Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why a Health Care Bill is constitutional according to the Constitution according to the Preamble. And Why life doesn’t have a sound track?

Ok we all have watched situation comedies and we have all heard that prerecorded laugh track. You know the one that is supposed to clue the viewer into what is funny. I understand the logic, laughter is infectious and hearing a group of people laughing can make you want to join in on the fun. Now imagine if life had a laugh track. Not good. There are sometimes when laughter might just do more harm than good, like those intimate moments with a significant other, Showering after Gym, anytime in a public restroom when bodily functions are accompanied by bodily noises. Imagine those time. How embarrassing and what an abuse of the laugh track. (Only the Disney Channel abuses the laugh track that bad.) So if someone decides to offer you a laugh track for life, just say no.

 We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

These words are the preamble to the constitution; the greatest legal document. If you notice the words there are two that standout, General Welfare. This means by definition to provide for the general well being of the citizens of our country. One thing that helps with the General Welfare is to provide access to affordable healthcare for everyone. Healthy and happy citizens help make a healthy nation.
My question how can a healthcare plan for the citizens of our country be unconstitutional when it provides for the General Welfare? By the preamble it cannot be unconstitutional.
As usual forgive my Typos.
Tomorrow: Kids growing up too fast. And When should you take your dogs drivers license away?

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