Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why we need to know our History, and Gift Certificates that might not be a good idea.

Ok let’s tackle the easiest on first. Gift Certificates great things for when you don’t now what to give or for those who have a habit of returning gifts. They are offered by many businesses for products or services; but there are a few that might not be a good idea to give or receive. I will list a few below:
Gift Certificate for Psychological Services  –imagine the message this sends.
Gift Certificate for Dental Work –It might be a good thing but someone might be offended.
Gift Certificate for Plastic Surgery –See above

Now let us look at a scenario. You are pressed for time, an important day is approaching and you do not know what to get for your significant other. By chance you are looking through some newspaper or magazine and “Pow” it hits you; there on a page is an advertisement for plastic surgery specifically a gift certificate. You remember your significant other complaining about a certain part of their body they wish could be better. After a moment, a very brief moment, you said why not. You bounce the idea off a friend or co-worker; they smile and say you might as well get one for Therapy and dental too. You think it is a great idea and charge out the door before the person explains that they were joking.
You arrive home with card and certificates in hand on the important day proud of yourself.
Here is why you should not be proud and why you will be the one using the certificate.
Upon opening the card (at first there is a smile) your significant looks at each certificate and the smile vanishes, or that is the last thing you remember.
You wake up in the hospital wondering why you are there. You want to ask a question but find your jaw is wired shut and your nose hurts like hell. Still not clear on what happened you check out but when you checkout you are told the stay was covered by your Dental and Plastic surgery gift certificates. As you go to leave you are handed an appointment card for a therapist and told the sessions were covered by the Psychology Certificate. Lucky you right?
The lesson here is never by a gift that insinuates your significant other has a problem it might come back to bite you or at least keep you from biting. No one likes being told about their flaws especially on those important dates.

Ok now that I got that crap out of my system let’s get on to history.
When I was in the Navy I had a shipmate who was complaining about his son’s report card, specifically the grade in history. It was not because his son did bad that his son had to take history in the first place. According to my shipmate history is useless. I was taken aback. I am a history buff and find history very useful; in fact I think it is the most important subject.
I think we learn from our past, mistakes and successes, and these lessons are what we should use to shape our future. When I see memorial with the inscription “Lest we forget” I take it onboard I try to understand the event, the people, and what I would do in the situation.
I believe if we forget our past, we limit our future.
I believe if we forget our past, we are bound to make the same mistakes over and over again.
I believe if we forget our past, we forget our successes and how to succeed.
I believe if we forget our past, we lose our understanding of our fellow man.
I believe if we forget our past, we forget ourselves.
History it is the stuff futures are made of!

Tomorrow a little of my history and why hamsters are short.

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