Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A look at my sanity

Well today I thought it might be a good thing to explain some of my Blog. You will notice that I start off with something weird then finish with something more serious. Well I do this for a couple of reason, one to exercise my sense of humor (what little there may be, two I think it is good to relax and open your mind before you get into something serious like The Constitution.
I always found that when I was in school I learned more from teachers that were relaxed and easing going, you know the ones with a sense of humor. I figure this should work for most people and try to incorporate this into my writing.
So no I do not have a weird obsession with rodents, hamsters are my favorite animals, well next to penguins. So no I am not into small rodents. I’ll leave that to certain actors (or where the rodents into them. Never mind I don’t want to know).
Besides liking to have a good laugh now and again I love to learn and even teach others what I have learned or tell people how I see things in the hopes it might be of some help. I may joke around even when I am writing about history or other subject I love but when it comes down to it I value these subjects and take them serious for these are the building blocks of our future.
I am blowing off proof reading this as I am running out of time till bed time. So Catch you all tomorrow. The topics: Why a Health Care Bill is constitutional according to the Constitution according to the Preamble. And Why life doesn’t have a sound track?

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