Thursday, March 5, 2015

You are a Christian, you must be an uneducated moron. I think not, intellect does not kill The Word!

I want to say that I am a reasonably intelligent person. I am a very curious person who is very interested in science. I believe that The Big Bang theory is a pretty good explanation of creation of the universe. ( The original theory was put forth by a Belgian Jesuit priest by the name of Georges Lemaitre) I also believe in Evolution. Above all I believe there is one God who sent is one and only Son, Jesus so we may all have the opportunity for eternal life. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and to show us he has power over death. I believe he and the Father gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide the ones who choose to follow the way. Let's say I am Christian.
Now here is a catch, others of so called superior intellect will say I am a small minded person; that the only reason I believe in God as I am afraid of the truth that there is no God. Many will say to prove God exists since Science is based on proving things, facts. They are correct in science, or rather the scientific method requires proof of theory in order to be valid. First let me say it cuts both ways. I say to them "prove conclusively that God does not exist". They cannot, they can cite theory and reasoning but neither are concrete. A theory is not a Law, reasoning is in itself subjective.
While I can show examples in my life and in history for why I believe in Gravity it would not be considered as solid evidence by some and they would be correct. Does it matter, no because I have faith and it is all I need.
Another thing I do not like is the "scientific enlightened " attitude in some circle that to be considered a true man of intellect or science that you have to kill God. I hate to tell you, actually I love to tell you, you cannot kill God, you cannot make God not exist.
Now back to the beginning of this blog for today. I do believe in the theories I am talking about and I can still do so and be a Christian. How? It goes against the story of creation in the Bible. Not really. Look at the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, he taught in parables, story to get one to think and see the truth. Now how do you tell a newly sentient species (created humans) the exact nature of how they came to be? You sure can use modern physics it would blow their mind so you use a story that can be understood and let them grow in mind and spirit by generations until the day they are ready to find truth on their own and understand God's creation.
To some up, no one can prove God exists or not. Remember also that no one has seen the face of God but the one sent from God, Jesus, his son. And just like there are something's in science that cannot be observed directly but require and indirect method we must do the same as Christians. To see God we must first see Christ through his teachings and in are hearts.
God Bless.

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