Thursday, January 13, 2011

Responsibility in politics and the media, plus why daytime talk shows are our best defense against space aliens.

First I still have the sinus thing so typos and grammatical errors, well I am sorry.

Ok let us start out with what concerns everybody, something that keeps us up at nights; Space Aliens. Come on how many times have you lay awake at night worrying about those little green or grey men from Zeta Reticuli, where ever that is. Well I am here to put those fears to rest. We have a defense shield, unintentional and manmade.  
First off understand that what protects us is also what let them little guys no where we are. A guy from Italy named Marconi invented this thing called the radio and man in his great wisdom used this contraption to transmit all kinds of stuff, like music, news and other entertainment. Well our far off neighbors were cruising around their little space turf and wham, they start picking up this weird signal from a little blue planet far away. Well they paid little attention until around the 1920’s they started picking up TV signals and they said “Hey let’s check this out.” About 20 or so light years away from earth they hit what I call the Springer, Maury, Montel barrier.
This is a protective shield of crappy TV that scares the hell out of highly intelligent beings. This barrier currently extends about 20 Light years from Earth and expands at the rate of 1 year per year. The aliens hit this area, see the shows and say’s “We were wrong these beings cannot be intelligent and actually seem to moving backwards in development. Do we contact these people and risk contaminating our culture? No let’s turn around now before it is too late.” I mean think about the shows and subject matter? Need I say more?

The second part of the blog. We teach our children not to call people names because it is not nice. We teach them so think before they speak. Can someone teach politicians and certain news outlets the same lessons? Just because some one or group thinks different than you, is it necessary to call them pinheads? I mean you are trying to show why your way is a better way and you are trying to sound intelligent; why act like a child and name call? Why?
Facts, Facts, not names.

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