Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to handle a bad review?

That is a good question now, isn't it? I think so. Do I have an answer to the question? Oh heck no. I do, however, know what I will try to do. I will try to put a positive spin on the negative review and use it to improve my writing. One thing I will not do, I will not let it stop me from writing and publishing.

Why am I writing about this? Well today I checked out one of my short stories on a well known website run by a well known book retailer, one of the reader reviews cut the crap out of the story. When the review title says your story was edited by a 6th grader, well that is pretty much cutting the heck out it isn't it? Oh yeah.

Man did that hit me like a ton of bricks. The first thing it does is shock the heck out of you, then you feel embarrassed, then you get mad at the writer of the review (How dare they!) finally you accept it and let it slide off your back (well, you try to anyway). After I went through all the above I thought about things and determined, well they are right.

When I write, I fly through getting my words down. Sometimes I type one word when I mean another for no other reason than be careless. I know this and try to catch myself, but I slip-up. Another problem I have is I proofread and edit my own work. Yes, I do catch a majority of the misspellings, typos, and bad punctuation, but many get by. The same eyes, the same mistakes. Oh, the dread of it all.

In the end I learned one more thing to help me and I will try to incorporate this in my writing. Actually, I learned two things. The other ones is that reviews are good even it they do seem bad at first.

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