Sunday, February 22, 2015

Temptations, and I do not mean the singers.

How many of have faced temptations? Well all of us have. There is not one us on the Earth that has not been tempted in someway or another, some good and some bad.
I am not here to talk about being tempted by good food, buying some cool thing, or stuff along those lines, but the temptations that cause us to sin. You know the ones, the Ten Commandments type of sin. These are the ones that tempt you into doing something that could hurt you or others though you may not think so at the time. These are the ones that put a blot in God's Good Book, the ones that kill us spiritually. Think of it like this: If you are facing a situation that may get you some moment of pleasure but can possibly hurt another then that is a temptation I am talking about. Another one of those "weigh it against the Gospel" moments. If you weigh it against the Word of Christ and it does not balance out then do something to get yourself away from that temptation and if that is not possible then pray to the Lord for strength to resist.
If you do fall to temptation then pray for forgiveness and strength not to repeat the fall. Remember God is forgiving to the repentant heart. Notice I said repentant, this means you honestly do not mean to do it again, it does not mean you can keep doing it because you figure You are covered by God's forgiveness clause. Many people knowingly sin but think it is ok because the can just say "forgive me Lord" and that is that. Not the actions of a repentant person if you ask me. To tell the truth I have been guilty of this in the past, we all probably have.
If you want to know more about resisting temptation the get into the Lord's word as he is the authority on the matter. Jesus was tempted by the devil like no one else and he overcame it and will give you the strength and guidance to help you do the same.

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