Monday, December 14, 2015

Stop cutting on law enforcement officers

I feel sorry for our law enforcement officers here in America and here is why.
Our law enforcement officers have many function but I guess you can say the top two are enforcing the laws and to keep people safe. Most, most if not all, law enforcement officers probably consider keeping people safe the number one priority. I have never seen an officer take this lightly. These are people you call when stuff is going down. These are the people who do there best to save others by putting themselves in the line of fire.
I feel sorry for law enforcement because many times they are under appreciated or blamed for something happening because they weren't right there when called. Now they have to put up with criticism of how they do their job when facing a dangerous situation. People scream murder if an officer shoots a person carrying a knife and acting in a threatening manner. They argue that the knife is not deadly enough to justify the carrier being shot. Sorry folks, a knife can kill you just ass dead as a gun. To let a person just keep going with a dangerous weapon puts not just the officers life in danger but others as well.
What would I do facing a knife wielding suspect? I am not a law enforcement officer but I did serve in the navy and received small arms and security force training. In the situation I would probably aim for center mass and fire. Why not shoot the knife out of his hand or wing the person? This is real life and not the movies. Let's say you try to shoot the knife and miss. Well depending how far away you are or others are to the suspect you will probably get cut or stabbed. Crazy moves fast and is now pissed off at you so they are going to want to draw blood. Now you have to think fast and change your aim (if you couldn't hit the knife when the target was stationary you sure are not going to hit it when it is flailing around) by the time you shift your aim the suspect is right on top of you and you are now wishing you aimed for center mass in the first place.
Now how many shots would I use? Enough to put the person down hard. You just cannot risk the lives of your comrades and innocents. The suspect would probably die, and any death is sad, but once a person takes up a weapon and uses it in a threatening manner they put their own life in jeopardy.
Now there may have been cases, and probably will be cases, when an officer makes a bad decision, but the majority will not. Most officers act to save lives and have and will give their own lives in the process. They do this so you and your loved ones stay safe.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Protect our citizens

Ok President Obama, do you still want to take in Syrian refugees? Probably not a good idea, look at how background checks did not work to keep a person who swore allegiance to ISIS out of our country. Unless you have some super duper mind reading machine there is no way to screen everyone effectively enough to ensure " our citizens " are safe from future acts of terrorism. And the attitude that this is something "we need to get use to" has got to go. It is better to fight the enemy in the field than one's own house.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Please take more action Mr. President!

Mr. President, if because of your inaction there is another attack on our NATO allies who we are obligated to come to their aid if attacked, or an attack on US citizens I would ask that you resign your office and if you do not I implore all congressmen  to seek your impeachment be they Republican or Democrat.
It is criminal that by inaction or insufficient action you allow others come to harm.
I am a service veteran and student of history. I think your argument against deploying troops to Iraq and Syria to avoid getting bogged down in a middle-east war is extremely flawed. We our bogged down in a war on terrorism and to go on with a belief that terrorist attacks will be status quo is wrong, it betrays the people who elected you, the people who serve under you, and the memories of the victims of terror and those that died in the fight against terrorism.
Your plan for change in regimes in the middle-east was noble and may have worked if there had been a proper end game but there was not and we, the world, face an evil enemy that filled a void left by the lack of a proper exit strategy. I am not talking about the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq, but Arab Spring ant its aftermath. There is a Bible verse that discusses what can happen to one who does not fill himself with the Good of Christ after they've been swept clean, that more evil worse than the original will take its place and that person would be worse than before. This can be said of what is happening in Syria and Iraq.
Do not let pride blind you to what needs to be done. Do not be afraid to admit to a change of middle-Easter n policy because of concern about how your presidency will be defined. There is a high chance that failure to do more to fight ISIS could define your presidency as a failure. I ask you to take action for World safety.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

My take on nuclear fusion.

Well it is time to torture people with my take on some science stuff. Why? Because I can't sleep!
For a long time scientists have been trying to harvest the power of the sun, or to put it more precisely, what powers the sun. No, I am not talking solar panels. I am talking fusion, the process of joining two hydrogen nuclei to make a helium atom. That is a basic explanation because there is a little more to it than that.
Now you may say scientists have created fusion in the lab and with hydrogen bombs and you would be correct. What they have not done is harness the reaction, to control it for any length of time that would allow the reaction to provide power. You see, when scientists create a fusion reaction in a lab using something like a tokamak reactor or using lasers they are only able to sustain the reaction for a fraction of a second before things break down, confinement normally.
Right now the main way scientists try to contain the reaction is by the use of magnetic fields (electromagnetic). The problem is it requires more energy to create the fields for confinement than what energy is generated by the reaction.
If you look at the sun, (not directly without a filter) you see a nice shaped sphere more or less. This shape is because the mass of the sun and of other stars is enough to act as a containment field. (This is not 100% because sometimes magnetic fields on the sun go wonky and we have a solar flare)
What is really funny about gravity as the confinement field is that in physics gravity is considered a weak force, much weaker than the electromagnetic force. But how can a weak force act as a means of confinement for sustained fusion reaction? It has to do with strength in numbers. Each atom has gravitational pull because it has mass. The gravitational field of an individual atom maybe quite small but when you get enough together in a particular volume of space you have a larger field. In fact if the field is strong enough because there is enough mass in a particular area (this is a basic definition of density) that hydrogen will heat up and start a fusion reaction. When the fusion reaction commences then there will be an outward push by the energy created (radiation pressure). If the radiation pressure pushes outward with the same force as the gravitational force pushing in you have achieved equilibrium and you have a star that will stay that way until something changes to upset the balance.
What scientists are trying to do is create that equilibrium in a lab on a small scale, too small for Gravity to be a factor so they need use force, electromagnetic. Here is the rub, the fusion reaction creates its own electromagnetic fields and it is these fields that cause the confinement to collapse when they interact with the confinement field. There is some hope as there is work being done to use the fusion generated fields to help in confinement. I do not know the specifics but maybe by sensing the fluctuations in the fusion generated magnetic field and adjusting the confinement field to compensate.
What would make things easier, though it is improbable, is to be able to generate and/or manipulate a gravitational field to act as a confinement field. Of course to be efficient the energy used to generate the confinement field needs to be less than the energy output of the fusion reaction.
So this is another of my "interesting things I think about" post.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Using lies to support your side. No, no, no!

I am a person who loves our constitution and the Bill of Rights and will defend them from all attackers. One thing I try to do is use facts in my arguments to keep my position on solid ground, fact based.
Now there are many sites and Facebook pages claiming to be in support our rights like the right to bear arms. The sad thing is these sites can be run by people who do not check facts or make up stories to stir up people to garner support. They think they are helping the cause but in actuality they do harm by making themselves and others look like hacks and nut cases.
A recent example concerns a statement purportedly made by Dianne Feinstein concerning guns. It goes something like "if everyone turns in their guns then the gunman would turn in his gun when he sees everyone else is's human nature."
Well this is not to support Dianne Feinstein, I strongly dislike her, but she not say this at all, neither did Barbra Boxer. All this story does is discredit any valid argument in support of the 2nd amendment.

Here is a link.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The problem of misinformation

Is it me or has our society become more fractured than it has been in a long time. I blame two main things media stoking the fire for more sensational headlines and politicians for pandering to special interests groups to get headlines and votes.
It seems like our system is being held hostage by the modern Information Age and it is out of control. False claims reported online spread like wildfire, no verification of sources or stories, no accountability for false information. This is probably one of, if not the biggest, problems we face today and if it is not fixed will be our downfall. It will be "like a firebell in the night!" That quote was from Thomas Jefferson when he was thinking of about the slavery question; he knew that if it were not addressed it would cause a problem and it did. I do not compare slavery with the problem we face with information , the are not comparable but in one way they are the same as they can divide a nation. We need a responsible press to take charge and give unbiased fact based reporting before someone stokes a fire so hot if explodes and can only be extinguished by blood of the just!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Unequal retirement pay for older veterans

I just heard where there is no cost of living increase for social security this year because of low gas prices. Is congress getting one?
Anyway, I have been thinking of veterans who served and retired years ago, like 30 years or more. Now let's say a veteran retired in the 1970's with a retirement around 400 a month and now with cost of living increases over the years let us put their current retirement at about $1700.00 a month. In this day and age that is not a lot.
Now let us compare congressional retirement : First they are eligible for pension after 5 years of service while military retirement is 20 years at least. Second congressmen have a contribution system for the most part unlike the military but congressmen get paid more. In 1975 congressional salaries were $44,600 per year which is around $194,000 in today's money. You can see that a congressman could contribute a considerable amount of money compared to an enlisted person in the military base pay for an E-9 over 20 years was on around 1200 per month which equates to around $14400.00 per year. Now if you compute retirement using high 3 numbers you will see the enlisted guy gets a much smaller retirement which only increases with cost of living increases which have to be approved by congress. Now look at salary increases between military and congressman. In 2014 an E-9 over 20 was paid $5,674 per month about for a yearly amount of $68088. A congressman gets $174000 per year. Again the congressman who only has to serve 5 years to receive a retirement can contribute more while a veteran who serves 20 years or so get less and still needs cost of living increases controlled by congress. Now even if the military went to a contribution system they would still not be able to contribute as much to retirement and would still have to deal with rising over all costs to them without a corresponding increase in income. Congress grants cost of living increases but it does not take into account real life costs.
Since 1975 congressional salaries have increased by 290 percent while an E-9s salary has increased by 372 percent but still subject to cost of living increases for increase in retirement.
Why do our older veterans have so little retirement compared to today? Since the 1970 congress decided to make military pay closer to civilian pay so they increased pay amounts significantly but the veterans from before this have their retirement calculated with values before the correction plus they use only the final pay to calculate the value so they make less than an E-9 retiring today pretty much. Same job, same amount of service, but older vets get lower pay for retirement and with increase in medical costs as they get older they and their family are screwed. Way to go congress. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Find and fix the real problem

My writing and Christian experience.: Find and fix the real problem: First I want to still offer my prayers to those who suffer from the Roseburg, Oregon shootings. Second I will not be talking gun rights (I c...

Find and fix the real problem

First I want to still offer my prayers to those who suffer from the Roseburg, Oregon shootings. Second I will not be talking gun rights (I can tell you gun rights advocates even agree the shooter should not have had access to firearms.) I want to address the key factor that underlies these acts of terror, and that is what they are whether committed by the lone wolf or organizations. These acts are cold blooded and calculated to terrify everyone and not just the targeted victims.
The underlying problem is we now live in a society full of violence be it real, fiction, or virtual. We also live I the Information Age and it is sad to say people probably have more access to false information than they do factual. We live in a shrinking world where different cultures are being pushed closer and closer together. Sometimes these cultures mix very well and end up being greater than the sum of their parts other times they do not mix and we have turmoil. This turmoil is usually do to a conflict in values and if one culture uses violence as a means to an ends then we have death and destruction.
As a Christian I do not believe in spreading the Word by the sword unless that Sword is the tongue welding the Gospel truth. Did Christ use anything other than the Word to reach people? No, then no one has the right to in His or His Father's Name. This is not saying I will not defend my family and friends if you come at me physically then I will come at you with everything I got and then some. If you come after me with words I will wield the Word and the Word always prevails.
Another problem we have is that with an increase in population we will have an increase in people with mental or emotional issues. Not everyone of those people are going to be bad but there will be those who will think that what they do is right even though it is wrong.
Now here is a connection I want to make; sometimes a problem in itself is composed of areas from those I have listed and more. The sad thing is our society can make problems worse due to poor choices in regards to our freedoms. Do you think that the problem is the Second amendment right to bear arms? You are wrong. What about the rest of The Bill of Rights? You know the ten amendments that seemed like and after thought of the constitution. Those rights. I am a firm believer in Constitutional rights but I can tack on a few others that can be seen to contribute to mass shootings.
Let's start with the First Amendment. Probably the best amendment as it is the one that ensures I am free to be a Christian and that no person nor the government can say otherwise. It is the one that allows me to write this post here without fear of the government saying I cannot write it. The sad thing is that some people think this amendment is for them force their views on others and we are just helpless and have to listen. Wrong answer, if I don't agree with you I have the right not to listen to you. You do not have the right to force you way into my home to voice your opinion. Now I, on the other hand, do have the right to knock you on your ass if you try. How And what I use to knock you on your ass I'll leave to your imagination (See Second Amendment). If you protest outside my house after a certain hour you go from peaceful assembly to disturbing the peace and the police will handle that.
Ok I got sidetracked but here I go back on track. As we know Hollywood, or as Phil Robertson would call it, Hollyweird, is a big industry depending primarily on the freedom of speech aspect of the first amendment. This allows them to tell stories of fiction and non-fiction ( though most non-fiction is so changed by artistic license it might as well be fiction). They can do this freely limited only by an industry rating system. Sex, Drug, And violence story telling protected by the First Amendment. Now those violent crime glorifying bits of cinema and TV don't cause violence. They are just pieces of show. Let me set you straight, if various media could not influence behavior then why do we have advertising? If we didn't have advertising we would not have Hollywood plain and simple. If you say well maybe a very few people would be influenced to commit a violent act by media here is something to think about. Your number is pretty close, actually higher, probably than those who are gun owners legally committing violent acts. And for the anti-gun Hollywood types: Before you go out attacking the second amendment you better check your résumé to make sure you did not act in a violence glorying project before you start asking to get rid of the second amendment. As I see it Hollywood is abusing the First Amendment because you cannot claim that your use of the first amendment did not lead to acts of violence.
Freedom of Religion, if your view of religion means causing harm then you got it wrong. If you think atheism will get rid of violence let me point you to the history of countries that are atheist, USSR, North Korea, pretty much most communist bloc countries. Not a good track record atheists.
Freedom of assembly, let's get rid of this and extend it to the Internet so we can make sure no one can be influenced or conspire. Heck the added benefit would we wouldn't have to listen to blowhard politicians at conventions or have to put up with Hollywood award shows where some celebrity who doesn't know their ass from their hat spout off about their political ideals.
Let us skip to the third Amendment. Let us get rid of this amendment so we can quarter a soldier in each home in the country. A soldier could make sure we don’t have guns, anti-government paraphernalia, and make sure the only sex position is missionary so as not to offend others. (Sorry to bring sex up). Another plus for having soldiers in the home, at least for celebrities, is they can keep away paparazzi.
On to the Fourth Amendment. Let’s ditch this one. Heck it would solve all are problems with gun violence by getting rid of this and the second amendment. The government could just drop in and go through all your stuff to find out if people are hiding guns. It may have another side effect, an increase in drug busts, especially in Hollywood. Brainstorm: if the government finds private nude photos of celebrities they could sell them to the tabloids or Playboy and pay off the national debt.
Fifth Amendment, only criminals need this one right? If you answer yes, uh, ummm then there is probably a little man in your head giving directions saying “move along folks, nothing to see here!” Due Process! Double Jeopardy! (Not a game) and self incrimination. You know if we got rid of this we could say bye bye lawyers, try the same crime in state and federal courts because if one doesn't convict the other can. Heck, keep going until you get that guilty verdict.
Sixth Amendment not that we have a speedy Justice system anyway. We can get rid of this so the judicial system can focus on more serious matters like “preventing small scale and recreational miners from suction dredging in California because of environmental issues while the Sierra Club wants to conduct the same dredging using the argument they are removing Mercury from the rivers.(of course they want to keep the gold they find to fill their coffers. What the heck?)
Seventh Amendment no one needs a jury trial because the cost too much. Heck maybe without juries we’d have more convictions. I still get a kick out of the $20.00 limit for civil cases eligible for jury trials.
Eighth Amendment screw bail, Jack the fines up so high no one can pay so that way we keep the poor criminals off the street.
Ninth Amendment get rid of this that way we can get rid of common law and make some really cool draconian laws to keep all safe.
Tenth Amendment we can just say screw the states and let the Feds control everything, who needs a state government. That way we can all be exactly the same, I mean all the same. Who needs individuality?
See some amendments contribute to this Social Problem and others just get in the way of having a totally safe society. You want to do something to fix the problem? Look to the elements of society that glorify violence, isolate people, and do nothing to address mental health. And above all, “Teach your Children Well!”

Monday, September 14, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Freedom of religion not freedom from religion

My writing and Christian experience.: Freedom of religion not freedom from religion: This is where I live now and I am ashamed of some of the people in my community who think they are doing others a favor by complaining about...

Freedom of religion not freedom from religion

This is where I live now and I am ashamed of some of the people in my community who think they are doing others a favor by complaining about this coach. Freedom of Religion, if you are offended by seeing someone praying on the field then leave. This coach was not preaching or forcing his views on God on anyone so why should atheists be able to force their views on us. This coach was exercising his right so quit trying to take it away because you do not agree.
Are atheists afraid that if they see someone praying their world will come to an end in a flaming oblivion? If so anytime a atheist starts spouting of I will start praying, I am talking on knees head bowed honest prayer. If they keep on rattling on I will keep praying, I guarantee they will bust a blood vessel before my knees give out!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Check your baggage with the Lord!

There are times in life where you wonder if you are doing right in your everyday life or you feel like you have lost the spirit. I feel this way at times and worry if I maybe backsliding. After some thought I have determined that just because you may not feel like your are doing the Lord's will by performing some action one may associate with being a Christian like spreading the Gospel or helping other directly that you are doing God's Will if you are trying to lead a good life and resist temptation to sin. Just by living a simple life without sinning you set an example for others. Not only this but you ease your own burden by not taking on more sin. You sin when you do something wrong in the eyes of the Lord or man you have to live with consequences and the guilt that eats at you.
Now consider that by living a good uncomplicated life you put less of a burden on Christ who died for our sins. If you look at your sin as a weight to be carried by
another person the less you sin the less they have to carry. How great full would that person be if you kept that load light? Probably very great full and would be appreciative that you were thinking of them. Christ loves it when we do our utmost to keep his load light because it shows we are thinking of him and we know he is our savior. I am not saying to keep it light because Christ cannot carry the load, he can carry any and everything, I am saying keep the load light because it shows you have accepted him as your savior. Don't worry about coming to Jesus with a heavy load of sin luggage from your past, he will gladly accept it and take the burden from you. What does he want in return? Your love and you can show that by trying your best not to add more sin luggage to the load. Oh yeah, unlike airlines the Lord does not charge you for checked baggage.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

You may not agree but sometimes things require troops on the ground.

I saw the picture of a toddler who drowned when his family tried fleeing the conflict in Syria by boat. It is pure tragic and very stupid this situation over there led to this. A situation so bad people risk crossing the Mediterranean in overcrowded boats to escape. Most of the blame can fall on ISIS and the Syrian government, but a bit of that blame can fall on world leaders who say they want to help end this but in reality have no clue how or choose not to follow the advice given to the by military advisors.
One of those is our own President. President Obama's current policy / strategy of using air strikes and training local fighters to deal with the problem is flawed, and greatly so. The first problem is knowing your friends and allies. We do not know this because many over there tend to change allegiances depending on what they can gain personally. Some of the fighters we train defect to the other side and use tactics they learned against us or our allies. Supplying weapons over their is like issuing a convicted murder a pistol after he is released on parole. And somehow I think the air strikes are being run too much the way some were during Vietnam. Never handcuff your forces by running a war based on politics, it does not work. Never fight over the same territory twice, always fight to win, but our allies keep gaining and losing ground over and over.
This has turned into a humanitarian crisis because of the lack of resolve to put an end to it. It is political posturing by countries and leaders where nothing is done. Have we not learned from history that you cannot win a war with air power alone. Air power is a tool to be used to further a strategy it has to be supplemented with a solid ground component to work.
Using superior air power to supplement a weak disorganized ground force is a waste of lives, both soldiers and citizens, and taxpayers dollars.
You want to end this crisis? Then bomb and sweep, and I don't mean with a small whisk broom but a full size push all the crap out of the way push broom composed of the U.S Army and Marine Corp.
Now I am not one to push for war but I know sometimes to set the world right you have to do what you got to do and when you do it don't do it halfway, you go full bore until the bad guys can't fight no more!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Kardashians, socially irresponsible and It is time to stop.

Now I normally like to talk about being a Christian in my blog and as a post on my Facebook page and I like to think that I do so with guidance of the Holy Spirit. Well today I am talking about society and specifically about a particular family I feel has done more damage to society than any good they try to portray they do. Yes, everybody's favorite family the Kardashians.
There is something I believe in and something I think Hollywood tends to lack, social responsibility. I feel the Kardashians are the epitome of social irresponsibility in their life they chose and show on TV. Despite how their public relations people try to spin it and they charities they donate to for show, they are nothing more than spoiled rich party girls who set a bad example in almost all aspects of their lives. Life is not one big party and should not be treated as such, this is why many celebrities end up washed up or dead at an early age, it is irresponsible. Now you may think "Oh they don't do drugs," or whatever but I tell you they and their camp followers spend a lot of time with people that do so their is a good chance they do too. Go through the Internet bounce some names associated with the Kardashians and see how many have died or have been in trouble with the law. You might be surprised or maybe you just don't care.
Here is another and I have a real problem with it, the Kardashians prey on people for their money, especially young adult girls and teens. Their stuff is marketed to them. They have a game that lets you live a virtual life like they do. Here is the catch, you have to pay for things in the game to do anything, so some person hard earned money goes to a family who pretty much get paid for scratching their asses (I am sure they pay someone to do that for them). Now if that is not bad enough part of the game description talks about dating celebrities, getting a boyfriend, and then dumping him. Way to show how relationships should be Kardashians. (Sarcasm there if your reading it or having someone read it for you. I am sure the big words like "the" trip you up.)
Now if you have been a victim and purchased the game and I am sorry but you are two things. One you are a victim. Two you are stupid. Now while you are sweating money for your rent, next meal, or how to tell your parents about the hundreds of dollars on their iTunes account do you know what the Kardashians are doing? first they are not thinking of you or what you are going through; they do not care one bit. Second they are having a good time partying drinking maybe doing drugs or paying for one of their friends, who knows. And you know what else? There have their people looking around for other ways to market their name to get your money.
"Oh but they do so much for people," you say? Do they? No, their charities and donations are for two things. One Tax write-offs for the money they took from you. Heck they probably keep there money in offshore accounts so they do not have to pay their fair share of taxes while you or your parents, maybe both, pay more. Second they do it for publicity to get you to think better of them because they know it is easier to get your money if you think "They are the greatest people".
You see I have no use for these people. In my opinion they do more damage to society doing what they do than any good. Look at it like this; one life is priceless more precious than all the gold in the world. It is a simple fact. Now if you, me, or anyone were to do anything that causes even one life to be lost do to our actions then any good we have done is gone; erased by our bad choice. You cannot bring them back. You can never repay enough for their life. Now if someone sets their self to be idolized so they may profit, and in doing so causes a person to be harmed for following them or killed, they erase any good they may have done or can do. Check internet and see if this has not been the case already. It is better to find out for yourself by searching than me tell you.
You may say that this can't happen because they are just celebrities no one copies them. You wrong. If media could not influence behavior we would not have advertising. It is that simple.
What needs to happen to prevent further spread of social irresponsibility by the Kardashians and others of their ilk is to stop watching them, stop buying their stuff, stop playing their games. You will probably appreciate the real world and people around you more and you definitely will have more money. Put yourself before fake celebrities who care nothing for you. If they did it would not cost an arm and a leg to play their game.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why Jesus chose common men

Why Jesus chose everyday Joes as his disciples and not the religious leaders of the time.

One of the lessons that Jesus taught in the Gospel has to do with putting new wine in new wine bags and not sewing new cloth on old garments. This goes far in my book and The Book on explaining why he chose men from everyday walks of life such as fishermen and laborers. Let's look at what it means for new wine to be put into new wine skins first.
Back in the day one common inexpensive way to store wine instead of having to pay for barrels or jars, which were also bulky, was to make wine bags or wine skins from the hides of animals, you know what they look like, booda bags. (Now more commonly used for smuggling booze into concerts) now the thing about these bags and new wine is well new wine as it ages tends to do a number on the wine skin. It weakens the skin but it is okay for the wine that is in there because it has aged and pretty much stopped reacting with the material and some volume is lost due to evaporation so there is less pressure on the wine skin. Now let's say you emptied your wine skin and decide to fill it up with new wine. Now you have the same process of the wine skin getting worked on by the wine plus the skin has lost its ability to stretch and so you fill it up and "bam" it bursts. (I guess they didn't need to have a nickel deposit for the return of the wine skin)
Now as for sewing new fabric on old garments. (We're talking cotton no synthetics back then. Only needed one setting on the ironing rock) if you ever washed a new pair of jeans you know they shrink a bit. (Shrink to fit wow marketing using a natural fabrics own properties like you invented it, way to go jean companies) now think of putting a new piece of cotton fabric cut to fit a particular hole on an old piece of clothing. First time you wash it it shrinks, stitches pull out and the next thing you know people are seeing parts of you they shouldn't.
Now, let's make these teachings fit (nice pun) my hypothesis. You see Jesus came not only to die for our sins but to bring the Word to the world. Now this Word was different than that was being taught by the leaders. Christ teaching was about forgiveness which different from what was being taught in the temple which equated to follow these laws to the letter because if you don't God will punish you. Now the old leaders and teachers of the law were set in their ways because it gave them control, riches, and power pretty much. Now I am not saying all were like this but the higher up were pretty much that way. Now Jesus came with this new forgiveness and teaching the true laws of God and there was no way the old teachers were going to accept this, if everybody could come to the Lord for forgiveness how could they make a living without the offerings? Now Jesus new this and he new the people needed this message so he went to them to teach them the Real Word of God knowing they would not be hindered by old ways. He knew that these new Vessels could accommodate his message without bursting at the seems and they in turn could feel other vessels. This would go on and on. A new teaching to feel the willing spirit, a message of Salvation.
I like to think that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit the message was past on as God intended but I know there were times in history people back slid and tried to control the message for their own gain. This was quite common in the Middle Ages until people with the guidance of the Holy Spirit got the message back on track. God's Mercy, Christ's Sacrifice is forgiveness for all who accept Him and no man should determine who should or should not receive it.

Monday, August 24, 2015

What I would do for the end of the world.

So I watched the movie "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" and thought about what I would do faced with the same situation. I am not talking Jesus coming type end, I am talking big piece of space rock falling from the sky making a big boom type end.
Well, obvious I would want to spend the last few days with family and loved ones, but their is something else I would like to do. I hope and pray that I could be selfless enough and have enough courage to try and bring others to the Lord. Well, bring at least one person to the Lord instead of just running amok and saying "I can do anything I want because it doesn't matter". No, I want to say I can do something that matters. Now if one person was Saved and made it to Heaven because of my actions it would me more than anything, even if by some chance I did not make it there myself; I pray I do. Anyway that is what I would like to do if the end of the world was near.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Forgiveness means not rehashing the bad stuff, be...

My writing and Christian experience.: Forgiveness means not rehashing the bad stuff, be...: You know forgiveness is one of Christ's main message. He covers that in His Word. Even his sacrifice is forgiveness; our sins forgiven ...

Forgiveness means not rehashing the bad stuff, because Jesus doesn't like old cold hash, no one does.

You know forgiveness is one of Christ's main message. He covers that in His Word. Even his sacrifice is forgiveness; our sins forgiven if we believe in Him as our Savior. We are washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb so we may enter into the Gates of Heaven. God does not want feet dirty from sin walking on his clean floors so we are washed clean through Christ.
Now here is the problem with us hear on Earth. You see many times we tell someone they are forgiven but we sometimes through their past back in their face. I admit I have been guilty of this myself and it is wrong.
When we dredge up the dirt of the past on someone who asks forgiveness and we grant are we really forgiving? Not really. What we are doing is taking that dirt we bring up and splash the mud on ourselves. You see we are hurting someone and lying which means we are sinning.
But what if the person who asks for forgiveness keeps sinning against us? You forgive them. You also pray for them too. You may point out there is a pattern but don't beat them up about it. When you dwell on a bitter past you make the present and future taste bitter. Not Good.
Now to those who keep sinning against you this is not a license to keep doing it. No, if they keep harming you asking for forgiveness each time then they are not truly penitent and will have to suffer the consequences of their actions. Take the high road no matter how hard because it leads you in the right direction. Leave the low road to those who do not change. The road may seem easier to them but is going to a place that no one wants to go so why follow.
Also, by setting an example for forgiveness you show others to the Way of the Lord, this is good.
Now to anyone that I may have used their past against I am sorry and as forgiveness from you and the Lord. Most important, I ask the Lord to help me from doing it again.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: To Westboro Baptist Church (Hate Group)

My writing and Christian experience.: To Westboro Baptist Church (Hate Group): Westboro Baptist Church. There are three problems I can with this so called "church"'s name. I will address the two lesser pro...

To Westboro Baptist Church (Hate Group)

Westboro Baptist Church. There are three problems I can with this so called "church"'s name. I will address the two lesser problems first. I am sure the majority of the residence of the Westboro neighborhood of Topeka Kansas would want nothing to do with a group that spouts such hate and probably would like "Westboro" dropped from its name. If you are reading this, anyone from Westboro Baptist Church, do the neighborhood a favor and drop "Westboro" from your name.
Problem number two. Now I went to a Southern Baptist Church as a child and have attended a few since then and never did I hear hate preached like "Westboro Baptist Church" never heard any. Now I know there are a few Baptist organization out there and,  as I understand it, none want to be associated with you Westboro Baptist Church because of your hate. Come on do all the Baptists a favor and drop Baptist from your name.
Now her is the most important one I believe. Jesus did not preach hate nor did he send out disciples to preach hate. I do know he did not like the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders at the time but he did not hate them, he prayed for them even as the had him crucified. Jesus also ate with sinners and taught them the Good News. I am sure many turned away from sin with his gentle teaching for his burden is light in contrast to the burden of sin. I have never seen were Christ condemned someone to death. He saved a sinner from death by stoning. Now Jesus loves all even sinners, he doesn't like the sin. Now Jesus can only do what he sees the Father, his Father do. What does this mean? It means God loves all including sinners. Now if God hated sinners do you think he would have sent his Son to die for our Sins? Would not make sense unless he loved us All.
Now I am not sure why but I think you do not understand the Word because you probably don't have the Word, Jesus, in your heart. I pray one day you do. Just one last think. Church to me is the Holy Body of the communion of those who accept Christ as their savior and try very hard to live a life according to his teaching and part of that is to not hate but Love thy Neighbor and forgive. I see that you seem not to fit into this definition of the Church so can you do a favor for us that do, take church out of your name.
Ok, if you take all the words I recommend you take out of your name, Westboro Baptist Church, out of your name you won't have a name. Hmmm can't have that it would be bad for the press. I have it! Like so many things you can name yourself after the actions that define you. You spout hate and your a group, so your new name is "Hate Group". Now with this new name you will not taint others.

My writing and Christian experience.: The time when Jesus got Mad.

My writing and Christian experience.: The time when Jesus got Mad.: The time when Jesus got Mad Is it right to say Jesus got mad? In this case I thinks so. You see Jesus has a great Love for His Father's...

The time when Jesus got Mad.

The time when Jesus got Mad
Is it right to say Jesus got mad? In this case I thinks so. You see Jesus has a great Love for His Father's House and will look after it with zeal. It's like us here on Earth, I know I won't let someone come into my parents house, disturb their piece, and use it for their own gain by turning it into a market place. I mean who would, but that happened to Jesus at the temple. You see back in the day people would offer sacrifices to the Lord the value set according to what the leaders of the Temple thought pretty much. Now merchants saw a demand, they knew people would travel great distances and would most likely not be able to bring their sacrifice with them. You try bring a calf or a bunch of birds from Damascus worse than a road trip with a car full of kids. Now these merchants knew this and set up shop right in the temple, right in the Lord's House. Now I don't think they did this with out the permission of the temple leaders and I am sure there were kickbacks. Now these merchants were doing pretty much what the movie theaters do these days, they were charging way more than they should like when you pay 5 bucks for a small soda at the movies. Now they were defiling the House of The Lord, preying upon those wanting to worship God. They brought Sin into the House of God. Jesus could not stand this and ran these money changers and merchants out of His Father's House. To have the fury of the Lord after is probably a scary sight and I am sure they ran to the hills.
Now Christ was not through, when the temple leaders asked on whose authority he did this by, he told them that if they destroyed this temple, meaning his body, he could rebuild it in three days. Which pretty much says "I have the power of God more power than death so I do not need any man's authority, I do the Father's will." Now later on when the leaders had Jesus crucified he made good on what he said and rose from the tomb after three days". Pretty good proof for me, but not them.
Now what disturbs me these days is how some churches have slid back. No not to selling sacrifices in the church (imagine the fit PETA would throw) but are more concerned with the bottom line, money. I know it takes money to operate a church but some take it to extremes. I just can't see why a pastor needs a Limo, big gold jeweled rings, and a fancy suit. Also they can get lost building what they think is a masterpiece of architecture for a church instead of getting the message out there and taking care of the real temple, us.
There is no need to Fleece he Flock a true worker of God is worthy of his wages and the Lord will see to them. I also believe a true worker of God is humble and gives all Glory to the Lord.
Now if back in the time of the temple when Jesus cleared the temple because of what people were doing in it, imagine what he will do when he returns to see what people do in His Father's House in His Name.

Friday, August 21, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Good is the nature of God

My writing and Christian experience.: Good is the nature of God: Never confuse bad things as God's work. Many times when people see something bad happen, especially to good people, they say it is God...

Good is the nature of God

Never confuse bad things as God's work.

Many times when people see something bad happen, especially to good people, they say it is God's Plan or God is testing them, well I disagree and here is why.
You see I see God as creation and Love. I see him who sent his Son to die for our sins as caring. Now with all that how can I see him committing acts of evil? You see it is against his very nature. And creation goes against evil which is destruction. This is contrary to God's nature.
I also look at the Word of Jesus, the Word itself incarnate. When Jesus was accused of being a demon or possessed by one His answer shows the truth, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Now you may say this is for the devil, for satan that in his nature he can not do good such as healing because it is against his nature, but it means the House of the Lord, which is all caring, loving, and founded on the Glory of God cannot do anything that would destroy it by going against its nature.
But what about disasters and other things that befall us? Well those are either from nature or caused by man. They have one thing in common, they are of this world and who is prince of this world? Satan.
Now how it all falls int God's plan is that God wants you to come to him and in Bad times many are likely to search for answers and when we turn to the Lord, that right there is part of God's plan.
Now about being tested. Pretty much is satan trying to test you to turn you away from God using the instruments at his disposal, those of the world. He did this to Job too. Remember by staying with the Lord during testing, trying times you will be restored in the end. For in the end The Lord will overcome the prince of this world for it is part of the Word.
Stay true to the Word,the path during good times and bad. Though it may seem dark at times if you look around you will see the light. It may see small at first like the light through a door crack but it will brighten to day if you follow.
God Bless.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Drugs and spiritual hearing.

My writing and Christian experience.: Drugs and spiritual hearing.: If you do not know I do not drink. It is not because I am an alcoholic it is because I choose not to drink. In truth I hate the buzz feeling...

Drugs and spiritual hearing.

If you do not know I do not drink. It is not because I am an alcoholic it is because I choose not to drink. In truth I hate the buzz feeling and it is one reason I am hesitant to take painkillers or other stuff unless the pain is really bad. I also do not smoke pot although it is legal to do so in Washington state.
Now I am not saying anything against those who partake within reason, just do not do it and drive. I will say something about doing it to excess or getting involved with the really bad drugs. Let me tell how I see things below.
Now we all are spiritual creatures of God's creation whether we believe in him or not. Now just like our physical body our spiritual body has ears and can hear. This hearing is how we receive the message of the Lord and it is how our spiritual counselor, God's Holy Spirit, talks to us. It's a great thing and to hear this way is more beautiful they the most artistically created musical masterpieces of man.
Now just like our ears there things that can make it hard for us to hear the Spirit, the noises of a life away from the Way of the Lord is one, the sinful life. Now there are also things that can act as spiritual ear muffs. Excessive drinking and drug use can tend to really make it hard to Listen to the Spirit. Now with that voice pretty much dampened out we tend to lose our direction an stray from the path where other noises pop up and lead us further astray. Now I am not saying God cannot overcome that noise, he can overcome anything with a voice louder than thunder from the clouds. No, God is waiting for a time when you are not so distracted by the noises of sin that you will not only hear but pay attention to what is being said to you. When our these time? Maybe, most likely I would say, when a person comes down from a high and crashes to the ground, when you feel the worst depression, lower than low. That is the Thunder telling you to listen to what comes next, be it direct from the spirit or someone who reached out to you or you have reached out to them. Listen, and make way for the Lord for he shall restore you spiritual body so you many listen further to the Glorious voice that is the Holy Spirit.
What I hope you take away from this is that you do not do anything that dampens your spiritual hearing. I am not saying not to drink and such but to do so in moderation.
God Bless

The Path

God created man not the other way around. We are to fit God's plan not the other way around. God's plan is for us to find him through his son Jesus who died for our sins and not for us to find him without the Light that is son and our Savior, Jesus. No one can find God without finding his Son Jesus first it is written so in the Word and the Word is Jesus.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: If you fear a race, fear yourself!

My writing and Christian experience.: If you fear a race, fear yourself!: Last night I had a dream and that dream was a lesson I will share with you. As everyone knows there has been many stories of white cops sho...

If you fear a race, fear yourself!

Last night I had a dream and that dream was a lesson I will share with you.
As everyone knows there has been many stories of white cops shooting unarmed black men. This is not what I am writing about but does deal with things and comments I have read on news sites. Maybe my dream can help explain.
In my dream I was a child and in my dream my family did not live in Carrabelle, Fl but in a low income neighbor probably near Atlanta. We were a minority in the majority black neighborhood. I remember being frightened about living in the neighborhood and wondered if that meant I was racist, and that frightened me more.
You see there were things I saw around the neighborhood that scared me. There were robberies, drug deals, prostitution, and violent crimes happening that I witnessed now and again.
Now there was something else I noticed and that was the people. The people did not frighten me for most were not involved in the behaviors I listed above; they were just people living their lives like me and my family. They worked, laughed, played, and loved; and like me they did not like the criminal element going on.
When I woke I pondered the meaning and there are several things I discovered. The first is we are all people of the same God and created equal. We all can choose to do good or bad. No matter the neighborhood or the race it that makes up the majority all face the same problems. Most problems are social economic in nature so low income neighborhoods are more likely to suffer higher crime rates regardless if they are black, white, or Asian. The problem is when we see bad things in a neighborhood and lump everyone together and blame it on race. While people make up a neighborhood the person is not defined by what goes on in that neighborhood so why should a people as a whole be defined by certain bad individual s? They should not. Now some may say that the people should be responsible for their neighborhood and stop the criminal element? How? I know people try and do so to some success, but how can a person of any race who is working hard just to get by possibly give more time to their neighborhood to clean it up yet still have time for family? Could you in a similar situation? Now think of fear of retaliation? That plays a factor. There are many factors.
What I am saying do not judge a people because of what you think is the big picture presented to you by media. Look at a people by examining the individuals that make up the people and you will find the majority are like you and share the same values. Never be fearful of someone because of the color of their skin as God created all alike there is no reason to; if you do fear someone because of the color of their skin the person you should actually fear is yourself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Jesus, The Word.

My writing and Christian experience.: Jesus, The Word.: Christ Jesus main mission was for our salvation, but what about his other mission? Well one was to bring the Word to the world because many ...

Jesus, The Word.

Christ Jesus main mission was for our salvation, but what about his other mission? Well one was to bring the Word to the world because many strayed and God's word was corrupted overtime by power hungry officials and contamination from other cultures such during the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. Now not all were contaminated, Daniel and his friends held fast as reflected in the Bible. Now others continued in such away they were Against the Word and even turned on God's messenger, his prophets that he sent forth to guide people back to the Word, but the people rejected them an persecuted them. Finally he sent his Son,the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus who was spoken of by Moses and King David. What did the teachers of the law do? They killed him instead of accepting the Word and the Light that existed before creation. Jesus who was rejected and killed by those who were supposedly of Holy office rose from the tomb to show he has Power over Death and by accepting Him as our Savior, the Word, and the Light we our guaranteed Eternal Life. The restoration of Israel depends on the restoration of the Word to the Children of Israel. Jesus is the Word in Spirit and the Flesh.

Monday, August 17, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: My view of predestination and being a Christian.

My writing and Christian experience.: My view of predestination and being a Christian.: Recently I heard of a individual I know believing in predestination. This person has the belief pretty much that what he does does not matte...

My view of predestination and being a Christian.

Recently I heard of a individual I know believing in predestination. This person has the belief pretty much that what he does does not matter God has decided what is going to happen and nothing they do matters so they live a life of "why bother?".
Well, I will tell you why bother. Because predestination is wrong, very wrong and here is why. We have free will to do or not do which leads to consequences. Now those consequences can be good or bad, sinful or worthy of blessings. We choose this. Now by believing predestination and going why bother we run the risk of not just sinning by acting but sinning by failing to act. Now would God our creator who created us for fellowship with him in heaven if we are found worthy (he loves all of us so he gave us Christ to overcome our sinful limitations) set up a system for failure? No. Christ says that woe to them that causes his children to stumble. Now, would God go against his own words? No.
Now it gets confusing when people speak of God's plan and God's will; many see it as predestination set in stone and believe once saved always saved. I doubt this is true because we have all seen people fall from Grace, some may turn back and be saved, others do not. Does this mean Christ has lost one that was given to him? No, True salvation means to be given to the Lord and is shown in action and words. I understand people stray at times but the Lord leads them back. Now if once saved always saved or once damned always damned were true why would there be a need for Christ? Why would the Lord subject his Son to such treatment that no man could endure if there was not a choice? Jesus died on the cross for our sins to show that he has power over death which equates to Eternal Life with him in his Father's Kingdom. It is that simple. We can choose life in Christ or death in flesh by letting our desires lead us away. So the key here is Choice and the Free Will to choose.
Well God knows everything from Alpha to Omega, past, present, and future so he must have it written down as his plan? Yes and no. You see many of us look at time as the fourth dimension or as the same everywhere and everything including God is subject to this law. God makes the laws so it is highly likely he is in his own frame of reference and viewing our time frame of reference from there with the beginning and end all laid out in front of him. And even now you, your heavenly self is right there with him in his Kingdom, his reference frame, if you choose to accept Christ died for your sins and has power over death. If you have then you will have fruits that he will judge you by, if not or you just payed lip service you will have a bunch of sin rotted fruits that will condemn you to hell. Now some will have a few bushels of good fruit and some may only have a single fruit, but as long as that fruit is good you will have an equal share in God's Kingdom. Who judges the fruit? Christ Jesus our Savior. I'll give you a hint: Good fruits involve accepting Christ truly and love for you fellow man (mankind). Realize that Christ can spot rotted fruit miles away so it can not be hidden, but if you truly accept him as your savior he will rid you of your rotted fruit and soon you will produce the Good Fruit of God, even if it is only one piece. Also we produce Good Fruit in our own way according to our talents and abilities; God knows these and will place you in the best place to grow.
Earlier I talked about inaction being sinful and this being a danger for believing in predestination, I believe it is true. Predestination can make one lazy thinking that God is solely responsible for tending to your garden and will produce the Good Fruit for you. No, God wants you to use your abilities the best you can to produce fruit. So if you set around doing why bother your Garden that Christ helped tidy up for you will go unattended a be worse than before. Not Good. Why is it worse than before? It is because you have heard the word of God and did not use the tools unlike someone who never heard the Word of God and therefore has an excuse. I believe God has away to help those who never received the Word in this life.
I believe Calvin should never have brought forth predestination as so many are wrongly informed and miss lead. So believe that God's plan is for fellowship in Heaven for those that have accepted his Son, Jesus the Christ, died for our sins, our salvation from eternal death. Don't believe just because you were baptized you are saved anymore. Remember it is still possible to get dirty after you have been washed, and Just like good restaurants you won't get in the door if you're covered in filth and smell like a pig.
Go Forth and Produce Good Fruits according to your abilities.
God Bless!

My writing and Christian experience.: The problem with Discovery ID and True Crime shows...

My writing and Christian experience.: The problem with Discovery ID and True Crime shows...: Today I gave my wife, Diana, some advice I probably should have given a long time ago. I told her to stop accepting requests for interviews ...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: The problem with Discovery ID and True Crime shows...

My writing and Christian experience.: The problem with Discovery ID and True Crime shows...: Today I gave my wife, Diana, some advice I probably should have given a long time ago. I told her to stop accepting requests for interviews ...

The problem with Discovery ID and True Crime shows.

Today I gave my wife, Diana, some advice I probably should have given a long time ago. I told her to stop accepting requests for interviews about her daughter's murder. You see networks like Discovery ID and their shows like Deadly Sins look for interesting twisted murders to show on TV. They say they do it to get the victim's story out there so they are not forgotten when actually they do it for ratings and money. Now at what cost are they doing this? Well, the cost of the other victims of the crime, the family and friends of the victim who have to relive the murder, the painful loss of the loved one who was murdered.
Now the value of a person and their loss cannot be measured in money, it cannot be measured at all. A life is priceless but these shows make money off their stories and the pain of loss. A crying parent talking about the loss of a child is priceless to them, it is gold because people want to watch this stuff. Advertisers pay good money to advertise in during the show's time slot. Now while the networks are counting their money the other victims are counting the tissues they go through while suffering through the pain of remembering yet again. No heart in show biz, ratings for tears. What does the victim's family get? "Thank you for sharing your daughter's story. If you need more tissue feel free and here have a cold bottle of water to replace all the liquid you lost crying. If you want we can send you a DVD copy of the show."
So next time you watch one of these true crime shows remember what the victim and their family went and are going through while the network is raking in the money.

Friday, June 5, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Rename tropical storms.

My writing and Christian experience.: Rename tropical storms.: You know I think they should stop naming tropical storms / hurricanes after people. I mean really, who wants their name associated with a na...

Rename tropical storms.

You know I think they should stop naming tropical storms / hurricanes after people. I mean really, who wants their name associated with a natural disaster? They should start naming them by using curse words, like A-hole, B!tch, (ba$t^rd can be used every other year to give a manly feel) and so on. And if you need to reuse the names you can add the year to distinguish the storms, ex A-hole2021, A-hole2055. There would be only one problem, school children. Imagine getting an essay from a kid on what they did on their summer vacation.
"They summer start out nice. My dad thought it would be a good idea to go to the Beach, so we all piled into the car, We meaning my parents my brothers, sisters and smelly dog, and drove two days to Florida. Florida was fun until A-hole arrived and ruined everything. I hate hurricane a-hole. Mom said we could stay somewhere until A-hole passed and go back to the beach but dad said B!tch was on the way so we'd best go home. I hate B!tch."

Friday, May 22, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: Finally, why you should not believe everything on ...

My writing and Christian experience.: Finally, why you should not believe everything on ...: Ok, I know it has been awhile since I last posted and I did say I would talk about not believing or trusting everything on the Internet, but...

Finally, why you should not believe everything on the Internet.

Ok, I know it has been awhile since I last posted and I did say I would talk about not believing or trusting everything on the Internet, but sometimes life throws curves and, well, things go by the way for a bit.
My original intent was to write some outlandish though scientific sounding articles to explain numerous natural phenomena to hopefully get them to spread around. After a time I would then come clean about my writing on these topics. I did write one whacked out blog about the Warm blob off the Pacific Northwest. The only thing factual is that there is in fact a warm blob of water off the PNW coast of North America that was and is effecting our weather, the rest however is BS. In order to get a hitch in the earth rotation like I wrote in the blog I would first have to rewrite the natural laws of physics, a job only God is qualified to do.
The purpose was to show that even if something sounds plausible on the Internet and even if it is loaded with big scientific words it should not be believed until verified by factual, trustworthy sources.
Oh man drifting off here so I will some up. The next time you read a news article posted by someone, especially if they say, "I know this happened because ...." Verify with other sources before you repost. When I say other sources I mean those other than listed by the article. 
Now why would someone post something not true about someone or something? Simple, to cause trouble. Don't fall into someone else's trap, consider the source and check other places of information before you repost something that maybe utterly false.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Delay posting.

Sorry about not blogging much as I have been busy. Here is why: Spring + yard = Yardwork  + bad back = pain = discomfort = low motivation = not blogging. Hopefully back to normal soon, less busy + less pain = blogging.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The warm blob off The West Coast.

Living here in the Beautiful Pacific Northwest, an area that depends on water to keep it green, I could not help but be concerned about are lack off snowfall in the mountains this past winter. Why? It is the snowpack that provides water to our rivers and streams an therefore our greenery. Looks like a dry brown summer this year. Being concerned I did some research to find out why we are so dry. It turns out there is a mass, "blob" if you will, of warmer than normal water in the Pacific just off the U.S. West coast. This blob has been screwing up the normal weather pattern that sees storms from The Gulf of Alaska with their cooler air dropping snow in the mountains with some occasional lowland snow for the Seattle area. The question now is how the blob formed? Here is what I found out. 
I went to numerous sites on the web and came across The Department of Meteorlogy for North Border University, a private college on the U.S. Canadian Border just south of Victoria B.C. The site has a great article written by Professor Georges E. Planhavven (What country did that originate from?). According to Dr. Planhavven the blob is a phenomenon caused by a "hitch" in the rotation of the Earth caused the unbalanced mass of the Earth. The paper goes into detail (man does it ever. As boring as a Navy Technical manual) about how this "unbalance" came about causing the Earth to slow its rotation, like a hitch in one's step, when the Pacific Ocean, specifically the East Pacific (west coast U.S.) is facing the sun. Now this slowing of only a few hundreds of a second is enough time for extra solar radiation to be absorbed by the Ocean and thereby throw off our weather.
Now we know that this is a recent problem so something had to set it off. Dr. Planhavven theorizes that recent seismic activity in the Western Pacific (Earthquake in Japan and tsunami and the Boxing Day earthquake a few years earlier) caused a slight bulge in the Earth which set up what is called "mass unbalanced modulation" causing our now uneven rotation. He further states that this is not permanent and will dampen itself out within the next decade.
Wow, no I now. I am sorry I can't post the links to where I got my info, I am writing this at 12AM on my IPad and still can't get the cut and paste thing down on this.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

One of next weeks topics: The Internet, your source for misinformation!

It's funny, sad, and true. What started out as a way to share knowledge has become know for spreading false information at the speed of light, not to mention stupid Kardashian tricks!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Why I like Backstrom and why Fox should keep it, plus some input.

Ok, here is a a show that I like that may surprise people, Backstrom. Here is why I like it. First I will say I like House and Everret Backstrom is much like the acerbic Greggory House. Another reason is the cast, Rainn Wilson, Dennis Haysbert, Thomas Dekker, Page Kennedy, Genevieve Angelson, and the rest. (Sorry I remember numbers and facts more than names. Weird because I have a near photographic memory) Rainn Wilson comes off real well as playing the psychologically scarred Backstrom, he makes you hate and love the character at the same time. I thinks this is because you know his bitterness is because of the crap sandwich life as served him, although I think Backstrom ordered some of it ala carte on his own. Then you have his co-workers on the police force who recognize his genius even if they themselves do not approve of his methods, especially seeing Gravely's look when Backstrom does something totally off the wall and definitely not by the book.
The writing is great, I love the plots and how they develop plus the peek into the characters' back stories. The back story of Backstrom is something else that endears the character to me, losing his mom as an infant, having jerks for brothers growing up, and being raised by a sheriff father who would come in last in a father of the year contest at a max security prison; you just can't help but feel for him. And now with finding out Valentine is his brother, well I want to see how that goes.
Here is another reason I want the show to continue; I want to guest star as one of Backstrom's jerk older brothers. I figure I could go to acting school (never too late to learn,right?) establish myself as star then be cast to guest star on the show. There is only one problem with this plan and that is I have social anxiety. Oh well, to dream. Wait, I could play the murder victim at the beginning of the show. If you provide the makeup I can do the rest, I am use to just setting around doing nothing, I was in the Navy for 11 years and had to wait in so many lines I got it down pat. Now there might be a problem if you need me to be one of those eyes open victims, I practice with my eyes closed.
I also could help with the writing, not that they need help. I have at least one good idea. You see, you can have Backstrom become suspicious of his mom's suicide so he starts to investigate it. While investigating he finds out the man he thought was his dad found out Backstrom's mom was pregnant from another man and in a rage killed her. After that case is solved you can have Backstrom and Valentine look for Backstrom's real dad. After a bit of searching the once half-brothers find out Backstrom's real father is Dwight Schrute's dad. (This way Rainn Wilson can be double-billed as star and guest star. ) Furthermore, Backstrom could visit Schrute Farms and learn from Dwight that back in the '70s Dwight witnessed his dad burying something in a field. The two new half-brothers (together the make a whole brother) find the body of Jimmy Hoffa. Now that is a show. (Well, if someone was on crack it would be)
Now on to Fox, please keep the show. The show is good and if critics say otherwise it does not matter, why? Because the are critics and when was the last time an everyday Joe or Joe-ette chose to watch a show based on what a critic (who probably failed at acting or becoming a real journalist anyway) had to say? Never!
One last thing. If you cancel #Backstron, I will spread the rumor that Bill O'reilly is Rupert Murdoch's love child. Sorry I did not spell check, I dare not risk the time to allow cancellation. ( really, my hands got tired.)

Monday, April 6, 2015

My Opinion of George R. R. Martin and Game of Thrones.

I will just say that the show, "Game of Thrones " is not my cup of tea. I have seen one episode and that was enough to put me off the series and the books it was based on. Way too much sex and violence so much so that erodes away the foundation of the story. Mr. Martin maybe trying to show the politics and turmoil in this little world he created but comes across as a weird teenage boy's demented fantasy. I can only imagine how his books are written as I refuse to subject myself to a psychotic's letter to Penthouse Forum.
What I find ironic is George R. R. Martin claimed conscientious-objector status during the Vietnam war. Now I have no problem with people who conscientious-objector status if that is their belief and truly deplore violence, but for someone to do so then write books that celebrate violence, especially sexual violence against women that really disgusts me. No respect here for Mr.  Martin. What do the R's stand for, Rampage and Rape?

Friday, March 27, 2015

I'm not famous so I am nothing. God does not think so why should you?

First I want to apologize for the delay in posting. Had a little tummy trouble. Now onto the heart.
So, have you ever watched TV, a sporting event, concert or the news and said "Wow, it would be cool to be like that."? Have you saw someone you know and envied them about their success? I admit I have.
Have you ever lay in bed at night thinking I have done nothing notable in my life? I admit I have. Now, consider this: have you really done nothing meaningful? You probably have and God knows it.
While meany of us today envy those famous actors, sports figures, singers, artists, and rich people we really do not have to, no need to envy them at all. We have God to turn to and he is the one who will judge your worthy life and in the end you will be blessed with all the riches of heaven and those famous people will probably envy you! Why? Because your worthy life will be the ultimate trophy of life. I am not saying that all those "famous" people will not make it to heaven, I am sure some will but that is the Lord's call to make.
Now what is a worthy life? To believe in Jesus, The son of God, is our savior and to live a life according to his Word, to Love one another. It is best to bestow on others kindness and love in order to build up heavenly treasures. What is it for a man to gain the world if he loses his soul? Not Good.
And remember that God thinks so much of you that he gave his Son so you may have eternal life and gain the treasures of heaven. So next time consider this when thinking your life is not worth that of another. Be kind, believe in Christ, and love one another as Jesus does.
God Bless.

Monday, March 23, 2015

My next blog topic

I am thinking about writing about fame and how not being famous does not mean your life is meaningless. No life is meaningless in the Eyes of the Lord. I will elaborate on this later.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: When in dark seek the Light, Jesus

My writing and Christian experience.: When in dark seek the Light, Jesus: As I write this I am sitting in the dark, the only light is from my IPad and the Alarm clock on the dresser. Outside it is raining, cold, an...

When in dark seek the Light, Jesus

As I write this I am sitting in the dark, the only light is from my IPad and the Alarm clock on the dresser. Outside it is raining, cold, and just as dark as it is here in my bedroom. At this moment I am not concerned about the darkness like I use to be for I have Light that guides and comforts me. This has not always been the case; in years past I was in darkness even in the light of day, I was in spiritual darkness, the worst kind.
This period of darkness lasted years until just recently when I chose to turn back to the Lord. Notice I said "turn back to the Lord" for I was lucky enough to hear about Jesus at a young age. I believe that it was that exposure to the Word of God and his Love that kept me going and protected me when I was drowning in darkness, a darkness I chose to bring on myself. You see when I left home I gained freedom that I had not known before and though my parents taught me well I still let that freedom go to my head. Yes, I joined the Navy out of high school and learned military discipline but I still had freedom to do things I could not do before. I guess many faced this before and like myself lost sight of the future and Christ and fell for the pursuit of "having a good time". I started drinking, picking up women, and just partying when I could. (No drugs) 
One thing I did not do was pay attention to the Lord and in so doing I let my life get Dark, terribly dark to the point I could not see the future even if I wanted to see it. All this took a toll on me mentally and physically, it also cost me my first marriage not to mention time with my children. An ugly time, but the Lord and fate brought me to another going through a dark period, my wife Diana. Now the Light did not click on immediately after meeting Diana, we both walked awhile in the dark together and eventually helped each other get back to the Light a little at a time.
Now I am no longer in the dark for I have looked back to the Light, and If I start to lose sight of Christ again I have a beacon next to me to guide me back.
Now this is not an in depth Testement or anything else, it is just a brief word about what the Word of God can do and how the Light of the Lord can lift the darkness and spare you from eternal night no matter who you are. So if you need to overcome the cold lonely darkness I suggest you look to Jesus As he is the Light, go to his word and read the Gospel or have someone explain it to you. The darkness might not lift at once but you will see the Light even if it seems to be the light of a distant candle, follow that light to God's eternal day.
Here is why Jesus is the Light and Life, it is summed up in my favorite verse "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life " John 3:16 
God Bless

Thursday, March 19, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: The End Times Are here! Uh, you know God's schedul...

My writing and Christian experience.: The End Times Are here! Uh, you know God's schedul...: First, I want to say that I am a tad bit sleepy so I hope I can finish this post. Second, I have discussed this issue sometime before, but h...

The End Times Are here! Uh, you know God's schedule? I think not, so stop trying to scare people.

First, I want to say that I am a tad bit sleepy so I hope I can finish this post. Second, I have discussed this issue sometime before, but here is a little more.
One thing I do not like is intimidation. In my opinion it does not belong in a Christian Life and it is not a good way to spread the message of God and bring people to Christ. I know that people talk about "God Fearing" but I choose to say "God Respecting", like how one should respect their parents and God is the ultimate parent. I believe the Lord wants us to come to him as Children; that is through love.
There is a problem I see in the world that seems to conflict with this view of mine, it is the belief that people should turn to God because the end of the world is near. I do not know about you but when most people hear of the end of the world they think of death and that is a scary thing, they think of suffering and that is scary too, but what many people speaking of The End Times they are hammering on God's vengeance and that is pure terrifying. Now how off-putting is it that some people's first exposure to Christianity is to hear about the ultimate judgement and punishment? It does not shed a good light in my book. This kind of "preaching " totally skips over the Gospel and the Lord's forgiveness through Jesus.
To me the message that needs to be spread is God's Love and forgiveness. I think the word to spread is the Word of our Lord Jesus the Christ. Love, forgiveness, and guidance from the Holy Spirit that is what we all should talk about. Bring people to God through the best pitch there is the Word of Christ. If you can get people into the Word then they can receive the Lord's Forginess, the gift of the Holy Spirit as a guide through this sinful world. Use the Gospel to save, that is what it is there for! 
Now to those people saying they know it is the End Times; no, you don't! From the mouth of Jesus, only the Father knows of the chosen time. What about people who can prophecy about the End? People have been doing that since after Christ ascended to Heaven and none have come true. If they had I would be writing this blog. In my belief I sincerely doubt there is anyone on this earth today worthy of the gift of prophecy. I know one day Jesus will come from Heaven in all his Glory. Do I know when? No. Will I be alive to see it in person? I do not know, no one knows. 
What can we do until Jesus returns? Be Good Christians and spread the Gospel. Remember, the Gospel needs to be heard in every corner of the Earth first and there are certain countries that prevent that. 
And remember to love each other!
God Bless.

Friday, March 13, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...

My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...: As you know from reading this blog I love the show Gold Rush on Discovery. It is a great show. Today, with little to do as my back is healin...

My writing and Christian experience.: Why I pulled 2 of my e-book titles and what I am d...

My writing and Christian experience.: Why I pulled 2 of my e-book titles and what I am d...: The reason I pulled my works The Last Run and This, That, and the Kitchen sink  is very simple, quality control. I do not think they are up ...

Why I pulled 2 of my e-book titles and what I am doing to get them back out there.

The reason I pulled my works The Last Run and This, That, and the Kitchen sink is very simple, quality control. I do not think they are up to standard for a quality book at this time. The editing of both books was sub-par, the cover art is of poor quality, and the ending to The Last Run does not do justice to the characters or the story. I can make up excuses for why these books were published electronically in such a state but the simple reason was I was in a hurry to get my work out their and in doing so damaged my work. 
Now I intend to edit and rewrite parts of both books, definitely add more to The Last Run to give it a better ending, rework the cover art to give both works a more professional look, and republish both books though The Last Run will be re-titled The Last Run of the Dawn Marie. It is my hope to have this completed by the end of the year. 
In the future I will no publish my works before they are up to professional standards a reader expects.
God Bless

Thursday, March 12, 2015

My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...

My writing and Christian experience.: A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an over...: As you know from reading this blog I love the show Gold Rush on Discovery. It is a great show. Today, with little to do as my back is healin...

A theory to clear Jack Hoffman of dropping an oversize Boulder in the hopper without the grizzlies.

As you know from reading this blog I love the show Gold Rush on Discovery. It is a great show. Today, with little to do as my back is healing and having nothing to do, I decided to blog about something that has troubled me for a few weeks now, the mystery of the oversized boulder clogging the chute. Now if you watch the show you will know about Grizzlies bars; they are parallel bars that scree out large boulders that are too big to pass through the wash plant without causing damage. The Grizzlies are on top off the feed hopper and our operated hydraulically to tilt up to one side and let the large boulders slide off.
Well during one episode, when Jack Hoffman was loading pay dirt, a large boulder somehow made it passed the Grizzlies and blocked the chute to the conveyor, not good. Well some members of the Hoffman crew suggested that Jack dropped the large rock into the hopper when the Grizzlies were raised. Jack emphatically denies this though no one believed him. Well after a bit of prying the blockage was cleared and the large rock plopped on to the conveyor to be discharged with the other tailings. I noticed something weird about that big rock, it was essentially a large slab but with one end having a large mass to one side giving it the look of a strange "L" on its side.
Now many would look at this big rock and say "yeah, Jack dropped it in when the grizzlies were up". Not me, I think he dropped the rock on to the Grizzlies but do to its weird shape it made it into the hopper, not through the grizzlies but over the edge. Here is my theory how that happened. The rock was like a slab except on one side, now normally a slab of rock that is overhanging the non-hinged side of the grizzlies would just slide down the Grizzlies or fall off the edge when the grizzles are raised, but this one had extra mass on one side that acted as a counterweight to the hanging edge. When the grizzlies were raised the larger mass side not only acted as a counterbalance it also acted as a pivot point allowing the rock to stay in place on Grizzlies edge while rotating slightly as the bars were raised. Now at sometime this not so perfect balancing failed at a time when the rock was over the hopper and "shazam" the offending rock fell into the hopper, a one in a million chance.
This is my theory on "the Boulder through the grizzlies mystery" and it is why I believe Jack Hoffman is innocent of all charges!
God Bless 

Telling people to "Go to hell" is a sure way to get you there faster. By "there" I don't mean heaven.

We all get angry sometimes. We all say things we do not mean in the heat of the moment. We say ugly things and use colorful language that if our mother was to hear would make them shake her head in disgust. This is not a good thing to say the least but many times we do something worse, we condemn a person for eternity. Well, we do not condemn, but by our words we try to do so. I have been guilty of this like many of you. What did I do? I told someone to "go to hell" in a moment of anger. Not a good thing to do. Why is it not good?
First when you tell someone to go to hell you are taking on the mantle of the final judge, a mantle no one is worthy to wear. We are bypassing the Lord's authority so to speak. (Lucky for us that we do not have the power to condemn others to hell or we all would be there already!) 
Second we are saying we want the person we say it to to be separated from their loved ones and God for all eternity. Would you want that? I know I would not. Imagine eternal suffering in the pit without comfort, without love, an eternal thirst never to be quenched by the living water.
Third, we are saying, at least at that moment, that we do not offer mercy, we only offer hate. ( hate is baggage that cannot be brought into Heaven so leave it behind) Now how can we accept the Lord's forgiveness if we do not offer it to others?
I know it is just a saying to many but it reflects the bitterness within and shows where one's heart is at that moment, a dark pit. If you were to keep that feeling, that desire of condemnation you heart will remain there waiting for your soul to join it at the final judgement. Don't reserve a place in hell, don't tell people to go there. If someone angers you beyond yourself look to the Lord, wish that person a good day, and remove yourself from the situation as best you can.
Lastly, I want to apologize and ask forgiveness of anyone I may have told to "go to hell", I pray you forgive me, and when the time comes, that we all meet with peace in Heaven. God Bless.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The difficulties of Social Anxiety and spreading the word of God.

I am here in bed at 2AM trying to get to sleep but not having any luck. I have been thinking of different things this whole time but what stands out the most is how having social anxiety and being a Christian wanting to spread the word of God seem to be in conflict. Nothing like a person who is afraid of a crowd trying to reach out to a crowd is there? Oh boy what a conundrum that can be.
Some who no me may not realize I have social anxiety, heck some may think I can be quite the life of the party at times. Ah the false front so many of us erect to hide the truth. The truth being social settings scare the crap out of me.
Now I am not an anti social person, I actually like people, I just get nervous when I am in situations requiring me to interact with people out an about. I have not always been this way, well maybe a little, when I was younger I could actually speak in front of crowds with just a slight case of nerves. I was even an Instructor in the Navy for a bit. 
The problem start getting worse toward the tail end of my Navy career, I found it hard to go out and socialize, talk in a crowd, or be away from home. This, I can say, is not good for a person who has to work with others and leave home for months at a time. Needless to say the situation started to manifest itself into actual physical pain. You see I had injured my back earlier in my naval career when I fell about 4 feet into a pier access and landed on my can. That hurt like hell, and instead of being taken to a hospital for X-rays, I was quickly lowered below decks as the sub got underway. My back has never been the same since. Anyway, the stress I was going through was doing a number on my back with muscle spasms and sciatica, plus the depression of it all. Eventually I was discharged from the Navy for Medical reasons and at the same time went through a nasty divorce.
Not wanting to admit I had a problem with social anxiety and depression I found myself going out drinking to try and forget all the crap, this did not work at all and caused further problems and some straying from God's path. I really do not know why I would drink because I always hated the buzzed feeling, I hate anything that makes me feel out of sorts mentally; so much so I refuse to take painkillers for anything.
Anyway the social anxiety worsened taking its toll on my attemp to go to college or find a good job. I lost my dream job of working at Microsoft because I could not handle all the people their or on the commute. I always felt I had to escape back home or die of panic. The funny thing is I love Seattle, it is a great city, I just hate crowds. Social Anxiety made it hard to attend functions for my kids without feeling like I would die, that is tough to explain.
I have found some relief thanks to my wife, Diana, counseling through the VA, and Paxil I have found it easier to interact socially though I have not completely overcome my anxiety. It is funny I sometimes over compensate and talk people's ears off. 
Now let us address the tough part about being a Christian and having social anxiety. I have felt and have been taught it is the duty of a Christian to spread the word of God, the gospel to others. I believe it is part of my duty to let others know about Jesus and what he means for all of us. He is our savior, the Son of God, a gift so we all may have eternal life. Now how can I spread the word is I am afraid of my own social shadow? Hard to do. Not really, I can do it through this blog and social media. I can do it through prayer by asking for strength from the Lord to spread the word and set an example. I only recently started doing this though a voice kept telling me to get online and spread the word for awhile now. It is funny that what got me motivated to get going and work on spreading the word is a TV show on the Discovery channel, not a show from a Christian network. The show is Gold Rush, namely Todd Hoffman and his crew and how they are not afraid to show their faith. I also like Duck Dynasty and how the Robertsons are not afraid to show there faith in the Lord. I figure if they can do it then I can try and reach people with my blog. I believe that if I just bring one soul to the Lord it is worth it.
Another reason I am doing this is for my own therapy so one day I will not have anxiety in any social situations. I would love to be the "life of the party". I would love to make people laugh too.
Well I have been rambling for a bit and my tired mind is starting to fade so I will say Goodnight, or rather good morning.
God Bless

My writing and Christian experience.: Why I like Gold Rush and what I have learned becau...

My writing and Christian experience.: Why I like Gold Rush and what I have learned becau...: First I would like to give you a little background on my interest in gold. I grew up in Florida after my dad retired from the Air Force and ...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Why I like Gold Rush and what I have learned because of it.

First I would like to give you a little background on my interest in gold. I grew up in Florida after my dad retired from the Air Force and after we lived in Missouri for a few years. One of my friends, Herman Jones, dad was a science teacher and a diver. Mr. Jones had a collection of artifacts he gathered from shipwrecks he dived on, it was a cool collection and sparked my imagination of treasure ships loaded with gold and buried pirate treasure chests. Needless to say I dug a few holes in the sandy soil of Florida only to discover that Florida's watertable is not very deep where we lived. After a few years we moved from St. Joe Beach to Carrabelle another small coastal Florida town.
I soon lost my interest in buried treasure but not in gold. What got me interested in gold prospecting / panning was watching western movies with dad. Well In some of them movies there were some old time '49s who would pan for gold. The imaginative child that I was seized on this so I found a aluminum pie pan and set out for the backyard. The only think I discovered in my panning was sand, sand, and more sand. It was my dad who told me there was no gold in Florida. After this my dreams of striking it rich went down the tubes.
I eventually grew out of my childhood dream of finding gold. I graduated High School joined the navy where I served as a Navigation Electronic Technician on Submarines. I spent 11 and a half years in the Navy before I was medically discharged; a back injury, depression, and Social Anxiety did me in but that is a story for another day. Well, after I was discharged I went through a divorce and a reall dificult time in my life. What got me back on my feet was meeting my wife, Diana, a golden treasure in her own rite. Diana gave me strength to do things that helped my family and get me on the right track.
Five years ago I came across a show that sparked my interest in gold prospecting once again, that was Gold Rush. That season was the first season when Todd Hoffman and his crew where mining up in Alaska. I like the story behind the show of how Todd and his dad gathered some of their friends who were down on their luck and take them to Alaska to make a living Gold mining. That season was not the best but they came back the next year and went at again. These guys had determination and they had faith in God they were not afraid to show on TV. I loved it.
I watched the show every season and watched the ups and down, people come and go, and watched them try different places to mine. I did not think Todd made the best decision to go to South America but I still rooted for team Hoffman. While the South America adventure turned into a big toilet flush, Todd and his dad kept the dream alive and with the help of the rest of their team bounced back up in the Klondike.
The Hoffman's aren't the only reason I like Gold Rush, I loved seeing the other crews. I was impressed by Parker Schnabbel and his drive to find gold though his management style needs to changed, he will learn, you can tell he has learned a little already.
Seeing the huge cleanouts with all the gold is exciting but seeing the people on the show interact with each other to overcome issues to reach their goal is uplifting. Heck, I even get a kick out of Tony Beets and his style of getting things done (his methods would not fly in the Navy due to safety issues). His cursing does not bother me that much as I was in the Navy and if Life had a sensor to bleep bad words all you would hear on a sub would be long bleeps with an occasional word getting through.
Now here is what I have learned about gold on my own; some of it might be boring. I will discuss ore genis first, not the creation of Gold from supernovae but how it forms veins and gets deposited.
The gold that is mind today originated from meteorites that struck the earth millions of years ago. The crust was molten at the time with some of the mantle so the Gold did not sink to the core like the gold that was present during Earths formation. (Here is a fun factoid: Most of the gold on the earth is located at the earth's core were it sank when the whole earth was still molten. So if you want to find the biggest gloryhole the Earth's core is it. That is a heck of a lot  overburden to move plus you will have to seperate the Gold from the nickel and Iron that make up most of the core.)
How does the gold get from the mantle up into the crust where it is found as ore or in placer deposits? Will one of the ways I have learned, in theory, is that water gets superheated under pressure and rises up through cracks or makes its own cracks, in that superheated water are elements and compounds, some is silcon based and there is gold plus a few others. The silcon compounds form quartz and gold in the superheated water is deposited there too forming the veins of gold ore found in many mines.
This is just one way gold ore is formed. Now alluvial gold originates from veins or areas that gold is deposited by various methods and weathering of the exposed veins breaks this gold free and it is swept away by water, glaciers, or slides. Gold being 19 times heavier will settle out in a river where the speed of water and pressure is not strong enough to keep the gold moving. So it is only Logical that gold nuggets will drop out sooner while finer gold will go a little further. Remember this is dependent mainly on the speed of the water. Now many things determine the speed of water such as depth, width, volume of water, obstructions, and bends. I have learned that the inside bend is the best place to look for gold. Remember rivers shift their course over the years depending on geology, topology, and other things. When a river meanders shifting its course the bed it leaves behind contains sediments and some of that could be gold that is now buried high and dry. A good think to look for are oxbow lakes that were once bends in a river but were cutoff from the river when the river shifted its course. I bet that in gold country if you sample the area between the inner part of oxbow lake to the river it originated you probaly will find varying amounts of placer gold.
This is just a little of what I have learned coming just from memory. I also learned some geology of the various areas that have gold, especially placer deposits like the Yukon. I learned about the formation of many of the features, volcanic activity, geothermal activity, and glaciation during the last ice age. one thing that I discovered was the main glacier that covered part of the Klondike did not come from the north as one would think but the southwest. This could explain some of the big nuggets Freddy Dodge find near Carmacks, just a guess here.
With all this info and more I started doing a little comparative geography / Geology with Washington State and the Klondike so I can find areas to prospect in Washington. Logically youy would think that since Washington is close to a subduction area (the Juan Defuca plate under the North American Plate)  it would have features conducive for ore genisis and therefore placer gold, but does it? Yes and no, there is probably ore genisis going on now and some in the past but there is a problem. The problem is large volcanos that we have. Our Cascade volcanos throw out a lot of ash that can bury older previously exposed gold deposits, now those deposits are under cement like material requiring more years of weathering to break out that gold. This is not to say there is no gold to befound in Washington, there is. I plan to look for areas that undergo cycles of freeze / thaw to fracture and weather the rock, areas of mountain runoff. I may not find the motherlode or hit it big but I will find something, even if it is relaxaton.
Enough of me rattling on. God Bless!