many time the most unlikely problem turned out to be cause of the actual equipment failure.
One of those silly scenarios that my brain has come up with would make a great espionage book but it could become true. (I tend to fall into troubleshooting mode to figure out stupid stuff going on in the world.)
Trump and his BS is one thing I have been processing. Here is a scenario scares me.

Donald Trump has run on an antiterrorist platform and one that favors Russia at the expense of our NATO allies. No what if Trump were to win? What if part of his Terrorism plan was to take control over the countries of the Arabian Peninsula ( Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, etc) You say who would allow this? Russia for one. If Russia could get a free hand in Eastern Europe and to other countries that were ounce part of the Soviet Union Putin would not care about the Arabian Peninsula. Heck he would endorse it saying it needed to be done to stop radical Islam and terrorism. Trump would probably throw Turkey into the mix to boot. This would not be the first time two countries made such unwritten agreements or written agreements. The AXIS did so before WWII. Germany and Russia divided Poland with the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty (do I need to add the Von- before Ribbentrop to please the sticklers?) As we know , Germany ended up betraying Russia.
So in this scenario Russia would gain control of most of Europe and Asia. The US would control Saudi Arabia and maybe the whole of the Americas. If you think that sounds ok I got news for you , it isn't. Anytime you invade a country you will deal with its population that will have groups that will support and others that will not. If the country really does not want you there they will fight you tooth and nail resorting to gorilla tactics. During the days of the Soviet Union the communist government suppressed uprisings with terror and violation of human rights. Will we stoop to that level? I pray not. Trump would declare anyone against an occupation as terrorist supporters. Anyone speaking out would be silenced by thug means. All being sold as the only way to fight terrorism and all Muslims as terrorists.
I know this is far fetched and sounds crazy. Remember Trump is crazy and an egomaniac who is deluded enough to believe this would work. Since Trump says he has a plan to fight terrorism but offers no details just says he will be tough on terrorism or "radical Islam " . How do we know this far fetched scenario is not his plan?
He is a fan of Putin not to mention other tyrannical dictators.
He has said he would not come to the aid of certain NATO countries unless certain conditions are met. Those countries were under the influence or part of the former Soviet Union.
Trump blames almost every Muslim Arabian country for "radical Islam" True there are groups who are radicalized in those countries but it is not the majority of those countries population.
Trump loves his fossil fuels and denies climate change.
Trump loves money and he and his cronies would love to be in charge of the Arabian Peninsula oil reserves.
I admit this is one of those out there scenarios that my mind normally sets aside but I figure if Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists can throw their crap out there then why can't I? The difference between them and I is I don't pass it off as true then make fake stuff to make it sound believable like they did trying to say Black Lives Matter was planned by the Obama administration as a way to declare martial law and call off elections. What is funny is my scenario is more plausible. lol

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