Sunday, April 3, 2016

Livable wage

I have seen many posts slamming McDonalds or other fast food workers about raising the minimum wage to $15 /hr. I must point out that there are plenty of other industries that pay minimum wage too. Remember there are many working for this wage scale so is it wrong for them to want a wage increase? I've know veterans to take jobs at fast food and other places after they get out to make ends meet until they can find better employment; is it wrong for them to want $15 an hour. Many argue that service members don't get paid that well so why should a burger flipper get $15 an hour. I know many military spouses work fast food joints to earn money for their families so why shouldn't they be paid $15 an hour? So before you slam on workers wanting a livable wage consider ALL the people who work in ALL industries. Finally, is it not the Christian thing to want others to live well?

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