Saturday, August 22, 2015

The time when Jesus got Mad.

The time when Jesus got Mad
Is it right to say Jesus got mad? In this case I thinks so. You see Jesus has a great Love for His Father's House and will look after it with zeal. It's like us here on Earth, I know I won't let someone come into my parents house, disturb their piece, and use it for their own gain by turning it into a market place. I mean who would, but that happened to Jesus at the temple. You see back in the day people would offer sacrifices to the Lord the value set according to what the leaders of the Temple thought pretty much. Now merchants saw a demand, they knew people would travel great distances and would most likely not be able to bring their sacrifice with them. You try bring a calf or a bunch of birds from Damascus worse than a road trip with a car full of kids. Now these merchants knew this and set up shop right in the temple, right in the Lord's House. Now I don't think they did this with out the permission of the temple leaders and I am sure there were kickbacks. Now these merchants were doing pretty much what the movie theaters do these days, they were charging way more than they should like when you pay 5 bucks for a small soda at the movies. Now they were defiling the House of The Lord, preying upon those wanting to worship God. They brought Sin into the House of God. Jesus could not stand this and ran these money changers and merchants out of His Father's House. To have the fury of the Lord after is probably a scary sight and I am sure they ran to the hills.
Now Christ was not through, when the temple leaders asked on whose authority he did this by, he told them that if they destroyed this temple, meaning his body, he could rebuild it in three days. Which pretty much says "I have the power of God more power than death so I do not need any man's authority, I do the Father's will." Now later on when the leaders had Jesus crucified he made good on what he said and rose from the tomb after three days". Pretty good proof for me, but not them.
Now what disturbs me these days is how some churches have slid back. No not to selling sacrifices in the church (imagine the fit PETA would throw) but are more concerned with the bottom line, money. I know it takes money to operate a church but some take it to extremes. I just can't see why a pastor needs a Limo, big gold jeweled rings, and a fancy suit. Also they can get lost building what they think is a masterpiece of architecture for a church instead of getting the message out there and taking care of the real temple, us.
There is no need to Fleece he Flock a true worker of God is worthy of his wages and the Lord will see to them. I also believe a true worker of God is humble and gives all Glory to the Lord.
Now if back in the time of the temple when Jesus cleared the temple because of what people were doing in it, imagine what he will do when he returns to see what people do in His Father's House in His Name.

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