Monday, August 22, 2011

Jumping Genres, a bad idea?

Ok, Like many people out there I have an eclectic reading taste. I like to read almost anything from Historical fiction, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Horror, and much more. The question I have is this: Why can't I write in more than one genre? I know it is done all the time where a writer will write in one genre under their real name and write in another using a pen name. Why can I not write multiple works in more than one genre?  Anyone want to answer this?

How would bouncing from one genre to another change one's writing style?  I know that there are subtle differences in genre, like mysteries and thrillers you really need that feeling of suspense while something like humor would not -unless you consider waiting for the punch line suspense-. Why can't I write Historical Fiction, Sc-Fi, or a thriller using my own name? I ponder this daily and would love input. If you have some advice email me at Thanks

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