Monday, January 30, 2012

The Star Trek Transporter. A touch of comedy.

Ok, here it is. I am a Star Trek fan, I admit it. I love the shows and the movies. I am Sci-Fi geek. This stuff gets my imagination going, always has always will. When I am faced with a long drive I am always joking about how I should get back to work on the transporter then I would not have to drive. Would you drive if you had a transport option? probably not.
Well one day last week it hit me, maybe the transporter wouldn't be all that. To me the darn thing has problems. One problem is that when someone is killed on an away mission, is why can't the transport be used to fix the wounds and bring the person back to life? I mean when someone has some freaky transport accident where they are made younger, split in two, or two combined into one, they use past transport signatures to turn them back to normal. Why can't this be used for the dead? Imagine all those red shirts who died needlessly. I mean those guys in the lounge waiting for Kirk to call their number would not be so stressed and Bones would have to treat less phaser wounds to the foot.
Why can't the transporter bring people back to life?  Because of some spiritual thing? If that's the case then the transporter must be able to transport the spirit of the person using some spirit compensator or other weird thing so when someone dies it has no spirit to put back in the body. Nope cannot be that.
So what the hell? Why have so many security people have to die when there is such a powerful machine? Why?
Oh well another question to be left unanswered.

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