Thursday, March 12, 2015

Telling people to "Go to hell" is a sure way to get you there faster. By "there" I don't mean heaven.

We all get angry sometimes. We all say things we do not mean in the heat of the moment. We say ugly things and use colorful language that if our mother was to hear would make them shake her head in disgust. This is not a good thing to say the least but many times we do something worse, we condemn a person for eternity. Well, we do not condemn, but by our words we try to do so. I have been guilty of this like many of you. What did I do? I told someone to "go to hell" in a moment of anger. Not a good thing to do. Why is it not good?
First when you tell someone to go to hell you are taking on the mantle of the final judge, a mantle no one is worthy to wear. We are bypassing the Lord's authority so to speak. (Lucky for us that we do not have the power to condemn others to hell or we all would be there already!) 
Second we are saying we want the person we say it to to be separated from their loved ones and God for all eternity. Would you want that? I know I would not. Imagine eternal suffering in the pit without comfort, without love, an eternal thirst never to be quenched by the living water.
Third, we are saying, at least at that moment, that we do not offer mercy, we only offer hate. ( hate is baggage that cannot be brought into Heaven so leave it behind) Now how can we accept the Lord's forgiveness if we do not offer it to others?
I know it is just a saying to many but it reflects the bitterness within and shows where one's heart is at that moment, a dark pit. If you were to keep that feeling, that desire of condemnation you heart will remain there waiting for your soul to join it at the final judgement. Don't reserve a place in hell, don't tell people to go there. If someone angers you beyond yourself look to the Lord, wish that person a good day, and remove yourself from the situation as best you can.
Lastly, I want to apologize and ask forgiveness of anyone I may have told to "go to hell", I pray you forgive me, and when the time comes, that we all meet with peace in Heaven. God Bless.

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